So recently I’ve had this headache daily that hasn’t gone away I feel very hot in the face and getting some head pain I really do feel as though I have a tumour but my family thinks overwise do you think I should have some tests to be on the safe side and has anyone else felt like this also pressure behind the eyes just so scared 😟
Scared I’ve got a tumour or is it just str... - Anxiety Support
Scared I’ve got a tumour or is it just stress ?

Yes it is stress. Does your jaw hurt like by the ear upper molar area. I have had a headache with aruas for 2 months now and went to er had ct scan clean as a whistle. Chopped off 3 pounds of hair and started wearing a mouth guard to bed and haven't had one yet that was last week. I mean I get a slight headache every now and again when I think about it but not the vision and pressure behind eyes. Now it's more just a headband one. Good luck hope this helped give you ideas. Gentle hugs!!
It's probably stress, but if possible, get it looked at....unless all of your family members are doctors. I say this not to be worried, but to end the worry. You can begin to logically apply what a doctor has said, "I have seen a doctor, the scans were good, and the doctor says I have nothing to worry about." Headaches, pressure, a feeling of flush in the face...could be stress, anxiety, sinus issues, and on and on. It sounds like there is a less worrisome component behind your issues, but I think it's better to hear a medical professional declare you fit and well. Just my two cents...if you're okay hearing it from us and your family, go with that and try some of the suggestions for stress alleviation.
In my own case where I was concerned about some visual issues, the neurologist went ahead and tested me with a brain scan and did an EEG (for seizures) and I received the good news that I was okay. Either way, I wish you the best and hope all goes well

I agree with Veritas get it checked and cross it off the list. Be safe with your body. When all else is ruled out it is our anxiety.

Thanks for the support I’m just scared as this headache is just horrible and I think I’m making it worst looking it up on google and I’ll get back and let you know if my brain scan was fine 🙂
Absolutely and trust me, Google is a horrible place to search because everything will seemingly fit like a puzzle that it's a tumor. That said, the symptoms of anxiety and stress can also be a lot like a tumor as well. A lot of the same feelings, but it'll be what's different. I think they typically look for a seizure before really wondering about a tumor. I'm really sorry you feel so bad and hope the scan can put your mind at ease. That's the problem with going over Google or even symptom checkers online....they go directly to the black and white and skim over the gray areas of a diagnosis. I once Googled mine and it was either tumor or a sinus infection. Pretty drastic! It did turn out to be a sinus issue, so try to let your mind relax for now. No matter how scary or terrifying the worst case is, all you can do for now is to make an appointment. Your doctor can help you with a game plan when or/if a next step is needed. You may not even need a scan when a doctor finds a more common diagnosis to explain the headaches. Truly wishing and hoping the best for you. I know it's extremely scary, but I would try to treat the headache for now and do your best to ease the worry. Sending good vibes your way, take care and please do let us know!

Hello I’m noticed the headache might just be tension can you let me know how long this could last and my doctors has been closed so I can’t go until Monday just sitting hear worred 24/7 as I’ve seen most tumours start with headaches 😭
I'm really sorry you are suffering still. Is there a hospital nearby in case things get worse headache wise? Or perhaps you can get a scan done there. I absolutely understand why you would be scared and think this has to be a tumor, but also remember how many other things begin or occur with headaches: colds, allergies, stress, anxiety, dehydration, and sure, some scary stuff has headaches as well. I just took a look at Google and there are so many other things that a tumor would put off. Pressure in your brain causing seizures, personality changes, weakness in your limbs, trouble talking or understanding. Even headaches, they want to see a different onset, frequency, and so differences than usual. I'm not a doctor so I can't say you'll be fine, but I think it's easier to say I do believe you'll be okay once a doctor treats you and you're able to get a clear answer from a professional. If this happens to be a tumor, I would say you caught it very quickly and would likely survive....but that's a "if"...we can't say that you do. It could be something in your sinuses or perhaps a migraine...or you've been really stressed out. Not enough sleep can give you a headache. I think if you can go, get to a hospital if the pain is bad enough and you truly need an answer. I hate to hear someone hurting and struggling. I think it will help you so much to know what this is. But, in the mean time, I think you need to focus on just relaxing enough to go through the process if you can minimize the pain. Tell yourself, "As far as I know, everything is okay aside from this headache. As far as I know, this isn't a tumor. If a doctor gives me the diagnosis of a tumor, I will be able to work with him to fight this. But, as far as I know, I do not have a tumor." Give yourself permission to take a break from freaking out. I think it's easy to feel out of control and as if you're helpless (anxiety) when your mind is overloading itself with danger alarms. But, aside, from the headaches, what else does your body tell you? If you can, I really think you need to spend the weekend relaxing, hydrating, and taking plenty of deep breaths. We can not handle the future or what-if scenarios, but what we can handle is the present and now. You're already two steps ahead of something that may not even exist. Truly sending my best vibes to you because you deserve relief and tranquility.

