Venafaxaline side effects : Hi guys me again... - Anxiety Support

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Venafaxaline side effects

Leon1991 profile image
21 Replies

Hi guys me again, so after the last week my physiatrist prescribed me veafaxaline. I took one I’m the morning then I’m the night I woke up gasping for air I was hyperventilating while I was asleep and made me breathless and unwell for 3 days after. So I decided to stop until I seen my doctor. Seen my doctor on Friday and he gave me some Valium to take the edge of while I adapt to them.

So I took one Thursday morning felt okay, perked up a little. Took one yesterday morning palms sweating throughout the day, feeling little sick then manic panic attacks throughout the day. I woke up at 5am and shot out of bed gasping for air chest pains the lot I was hyperventilating while I was asleep again and I’ve been in such a state today. Manic anxiety and panic attacks. Struggling to breathe it’s been hell. I haven’t taken one today.

Has anyone had similar symptoms, long story short I suffer with panic disorder, depression, manic anxiety I’m on a lot of medication as it is but not being able to live with these constantly panic attacks and shortness of breath venafaxaline is kind of the only next step to take. I’ve become very sensitive to new medications. I wanted to carry on and see how it go but I can’t handle this breathless and anxiety I’m worser on them and only taken it 2 days.

I’m getting to a stage where I feel like giving up. I can’t live with constant panic attacks. Manic anxiety etc older I’m getting the worser it’s becoming and it’s making me mentally ill.

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Leon1991 profile image
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21 Replies
Dell12345 profile image

Hi, it sounds like you are having a really tough time. I'm sorry you are going through this. Panic attacks are absolutely horrible, I know, but try to remember that they are actually harmless.

Venlaphaxine has been really effective for me for stopping panic attacks and massively reducing anxiety.

It often takes at least a couple of weeks to start noticing the benefits and up to 8 weeks to feel the full effects.

It can make you feel worse during the first week but this normally goes after that. During this time you may want to ask your doc for some diazapam to help you through.

Let us know how you get on. We are here for you xx

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Dell12345

Hi dell thank you for your reply, panic attacks sure are horrible! I’ve been to scared to take them again I could have done something stupid as they way I felt I couldn’t cope, I suffer with breathlessness as it is a lot due to my anxiety. My doctor said this breathless is done to anxiety but when I’m taking the venafaxaline I’m hyperventilating while I’m asleep waking up in a complete state I nearly rang a ambulance I was that bad! He did give me extra Valium and that day I took about 4 and was still manic. If it wasn’t for the breathless and hyperventilating while I’m asleep I would try them again I didn’t take one yesterday and feel a little better. I’m just not sure what to do.

I was on them when I was a teenager and they was really good and helped but got to a point where I was on max dose and stopped working. So I had to come of them.

I’m to scared to try take them again as I won’t be able to work being so manic. But it’s the panic attacks while On them are 10x worse

Dell12345 profile image
Dell12345 in reply to Leon1991

That sounds horrible, I'm sorry. Maybe there are other medications you could try?

Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that is supposed to be very helpful for sleep and depression/anxiety. It's often used alongside venlaphaxine actually, but is a different type of antidepressant.

Maybe it would be worth speaking to your doctor about trying something different?


Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Dell12345

I suffer with insomnia so I’m already on mirtazapine, I take a awful lot of medication i have ectopic heart beat and get bad palpitations and also gave me bad palpitations. I tried proxatine last month and they made me really bad with anxiety and awful palpitations so I stopped then next step was these venefaxaline but I just can’t handle the side effects. I’m due to see my doc in 10 days so think I’ll be best to wait until I see him. I was really hoping these would help me. Waking up hyperventilating and gasping for air is very scary and not being able to stop it. I feel less crap today still in a state. He did say try half a tablet but because there slow releasing it’s best to take the full tablet as it’s such a low dose

Kamgal5 profile image

It sounds like you might be actually anxious about taking the medication itself- and that is making this attempt to try the medicine much harder. I have been on this med on and off for 18 years. I can remember the first 6 weeks of sweating more, thumb twitching and being fatigued. After that- this med literally gave me my life back. I did take xanax occasionally during the first two weeks of being on it, but after that and to this day- only use xanax as a last resort if necessary. I suggest doing some breathing exercises, prayer, mindfulness to help you when you feel breathless. Get yourself the books Hope and Help for Your Nerves and DARE. You will better understand how your anxiety effects your body and what you can do to abolish your anxiety symptoms.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Kamgal5

