Hey all,
This is the first time I'm posting on a forum about my anxiety but I just feel like I need to reach out to people that suffer from this condition and that can either experience what i go through to any degree.
I am a healthy gym going 21yo male from the UK and was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as having anxiety and panic disorder.
I currently take 10mg of Escitalopram and I am going into my 5th week on it, IMO it's helped massively in curbing the anxiety and minimising the amount of time I spend feeling anxious and the severity of the attacks. I am also in my third week of CBT something I have found to be useful when applying the lessons when not going through an anxiety and panic attack or feeling overwhelmed.
But to the point of this post.
I have just had an anxiety attack consisting of feeling like I'm about to faint, headache, sweating, shakiness, eyes won't rest or slow down.
I hate this all so much but do you guys think that this is defy anxiety related