3 weeks off Zoloft : I’m still feeling... - Anxiety Support

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3 weeks off Zoloft

41 Replies

I’m still feeling spacey.. half 2 panic attacks yesterday. God I cannot wait for this crap to leave my system. I still feel drugged! I wish I never went on Zoloft. Any advice on how long you guys took to feel normal? I was sensitive to the meds and only stayed on because I was told to “hold out longer” for my panic disorder.

I’ve never experienced depression or mood swings before like this. So I’m hoping it all passes.. mood wise, I feel closer to me today? Head wise.. light headed, spacey, weird.

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41 Replies
Laniben profile image

Hadn’t seen you on here for a couple of days, sorry you’re still going through it. I’m not on those so I don’t know. Take care of yourself ❤️ xx

in reply to Laniben

Thank you!! I’m in the woods so not much service ❤️

matthew2909 profile image
matthew2909 in reply to

I’m coming of Zoloft too I hate it been coming off it for about 2weeks atm

in reply to matthew2909

It sucks!!! How long were you on it?

matthew2909 profile image
matthew2909 in reply to

I’ve sent you a private message thing btw and I was on it about a yr then everything got to much for me wbu

JA3344 profile image

Takes time and patience since even though anxiety makes us feel restless and impatient

in reply to JA3344

Thanks ❤️❤️

Sunnidayz1 profile image

Did you have adverse effects to Zoloft? Did you come down slowly off the medication?

What you are experiencing is not the norm. Majority of the time, there are no adverse effects to these medications. There are side effects but not the ones you stated in the very beginning. Im also assuming that you've come down from the medication waaay too fast. Im pointing these thibgs out to you bc I dont want you to be afraid to change to a different med. You might have to change your psychiatrist too.

in reply to Sunnidayz1

Well this freaks me out lol. I was on it 2 weeks and tapered off; 25mg to 12.5. If it’s not normal then I don’t know what it is but I’m never going on meds again because I felt terrible on Zoloft the whole time.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to

Im sorry but you should not have gone from 25 mg to 12.5. It's too much of a jump. Im sorry you were advised to do so.

It's not normal & that is probably why you are having withdrawal symptoms.

I wouldnt go on other meds for anxiety either if I were you.

in reply to Sunnidayz1

I’m not sure; i was advised by 3 pharmacists and 2 docs to do this.

matthew2909 profile image
matthew2909 in reply to

If it’s any help I was told to do the same

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to matthew2909

It depends on how much and how long a person has been on medication. She was having adverse effects from the med too. So I think her Dr should have advised her to come down very slowly.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to

Pharmacists do not have the medical background to advise such things. Did u seek medical advice from family doctors or a psychiatrist?

in reply to Sunnidayz1


Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to

Yea. No. Not good

in reply to Sunnidayz1

So who should I have asked?

matthew2909 profile image
matthew2909 in reply to

Same here

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to

It doesnt matter at this point bc you are here and the past is the past. I would say u did the right thing to consult w psychiatrists. Under normal circumstances if one is coming down from meds taking half would make sense but bc you had adverse effects I would have asked to cut it down more slowly and also prescribe an aid to calm u down while doing so. Something temporary.

Have u taken xanax or colonopin before?

If u have and have had no adverse effects from them it would be perfectly safe to take either one temporarily to get u through the panic attacks & anxious moments. Ask your Dr.

If u dont want to take the above then you got to just wait it out. Drink lots of water.

Bilabong profile image

3 months off nexito, im NOW starting to feel normal again, though not totally. I had an minor episode of panic upon waking, but now my mind is able to divert my bad thoughts to feelings of well being. Guess the 'good' chemicals have just started to flow again. I had this episode after 4 days unlike before when it was happening everyday. Also try not to think of anything bad at bedtime that also helps.

So hang in there is all i can say. It passes. How long, depends entirely on the individual, but it does. In about a month probably and hopefully, you wont feel panicky enough to feel the need to even post your thoughts here.😉😊

in reply to Bilabong

I hope you’re right. How long were you on it? I really wasn’t on mine for that long :-/

Bilabong profile image
Bilabong in reply to

8 months more or less.

Simply everytime you have an episode, keep telling yourself its the meds and not you.

Timbo1324 profile image

It'll pass! but that's one really bad thing about this lousy antidepressant, is it takes a long time to get out of the system. Give it another month or so, just try to remember what's in your system and stay calm, don't exercise to much or anything, just let it creep out of your system, this crap is dangerous, and lucky you stopped. How long were you on it, and how fast did you quit. Because you have to slowly ween yourself off of Zoloft. Otherwise, you will feel all kinds of side effects.

in reply to Timbo1324

I did notice once that I exercised and felt worse? Not sure why.. usually I feel great after. I was on 25 mg for two weeks, 12.5 for one, and 12.5 every other day. :-/

Bilabong profile image
Bilabong in reply to

25mg is a relatively high dose. I was on 10mg and it did this to me. But, actually exercise helped me a lot. I mean going for brisk walks. Whenever i had an episode of anxiety and panic in the evenings, I used to go for a walk for about an hour and I returned feeling great. It helped take my mind off.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to

I wouldnt be so happy with your doctors. Im just sayin. Every other day when coming down from medication is dangerous. Wow.

