Wondering if Meds not as effective as olde... - Anxiety Support

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Wondering if Meds not as effective as older age

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I've been on Lexapro 30 mg for many years. It gave me my life back. My Mom, who could not raise us (foster homes, then a super strict relative) had major depression, schizophrenia -very serious mental illness. My depression /anxiety became very clear in my early 40's. It takes place as anger/tears/anxiety/anxiety attacks/sit and do nothing. I was terrified of getting on something and being like a 'zombie' like my Mom, with the heavy drugs she had to take when I did re-unite with off and on when she was taking her meds like she was supposed to.

I am a young 65 yrs. old now. Thankful that I still have child-like wonder and some 'flower child' still left within. And thankful and grateful I don't look worse for wear; no one believes I am 65. That being said, since about 62 yrs. old, my anxiety has ramped up (lol-spell check does not like 'ramped'). But that is how I see it. Sometimes it is off the charts. I'd say I am fairly high functioning. I do work at a great job and have lots to be grateful for in my life, which I am, every day.

I wonder if the increased anxiety is because of aging and looking too far ahead regarding my mortality. I have always been a huge worrier about all things. I used to drive anywhere. I do not really enjoy driving as much, but I do, of course. Every day I want to retire and not deal with horrible Houston drivers in my daily commute. but I need to work 'til I'm 70 to get half decent SS. So I worry about that and worry if I will stay healthy, barring the normal aging aches and such, to enjoy retiring.

I take my Lexapro about 7:30 at night. That is when most anxiety attacks would come. (severe nausea-rapid heart beat). I fall asleep very very easily and have 'dozing attacks' even at work which makes me more anxious and angry at myself. By some miracle, my company knows this and I am still here and appreciated after 6 years. I've lost jobs in the past with my dozing - either from mild narcolepsy or some sleep apnea. Never could go back to the sleep study as I lost that job and great ins. shortly after the study. Good insurance. at present, but high deductible.

Ugh, I know I'm venting-need to tell someone. Do I need different meds? Higher Lexapro?(that scares me because terrified of being more sleepy).

Recently, now, the depression/irritablity has increased. (ask my wife!). Before it was just daily anxiety like thinking I make a fool of myself when I speak to people at work, etc.

I would like to see a psychiatrist. But then again, cost and worry they will want to dredge up my whole life again and suck me dry $$$$$; when I just want to address what is happening now-had lots of that in the past. Also, I need a truly gay friendly doctor and not a fanatic bible thumper doctor - which there are more of in TX. I need a doctor with an open mind to diversity of thought and religion (I am Nichiren Buddhist for over 40 yrs.).

Sorry for being so long-winded. Perhaps someone here can relate.... Thanks

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It’s great to hear you’ve had long term success with Lexapro. I took it for a while and I really liked how soothing it was almost immediately. They say that a drug can just stop working if you’ve been on it for sometime, so I don’t think it’s anything to do with your age. My first thought is that you need a dosage change, but I understand how sedating Lex can be, I had that problem too. I’m going to say what you probably don’t want to hear, and say that at this point a psychiatrist is probably best to address a dosage change or meds change. You could see a general practitioner about it, but I feel like they really aren’t up on all the options for mental health treatment. That being said, I’ve seen psychiatrists who’ve been less helpful than my GP was. Is it possible to contact an LGBT advocacy group that might make physician recommendations? Or you could look through the online physician listings for the nearest large hospital system near you. Usually those will have reviews and often doctor specializations. The last time I was looking through the doctor listings at my local hospital, I noticed both psychiatrists and internal medicine doctors who had a focus in treating gay patients. Like you I hate paying the higher copay to see a specialist, but from my own experience they will initially see you every 6 weeks until you are stabilized on the med and then it’s often months between appointments.

I’m glad you realize you’re at the point where you know you need to tackle this before you feel worse.

Good luck!

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