One of the many things that that burns my bacon about anxiety/ health anxiety, how it shifts from one symptom to another, one fear to another... we are in a constant tag team battle against unlimited opponents.
Today for example... my battle started with some dizziness, I worked thru that, then feeling headacheish, got thru that, then tightness in my chest, then " that zoni eyes feeling, then a dizzy/ headache combo! , then had a mini panic attack because I ate too much for lunch, and felt really tired and stomach...... and yeah..!!!
The fact that the anxiety is pulling out every trick, gives me hope... cause I'm done feeding it!!!
Overall I've been feeling better, doing better doing all those things out of my comfort zone. ...
I want to thank all the people on this site for your time and help... it has all helped .
Still a long way to go but....