Now I can understand why you are going through this. In the future, seek better treatment.

in reply to Sunnidayz1

I’ve never taken medication before so I really didn’t know what to do - I was told by the psychiatrist on staff to just stop suddenly after two weeks and everyone else told me to taper this way. Not sure what to do at this point but I’m kind of freaking out :-/

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to

Im just letting you know & understand what happened. Many of your posts have been about " why is this happening?"

You had adverse effects plus withdrawal effects. It's a shame that we have to be our own advocate in order to receive the right medical treatment. Not every Dr is the same.

I would get rid of your current psychiatrist.

Timbo1324 profile image

More advise, and trust me on this, is don't go on more antidepressants! their so addicting, with all kinds of problems, no matter which one you're on! strictly try changing your diet, give up on sugar and any kind of caffeine. Very important. I don't and won't ever start another so called medication like antidepressants, it's not medicine at all! it's chemicals and drugs, that will warp your mind in the long run. It's up to you, But don't let your doctor talk you into it. That's what I did for the first time. But not ever again, if you notice, they don't test you to see what is actually wrong, they just tell you, this will help!! that's the dangerous part.

in reply to Timbo1324

Do you speak from experience? When someone is severely depressed, sometimes medication is the only answer. I know they can make things worse before they get better but sometimes they are needed.

Bilabong profile image
Bilabong in reply to Timbo1324

I somewhat agree. Id say, I wouldnt go on antidepressants again to the point till I feel either suicidal or it starts impeding my daily life and work. Then at that point, Id be left with no other choice.

art62grammie profile image
art62grammie in reply to Timbo1324

I do know that living with 40 years of Anorexia and never having treatment. The mental doctor told me to use 25 mg of Zoloft. I am now on 75 mg. I will not increase the Zoloft. I would not be here today if I did not use this small dosage. We all are different. The Zoloft helps with obsessing over food. I was so sick before Zoloft and therapy. 24/7 I counted grams of sugar and never quit thinking of food. The medication stopped that. The Zoloft has so helped me with severe PTSD. That is why I was put on it. This works great and serves its purpose for me. I do believe that there is no wonder pill to take the past memories of abuse away. Along with my medication and talking to others and therapist. Talking is way more effective than medication. I must use them both to survive.

1uglychild profile image
1uglychild in reply to Timbo1324

I really don’t like posts like this. There are a lot of really scared people here who are susceptible to reading things like this. My guess is that you aren’t in the mental health profession in any manner, not a doctor, not a therapist, not a researcher. You don’t have to like drugs, that’s fine, but this really isn’t the place to use phrases like “warp your mind”. Drugs might not be for you but I know plenty of people who wouldn’t be alive anymore if it weren’t for anti depressants.

I’ve been on anti depressants on and off for over 20 years... no warped mind here. And for what it’s worth, I eat a plant based diet, and no sugar and minimum caffeine- still have ocd! This disease runs in my family, no fad diet is going to get rid of it.

Chaparita818 profile image

im sorry your feeling this way i was on 50mg for since 2016 and i went to 25 and then within months 12.5 last july 2018 and I dont know what happend but iv been dealing with disorientation brain f'd og and panic attacks ever since it sucks i just want to feel normal its been almost a whole year feeling like this it comes and goes its sucks havent had a nomal life since hope and pray we all feel.better soon !!

Why were you on it in the first place?

in reply to

Panic disorder

Bilabong profile image
Bilabong in reply to

So, did the doctor diagnose that you were now ok and ask you to stop taking them?

in reply to Bilabong

No, I was feeling loopy and weird on Zoloft so I wanted to get off. I felt worse on them. Therapy helps me a lot.

Vectron profile image

Hi I was on Zoloft for 9 years and stopped last year it took 6 months of reducing, but I year after coming off I still had anxiety attacks so I am now on Lexepro

Kkimm profile image

Hi Unicornsrule

Having quickly read through the replies you have received on the this post I hope you are not feeling too upset about all the comments that you tapered wrongly etc and how bad antidepressants are. This is clearly wrong and very unhelpful to you and others. Many people have been helped and many had their lives saved by antidepressants. However, they are far from being an easy cure. You had a very bad experience on Zoloft. Do not be afraid to try a different one in the future if you need to. I really hope you will not need to, many people manage to recover fully without but for many people including me they can be a life saver if you get the right one. I plan remaining on mine for the long term if need be.

I take 187.5 mg Venlafaxine which is Effexor in the USA.

It is a SRNI as opposed to Zoloft which is an SSRI. Effexor can be a very tough antidepressant to start with for many people and is very difficult to come off for many people also but it is also very effective against anxiety for many people. I have read many posts on other websites where people say that it was the only one that worked for them. I was extremely ill with the sudden onset of GAD and depression before going onto Venlafaxine but felt so much worse for the first few weeks after starting it and finally started to improve and feel myself again after 4 months and two dose increases.

Again I wish I had a magic wand and could wave it to make you and everyone else suffering these horrendous conditions better. While I am at it perhaps I could get the wand to help the world understand better and have more empathy for what we have to go through and improve drugs and services for everyone to get the help they need!

You will get there.


Parkinsonfight profile image

Search for MMS(orCDL) it is used for water purification...but it is good for bringing the body in balace. In many countrys it is forbidden as a drug (it is cheap, and cures even uncurable diseases)but it can be used for water purification, My father takes it for Parkinson an so far it is the best "drug" for him. When I am stressed i combine it wirh DMSO.

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