The pain isn’t Really painful it’s just dull and sitting there and won’t budge so I’m gonna go doctors Monday, just worried it’s been 4 days and it hasn’t got worst just more annoying I’m super scared just hope it’s not I’m only a teen 😭
it's very good that it hasn't gotten worse...that means it's stable, the same and isn't varying. i would take this as a good sign! I know it's scary because you have it in your head that this could be or is a tumor, but I'd really like you to approach this as you may be dealing with so many lesser things that are contributing to head pain. I remember when I was a teenager, I was worried i was going to have a heart attack from consuming too many eggs from cholesterol! This, of course, is completely wrong and it's easy with a mind that's changing. I would love for you to give peace of mind a chance if you can. Let yourself relax until you know for sure. It's okay to be scared a little, but don't let it consume you or cause you to miss out on life. i really think you will be okay. Just keep treating the headache for now. Does it go away when you take medicine? As always, I hope you're well otherwise!

Well it goes but always comes back after a while just wondering as maybe I use too much headache tablets that might be contributing and yeh maybe I should just wait until I found out what it is and stop worrying it could be a tumour which is really rare and another thing my brother went through a similar phase he had headaches every day and would be sick I’m just worried as I’ve got anxiety and heard anxiety randomly comes on before some one gets a brain tumour...........
Hi Lwatson67, I've never heard of anxiety coming on before someone gets a brain tumor. From someone like myself who suffered with daily headaches for years,
(both tension and migraines) I can tell you that worrying about it doesn't help.
Taking too much medication as well as too often will give you rebound headaches
where as the meds will no longer work.
Dehydration also can play into frequent headaches. Drinking a lot of water throughout the day can help in preventing migraines as well as helping with tight
muscle contraction headaches. When headaches are frequent or get to the point
of disrupting your life, it is important to see a doctor address what's going on.
We can't jump to the conclusion that it is a serious medical condition w/o having
a professional diagnosis. I wish you well, please keep us updated after your doctor's appointment. xx
They just don’t go with medication that’s why I’m scared and will update you 🙂
Please do keep us informed. I care xx
Hello I had a eye test today and it all looks good and they said I need a new precsicriptoon for glasses and my eyes are clear and I don’t have a brain tumour my headaches are appear to be related to anxiety
Agora is right. Get the prognosis....good or bad...we will be right here to support you. The odds are you're not going to have a tumor.. and hopefully we can give you advice on whatever they come up with. Headaches truly fall under so many things. I'm currently in high elevation in Colorado and I have a splitting headache that Tylenol won't put to bed (hydration will). Approach it as...okay if I do, we will work with the solutions the doctor provides. If I don't, I will get the solution to whatever is ailing me. It is scary when things aren't ideal. And it is absolutely okay to feel scared. I often am of my health anxieties. Allow yourself some self-love and kindness and give yourself time to relax from building up this immense ball of stress and health scare. All we can do is wait for an answer. We are and will always be here to support you. Promise!