Hi your right I am over worried about side effects, past year I’ve been really struggling to breathe my doctor said it’s all down to anxiety as my chest X-ray and scan was fine. I’ve suffered with manic anxiety for all my life! But I can’t take it anymore really can’t. I really want to push through and get the medication to help me as I know or feel it will help me as it did when I was a teenager. But I can’t handle this hyperventilating during sleep and waking up gasping for air. And through out the day my breathing is more worse. I’ve tried to take in deep slow breaths but for some reason I just can’t seem to be able to mentally accept or do it! Do you have any links to these things you mentioned?

I did say to my doc I think I may have sleep apnea but he seems to think not. I was due a spirometer test just before this covid happend but since covid hit they can’t offer or give me any breathing tests so I’ve kind of had to deal and live with it. I have been waking up during the night and I do sometimes wake up gasping for air as soon as I’m about to fall asleep. I’m going to ask my doctor if he can refer me to sleep apnea tests when I see him.

I’m not sure if to try this medication while I’m waiting to see him. I’ll see him in 10 days time but I don’t want to make or put myself through this again if I’m really having a bad reaction to the medication? I’ve read up and says if struggling to breathe seek emergency help asap. He gave me extra Valium to help me push through till I see him but I had to take one every 2 hours as I was so manic and a mess. I still feel little breathless and noticed I’m fencing my jaw and body. Its just all horrible

Kamgal5 profile image

Also- make sure you don’t have sleep apnea since you are waking up gasping.

Kamgal5 profile image

Yah, clenching your jaw and body sounds like pure anxiety. I’m not a Dr., but I think if it was truly the medicine, you wouldn’t still be having these breathing symptoms since you have been off the medicine. Order the books I mentioned on Amazon. You probably could use a good therapist that can do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy too. There are plenty of youtube videos about meditation and mindfulness as well. It seems like you are stuck in the fear cycle that is discussed in the books. Read them and you will understand how and why this occurs.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Kamgal5

Cheers mate I’ll look them up, I have just taken one to see how I go again, hope I just don’t end up in hospital. Fear that there a bad reaction I’m having from the meds but I’ll try them again. I’ve done Cbt in the past I’m waiting to do some counselling as I’ve tried all therapy and hasn’t worked. How how they benefited you? Did the sweats go away along with other symptoms

Kamgal5 profile image
Kamgal5 in reply to Leon1991

Yes- any side effects I had went away within 6 weeks or less. When you take the medicine, go lay down and do self talk- “ I am fine. I accept these strange anxiety feelings and I am ok with them. They are just false sensations made by the extra adrenaline my body is making from my anxiousness” ( ofcourse this is done if you know for certain you do not have a medical condition). Try counting backwards from 100 by 3’s… do multiplication tables, ground yourself by looking around and counting things you can see, smell, hear, touch…. Or stay still and pray. But go with all sensations you feel and do not fear or shrink from them. Good luck!

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Kamgal5

I took one last night and all night I kept waking up every 3 hours, now I’m awake I’m starting to feel anxious palms sweating feel sick, dizzy I feel worried if I’m honest. Do I take this mornings dose and see how I go or do I stop? Really don’t want a bad episode as it’s always on day 2 I start getting bad on them and hyperventilating during sleep so if I take one today I know I’ll be in a state and worried when I go bed.

I have found myself counting a lot past few years for some reason. It dose my head in at time especially when I’m counting money as I do it about 3 times.

