Hello I’m new to this forum I have had anxiety on and off for 2 years but this time it feels different. I am 28 I don’t smoke I am not overweight I don’t drink much anymore for the last 3 weeks I have been having difficulty swallowing certain foods and occasionally it feels stuck then I have a lump in my throat. It’s happened every time I eat now and it’s annoying as I worry about eating. I have chest Lina with it too and after eating I always have a load of mucus come up my throat which feels like I can’t breathe but I can’t bring it up. My dr has given me tablets for stomach acid and says it’s that I have never been tested for that and of course I don’t believe the dr and my partner says my anxiety is probably causing it but it my mind it’s lung cancer or esophageal cancer I’m trying to stay positive and not think of the worst but it’s driving me mad :/
Could these be anxiety? Not convinced - Anxiety Support
Could these be anxiety? Not convinced

Firstly welcome. I hope you find this forum as helpful as I have. I have very similar symptoms so sympathise with what you’re going through - it’s been 5 weeks now. Having an endoscopy soon to check things out. Don’t want it but at least I know if there’s anything causing it - it could be anxiety or a virus as I know 3 others at the moment with similar symptoms - heartburn and lump in throat feeling. They think it’s viral. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Jane thank you for the reply I hope it’s the anxiety but in my mind I’m thinking it’s cancer or something incurable. I hope your endoscopy goes well and you don’t have to wait too long for it. I may go back to the dr and ask for one as the trouble swallowing is my biggest worry at the moment. I will hate the waiting and not want it done in case it’s something bad and probably think the drs have missed somthing dam worry and health anxiety :/
I constantly worry it’s serious too and that makes it ten times worse. It’s a vicious circle. There is a sensation called globus pharyngeus which is anxiety born - could be a reason but best to check it out. Once you are under the care of doctor at least you’re looking at all options so you can relax a bit more as you know you’re doing everything you can to help yourself. That might help too.
Yes I thought it could be globus but I know they say there’s nothing there but I can sometimes taste the mucus in my throat and on my tongue but I don’t know where it’s coming from. It does feel worse when I worry I can odd minutes if I’m distracted I forget about it but then if I have to eat I know it’s gonna get stuck and I’m back in mass panic
This sounds a little silly but keep a cold can of Coke or Pepsi by you when you eat & when that happens take a few sips or drinks and it should make you belch a few times & should help. And it can also relief some of your anxiety. Don't laugh until you tried it.