Thank you and hopefully you get better to 🙂

Hello I had a eye test today and it all looks good and they said I need a new precsicriptoon for glasses and my eyes are clear and I don’t have a brain tumour my headaches are appear to be related to anxiety
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Great to hear it isn't your worst fear! Anxiety and stress truly can wreck havoc on our eyes due to the strain on blood vessels there. Some people see weird images or floaters...and then headaches of course. I'm glad they helped you out, this is great news!

Gonna get a cat scan soon hopefully

So my headaches come and go but they are not that bad anymore they still come but go if I forget about them or take pain killers , my sleeping pattern is terrible and I’ve got a new symptom of like brain fog and forgetting stuff really easy
One thing I do know is if you focus on this you will cause yourself illness. You've got to do everything you can to try and relax and fill your head with positive thoughts. Close your eyes and scan your body and imagine a healthy body. If you need to worry worry for 10 minutes set time aside to do it and then say no more! Best of luck.
Hi Lwatson67, what you're feeling is pretty typical and I believe is simply a result of stress. Make sure you're staying adequately hydrated and eating, it helps more than you might think. If this headache persists for more than I would say a week or two you should inform your family and ask if a doctor would be an available option. Other than that I think you're just fine. And just to let you know, brain tumors have much different, more generalized symptoms than what you're experiencing. Cheers!
I have a chronic headache. Lots of pressure. And off feeling. Haven’t had an MRI of my brain but I need have CT and all was clear then. Go for a professional tension release massage and see if that helps if not than visit your doctor for some answers.
You can get why I’m worried I can’t help looking at cancer stories making me more sad
How long did you headache last ?
Oh. It’s always there. Not always severe. But I can go about 2 weeks at a time with a pretty bad one. The only medicine that works to take the edge of is Tylenol with codeine every 6 hours and Ibuprofen 800mg every other 6 hours. My aunt passed away last month from a brain tumor she only began having symptoms in January in February she went back for a scan and they told her she only had 1-3 months to live. But what struck me as weird was that she never complained of a headache. She had tremendous ear pressure and had a seizure and that’s how she ended up in the hospital where they thought it was a stroke and later scans revealed the lesions. It’s all very strange to comprehend still. Even to the day of her death she didn’t complain of any pain she just kept sleeping more and more everyday and lost control of her body functions.
Sorry for your loss and how long has your been going on and have you had any scans and any other symptoms I’m only 17 and just always been super scared of dying of cancer just really has hit me hard lately haven’t been sleeping going out and just sitting in my room feeling sorry for my self and my mind keeps telling me it’s not anxiety it’s cancer are minds are just so wild it’s truest scary
Would you say I should take those tablets ???
I would say follow up with your doctor and get tests needed to ease your mind and ask about these medications for your pain and then take it from there. In the mean time try to distract your mind. Keep off Dr. Google. Read other stuff.
The morning I woke up when all this started I had a headache my vision was off. Right away I jumped on good old doctor Google so in the midst of already being panicked I read all of doctor Google and I was hooked at that point I had every symptom of everything and that little moment I lost all my trust in a doctor and felt Google was right. For three days I felt my neck getting Tighter and Tighter prior to this happening my neck would hurt so bad. All my life I've worked on a computer and I still work on a computer for 9-10 hours a day. I went to my primary care doctor and I specialist and my normal eye doctor everything was fine with my eyes because I kept telling them what I read on Google. I myself then call the neurologist cuz I didn't know what to do because of what Google told me and they were saying they're going to treat me aggressively which I kind of felt that was wrong but they did an MRI and an MRA was normal the MRI was normal it did show that I had scar tissue do to when I was younger I sliced my head open and I am stitches all the way down my head. The neurologist felt my neck in from my trip muscles all the way up was so tight I was in physical therapy for very very long time. I was told all of this is going to be a very long road. Anxiety in panic attacks which I learned can pretty much start at any time extremely scary I was so hooked on Google then all last summer that's all I did non-stop was on Google. But now it's going to take a long road for me to recover I have good days and I have bad days. All of us who live with anxiety and panic attacks everyday we are not with people we are actually very very strong because for those who don't deal with it don't know what it's like