Hiya, so I was prescribed Cerelle a week ago as my first form of contraceptive pill, as I wanted to try it out. However in the past few days I’ve had severe depression and anxiety, and a severe brain fog that makes me feel incredibly out of it. Prior to the pill, I had slight anxiety, but nothing to the extent of how I feel? Has anyone else had this experience? Do I stick it out and wait for my body to adjust? Or do I stop taking it and try something else? I’m new to the pill so I’m not really sure what to do
Depression on Cerelle - advice? - Anxiety Support
Depression on Cerelle - advice?
Hi, I haven’t been on Cerelle but I had Yasmin. I know Yasmin isn’t the mini pill like yours is but I just wanted to share my experience with you. I was prescribed it to help PMDD. 3 weeks in I was suffering from the worst depression imaginable. It was the week of my sister’s wedding and I honestly thought I couldn’t go. I cried non stop for 7 hours over not being able to open a can of tuna, felt so anxious and low I was thinking of ways I could end my life. I have never been in such a position before and I know it was down to my pill. I came off it and I’ve got an appointment with my Gp to get something else. If it’s making you feel like that then don’t carry on, there was no way I could keep taking it. Hope things improve for you soon! There are so many other pills to try and it’s trial and error until you get the right one for you.
Thank you so much for your response! It’s nice to know I’m not alone or going crazy! I hope you find something that works ❤️
You’re definitely not alone! I hope you find something too. Don’t settle for something that isn’t making you feel well!
Hi I have been on cerelle for 10 month now and I have had a really bad experience with it! I have suffered with depression, headaches, weight gain (massively) , fatigue . I'm in the process of coming of it and changing contraception method thinking of going for a coil, to see if I can stop these mood swings and depression.
Hey lovely,
I too was on cerelle and developed the worst anxiety from it. I’ve been off it 7 months now and only just starting to really tackle it and only had one period! The brain fog and crazy anxiety did stop straight away though x Chuck this pill in the bin! It’s rubbish xx