I just feel so weak. Like im gonna just die. Too much anxiety. Anyone else feel like this? Im always dizzy and heart is constantly raving and missing beats. It would be nice to hear people with similar symptoms. Im on bisopolol to control heart rate.
Too weak: I just feel so weak. Like im gonna... - Anxiety Support
Too weak

All day everyday.im not exaggerating.
I feel lightheaded/faint 24/7.and my heart is always racing and skipping.have a look at my page if you get a chance.its bloody horrible.
Thanks for replying. Its nice to know im not alone. I do hope we all fight the horrible anxiety that we r having to face. I will have a look at your page. Have u been given any medicine for your racing heart?
Oh you def aren’t alone!I take propranolol but I still wake up in the night with tachycardia.its horrible.does your medication work?
Today was my last day taking proponolol. Today doc told me to change to bisopolol. Proponolol helped a lot to decrease my heart rate but i felt it was making my heartbeat irregular especially in the night when my heart would race when waking up. I especially hate the missed beats as some of them are really intense and feels like someone has punched me. The chest pains were still there with the proponolol. I suggest if yoi dont feel like it is helping you can maybe ask the doc to upper your dosage. Its best to ask the docs.
Yes!thats exactly how I feel!
I might ask my doctor about a change of medication.
How long have you felt this way for?
Are you able to live a normal life?
Are you dizzy all the time?
6 months ago i started feeling weak with some chest pain. Since then my weakness got worse. Im now unable to leave the house because i have a fear my heart will just stop. My anxiety started when my heart rate going upto 150 climbing stairs and missing beats. Since i took proponol the pulse was nice and low but my weakness is still here. Ive not been able to go to work for 2 months and and my face is quite pale. Currently im sat here with my pulse normal but still have chest pain. i just dont feel right. As if im just not here. Ive had a look at your page and it basically describes my current situation. The dizziness is on and off.
Wow we literally sound so similar!
I’ve been in hospital 4 times this month with tachycardia and a heart rate of 150.its horrendous.i feel your pain.
What has your doctor said?
I don’t leave the house either.i have two small children and it’s so tough.
I totally get what you mean about not feeling right.i never ever feel right.i always feel like I will collapse or faint.have you got a supportive family?
I do have a lot of support from my family. The doctors have also said i have tachycardia whenever i go to hospital. My gp will be checking if i may have PODS syndrome. CT can, echocardiogram, mri scan, X rays, are completely fine. Im just waiting for my holter monitor results to come back. Docs think it may be anxiety. But they still referring me to cardio specialist just incase because of my symptoms im experiencing. I kept visitingy docs again and again just so they listen to me. I personally dont believe this is only anxiety. Ive never had anxiety before until 6 months ago when i started feeling weak and having chest pain. But then i do hear you can have anxiety silently and not even realise you have it. Problem is my body is exhausted due to the symptoms.
I feel your pain, I was in such a Bad place that eating was difficult, stayed in bed for weeks. Medication has helped, though getting out is something I'm still dealing with, I feel so weak that I'm afraid of fainting? Are you seeing a counselor? You might need Medication?