Many of the posts I've been seeing pop up on this forum have to do with dizziness, vertigo-like feelings, trouble focusing the eyes, unexplained head and facial pains/sensations and several other difficult-to-describe symptoms. I want to share my recent experiences with you guys in case it helps even one of you.
** This ended up longer than I expected, so please feel free to skip to the end for the actual advice. **
First off, a little background. I'm 42 years old. I have had health anxiety (mostly cardiophobia) for a couple of years now. About five years ago I also had about a year of quite intense cardiophobia following an acute episode of pericarditis that I (and the doctors at the ER for that matter) thought was a heart attack.
After moving to a different province, my anxiety came back with a vengeance, a product of stress I imagine. I pushed through as much as I could but, like many of you, I wasn't living. Everything was difficult, even going to the grocery store. I also became paranoid of strangers and all kinds of other fun stuff. I was terrified of driving, which I have enjoyed all my life.
Eventually I'd had enough and bit the bullet - I started mild anti-anxiety medication. I'm not a fan of medication but I didn't know what else to do. I quit taking the meds after about 3 months due to fatigue and dizziness.
I have a job which had me at a computer most of the day, doing graphic design. My posture while working wasn't (and still isn't) very good. This posture issue is actually what ended up with me linking the dizziness to a physical cause. While my anxiety was at its peak, I was extremely tense. I didn't know it, because it was absolutely constant. It was "normal".
This post isn't so much about my anxiety, because it's actually after my anxiety had mostly subsided that I realized I still felt like shit. I had to lie down a lot. I didn't want to go anywhere. I was always leaning my head side to side with a stiff neck and I had mid and lower back pain. (Not bad enough pain to take pain medication, just enough to be an energy-sucking bummer 24 hours a day.)
I started leaving work early. In the morning I felt pretty good, but by 3pm I felt like absolute hell. When I'd get up from my desk I had to hold on to the wall. A few times I'd be walking up the hall and felt like the entire building was leaning like I was on a boat. I couldn't focus my eyes easily. I had to keep looking away, then back to what I was trying to read. My eyes felt like they weren't following the movements of my head at all unless I concentrated and forced them to.
Once again I reached a breaking point and decided I had to do something. I went to a physiotherapist and told him absolutely everything. All the symptoms. He looked concerned, like I should be living at the hospital and that this was way over his head. Still though, he got to work.
I had a hunch that my symptoms were being caused by the back of my head and the top of my spine. Turns out, I was VERY tense in the neck and shoulders. The physio gave me some stretches to do and I could barely manage them. They weren't difficult, just "weird". It put my arms in positions they never ended up in during everyday life, and it hurt like a sunnovabitch.
** The fix **
First he applied heat for about 20 minutes on the lower back and across both shoulders. Then he stretched me out by having me lie on my back and applying pressure with his forearm on the side of my head as his other hand pushed my shoulder cap downward. The idea was to put as much distance between my head and shoulder as possible. He did both sides. I was shown how to do it myself at home, twice every day, holding for 30 seconds each side. (Put your hand on your head, drop your shoulder and pull your head to each side for 30 seconds. Pull the head left with your left hand as you drop your right shoulder.) I was also shown other exercises, including one for the jaw, a few for my apparently weak back and some aimed at stretching out the shoulder blades (I've added those right below this paragraph).
** The stretches **
I lost one of my two printouts with the stretches, but I will add the ones from the printout I do have for now and do my best to find/remember the others.
Sit or stand. Place right hand in top of head. Keep head facing forward and gently pull head sideways to right. Hold 30 seconds. Repeat with left. 1 set of 3 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
Sit, reach right arm behind back. Place left hand on top of head. Pull head down diagonally to the left, looking toward the left hip. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side. 1 set of 3 repetitions, twice a day.
AROM cerv retract (chin/tuck)
Sit or stand, looking forward, with good posture. Apply backwards pressure with two fingers on chin and hold for 5 seconds. 3 sets of ten repetitions, once a day. Rest 30 seconds between sets. (NOTE: I was prescribed this exercise because I tend to clench my teeth and I was getting facial pains, jaw bone pain and even chin pain. It seems to have helped a lot.)
AROM shld retract bil prone (w/ER)
Lie face down, arms out from body at 90 degrees, elbows bent. Squeeze shoulder blades together. Hold the squeeze and lift arms up slightly. 3 sets of 10 repetitions, once a day. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
Postion arms out from sides, elbows bent to 90 degrees. Grasp elastic in hands. Pull back, bringing shoulder blades together. Return to starting position. 3 sets of 10 repetitions, once every other day. Rest one minute between sets.
** The effect **
I'm lazy. Half the time I was supposed to do the exercises I didn't, or I did them half-assed and not enough reps. The one I almost always made sure to do was the head/neck one.
WELL! Let me tell you, after one week I noticed a definite improvement. After one more week had passed, I forgot about the dizziness and vertigo altogether, and as of this week my eyes focus perfectly fine, I no longer get weird feelings in my face and I don't feel so exhausted by 3pm that I want to shoot myself. I'm not going to go and say that I feel "amazing" (so temper your expectations), but I feel WAY better. I didn't do my neck stretches for the past 3 days and guess what. Jaw hurts today, I feel tired and last night I felt like I was walking on a boat for 5 seconds or so. It's not ironclad proof, but to me it certainly seems connected.
Why post this on an anxiety board? Well, feeling like shit for no obvious reason always made me scared. The vertigo brought on the anxiety-related dizziness, because my mind immediately went to "what is wrong with me? This isn't normal, I must be dying. I'm scared. Oh god oh god oh god." I feel like there are two things at work here. Tension leading to nerve damage, and the anxious reaction to that nerve damage.
In any case, this really is something you can try for free and without risk to yourself. If it helps, amazing. If it doesn't, well, at least your neck will be more limber. Best of luck, kids.
Any questions, fire away.