I feel worried and scared if I’m honest

Kamgal5 profile image
Kamgal5 in reply to Leon1991

Why take one at night and then another in the am? Are you on the XR version? I just took 1 in a 24 hour time frame, and I would only take in the am- then would be busy during the day and not think about it. If you are taking it at night and are already anxious about taking it you will have the anxiety through the night. Stick with a set time schedule, if you want to stay on it. Maybe Ask your Dr for Xanax or Lorazepam to help you get through the first week with your medicine anxiety- instead of valium. Call and get an appt with a therapist- even if it’s via zoom. Start trying to be more proactive with this instead of shrinking into the fear cycle. Tell yourself you can control how you feel. Your life is not defined by your anxiety. Again- I am not a Dr., just someone that has had to deal with panic attacks on and off for 18 years, and have had to use many different techniques alongside medicine. Keep this in mind- “ Progress….. NOT perfection”. Wishing you the best!

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Kamgal5

Yes xl I’m on reason to why is I wasn’t going to take them until I seen my doc but after our chat I thought last night I’ll try them again. I take loads of medication 3x a day one lot at 10am next lot at 5pm then night time meds at 6pm. I have a pill organiser and I actually filled them up with venafaxaline so when I took this morning dose after I took them I realised that I taken the dose. I was only gonna take them same time everyday at 10am

I’m from the uk mate I’d love some Xanax all I can get is diazepam (Valium) he gave me some extras to help me while I’m on them and they ent really working.

I’ve been through so many physiatrists there a joke over here. I was seeing him every month but since covid he has changed it to once every 4 months and I’m really not happy about it I’ve done everything I can to get his support sooner but his not having it! I’ll mention to my doc I wanna change but at the moment he said if I start to change I could wait upto 6 months for a new one as the waiting list is so long. His kind of out of my area durastriction so his trying to push me away as his already asked to be moved but my doctor has stated I can’t wait that long. It’s all a joke mate. They blame everything on covid now.

It’s been 6 hours since I took this mornings dose, I’ve been having bad palpitations and breathless but I’m pushing through. I’m really concerned as last time on the second dose is when I woke up hyperventilating literally jumped out of bed sweating gasping for air then when I woke the whole day I was in such a bad state, constantly breathless and panic attacks so immense.

I have been getting sweaty palms, feet, palpitations, breathless, and also little dizzy at times and nausea. I’m going to push through and see how I am tomorrow. If I don’t wake up like I did last time I will take tomorrows dose.

With you panic attacks did you get them everyday? I can’t even talk to a client without having them. I do the job but soon as it comes to payment I freak out massively. I just can’t do people. I’ve nearly finished at college as all my life I put it of but I started should have finished last year but again done to covid it for extended. I can’t even get out my van in the carpark and walk into the college without taking 2 Valium and the whole time I’m there I’m a mess! I suffer with sickness and have a phobia of it so I’m always worried I’ll be sick and pass out. Honestly it’s horrible so many thoughts go through my head it’s like physically I’m there but mentally I’m not and scared and lost.

I just want my life back and start to enjoy things instead of being scared and worried.

I’m on so much medication for my depression anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, mood swings, I’m to young to be taking all these pills yet I will never be of them! Makes me feel weak and if I’m honest if I was to meet a woman and she seen how much I’m on she would think I’m mentally or something I’m ashamed.

I’ve been mentally scared as a child seen and been through things no one should have, but I can’t give you a reason to why I am this way. Yes it runs in the family my mom had it that bad she actually couldn’t cope and killed herself. I slowly watched her get weaker and weaker mentally! It was like she was trapped in her own mind couldn’t understand it or why. But now I truly know how she felt and I can see myself going that way. It scares me! I’m only still here because of my kids. Without them I wouldn’t hesitate to end it all but that’s not the life I want. Can’t even be the dad I want to my kids because my anxiety stops me doing things with them. I’m stuck in a viscous circle and can’t see or find a way out!

Dell12345 profile image
Dell12345 in reply to Leon1991

This must be really really hard, I understand, I've been there. I've taken lots of medication but over time they did work, and I did get better, and I did slowly wind them down needed less and less. It's so hard when you are feeling like that I know. Just know it will pass.

I found the book 'Overcoming your Panic and Anxiety', part of the 'Treatments that work' series, very helpful.

Medication is nothing to be ashamed of. I most people broke their leg they wouldn't be ashamed to where a cast. Or if they got cancer they wouldn't be ashamed to get chemotherapy. Taking medication for mental health problems is no different.

What medications are you on and what dose of venlaphaxine are you taking?

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Dell12345

Thanks mate it’s not what I wanted as yes I agree if you was diying and had a chance to take a pill or if your suffering and a pill could help then take them. But to be on so many is not nice I also live a life of side effect due to it sweating like mad when it’s hot or I’m working and is very embarrassing for me.

I’ll have a look at that book no matter what I seem to do I just can’t talk or meditate my self out of a panic attack.

I take……

Pregabalin 100 x2

Omeprazol 20x2

Atenalol 50x2 plus 25 if I need

Mirtazapine 30

Zopiclone 7.5

Melatonin 2

Quietapine 75

And venafaxaline and that’s 37.5 x1 a day there the XL ones

As you can see I take a awful lot of pills makes me feel weak and ashamed. My doctor said my anxiety is so bad I’m just always wired up to it. It’s hereditary and chemical Imbalance etc.

I suffer with horrible palpitations and there worse now I’m taking these venafaxaline!

Dell12345 profile image

I understand, it can be emabrasing for me too, but it shouldn't be. These days I am open with people, and I've actually found people incredibly understanding. Most people have either experience anxiety or depression, or know someone close to them that has.

It's a few different medications, but they are for different things, and they should all help.

Have you found any have made a difference?

The dose of venlaphaxine is the lowest one I think, but it will likely still have side effects for the first few days.

I recently increased my dose, and even though I've been taking it for years it made me feel weird for the first couple of days. But it did then really help.

Have you ever tried taking magnesium l-threonate or magnesium glysonate?

Magnesium is supposed to help sometimes.

Leon1991 profile image

It’s nice when people are understanding, I once met someone and when I said I took medication she looked at me like I was a nut case! Some people who have never experienced it judge and call you weak. The pregabalin helped when I was first on it infact it saved my life but I became brain frozen I was forgetting things, mind went blank, completely numb I could cope with the forgetting. I would do a job and constantly forgetting where I put a tool even though I had it 2 mins ago. So I came down on the dose to a point it helps my mood stability but don’t give me the brain fog.

Yes I’m on the lowest dose slow release. When I was a teenager I was on the quick release on max dose and when I took it I felt so motivate and above it was like taking ecstasy the high I got was unbelievable. But then when I wears of I hit what they call downcome I became weak and so so depressed clucking for my next dose. It gave me terrible sweats. So one day I couldn’t cope with the sweats and down comes so I came of them. I went cold turkey it was a awful experience and from that experience coming of I swore I wouldn’t touch them again. Man it took me a year just to recover. But know I’m back on them but the slow release.

So I’ve took 2 days on second day I was bad then stopped for a day (felt better) then yesterday and today is my second dose again.

Currently I’m worried as I’m getting chest pains. Left arm feels little numb. I freak out when I get chest pains and breathless. Palms still sweating!

I haven’t I’ve hear about magnesium but never actually tried them do they help a lot then?

What dose are you on are your slow release ones?

Kamgal5 profile image

Well that is a lot of different meds… is it the same Dr prescribing them? Has a pharmacist seen all of them to make sure they can all be taken without counteracting eachother? Might just need only a higher dose of the XR ( that dose is considered a baby dose) and the diazepam. My GP prescribes my XR, not a psychiatrist. Maybe you could talk to your GP?

Kamgal5 profile image

Next time you start feeling funky symptoms that is anxiety related- get an ice cube an put it in your hand and focus on that sensation

Kamgal5 profile image

Go on youtube and listen to Dr Claire Weekes- pass through Panic. Listen to it every day for awhile.

Leon1991 profile image

It’s a hell of a lot of tablets I forgot to add diazepam take them as well. My doctor is more help then my physiatrist, he was a little hesitant me taking these along with my others but wanted the okay from my shrink. Shrink said every tablet comes with there own side effects but you won’t know until you take them.

I’m taking the lowest dose to see how I get on with them. I’ve just woken up, really struggled to wake up feel so tired, feel sick and dizzy. I’ll be taking my third dose in 3 hours. 5th dose if you count the day I didn’t take one. I’ll check the YouTube video out little later on

I’ve been with the same gp for over 10 years so he know me well I’ll be seeing him next week for a review to see how I’m getting on

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