Does anyone get this horrific symptom?racing pounding heart with a horrible feeling in the tummy?like in the solar plexus area,higher up in the pure butterflies nervous feeling.
Heart racing again and butterflies in uppe... - Anxiety Support
Heart racing again and butterflies in upper tummy

Minnie, I wake up with exactly that feeling every morning between 3 and 5 AM. It feels as if the area where the solar plexus is was vibrating, pumping. Sometimes it feels hot, burning...

Yes!!that is exactly the feeling!
It makes my heart race!its so horrible.
Have you had your stomach checked? I saw my GP this morning and she check my stomach, pressing and feeling... it was painful. She said a gastritis can cause anxiety-like sensations. I m on meds now, Omeprazole...I hope the meds help because I also feel this pumping in my back. But only when I m in bed and on my back. I ll keep you posted xx
Yes, I get both of these from time to time. Deep, slow, conscious breathing is the most effective thing I've found for it.
JAYnLA How are you doing my Cali friend?
I see you giving a lot of great advice in your responses.
I'm glad you are a part of this community.
I get this too... shaki , twitchy, jumpy, ...
Butterfly feeling... sometimes for days at a time...
Hope you feel better
Oh yes all the time
Oh yes
I’ve just spoken to my doctor about having tests with a cardiologist so I’m so happy.
I also have to go in to see my doctor next week to have an ecg and her listen to my heart etc.
Does yours just race for no reason and pound in your chest?does it ever skip beats? X
Yes to all of the above. One day I felt a gas like bubbling in my chest. And then the racing heart with Palos all day. Heart rate stayed in the 90s-105 All day. Higher whenever I would stand. Everytime idmove around it'll feel like it was skipping beats. Was anxious about prepairing for guest so so maybe that's why. But it freaked me out because it never lasted all day before. Usually my heart would start racing after getting that wierd nervousbfeeling in my chest or tummy (sometimes up to 150) but would settle down after a few minutes. I wouldn't even be nervous feeling that day but it would happen. There were times I'd eat and it would start racing. At times of high stress all of have to do is stand up and it'll start racing. It's awful. Palpitations and sometimes it'll feel like it'll slow down or skip then speed up and beat really fast. Had ecgs done bloods and x ray. Only tachycardia. Been to a cardiologist said everything's fine. It's like living on a roalercoaster..
I'm glad you'll be seeing your docs and specialist. Prayerfully it Gives you a peace of mind and ease your anxiety and symptoms.
I remember going through this all before and always calling the ambulance and having a whole host of test done only to be told nothing's wrong. And slowly the anxiety left and my life was normal....some years later it's back again.
Yes I have this feeling daily. As soon as I get up my heart races. My tummy gets nervous and sometimes I walk like I feel like I am drunk. I have week legs on a daily basis also. Is this anxiety??
I have had this too. It is from a Hiatal Hernia. Many people have them and there is usually no treatment needed. Stop lifting heavy things and try to relax, if that's what it is , it should improve. Google it
Hey how have you been

Hiya!i went back to hospital again with tachycardia last week.
Had more ecgs and chest x Ray and all having a 24 hour tape fitted next Wednesday just to confirm.
How are you doing?
The same anxiety ... are you able to get out more now? How’s your dizziness

No I’m still housebound and lightheaded 24/ are your symptoms?
Mine are the same but I just push myself ... it’s what you got to do ... I told myself I’ve been like this for a year and nothings happened right ... so I’m just wasting my life ... did you ever try Xanax? Or Ativan? My friend started that before her Zoloft and she said it helped tremendously

I have to start fluoxetine after my 24 hour tape next week.and I said I would.she said it’s about getting the right balance of on propranolol already which is really good for palpitations.
What meds do you take?
Dr gave me Zoloft but I’m scared

I know what you mean hun.
But she assured me that they are very effective and so helpful for anxiety and depression.its really hard though I know.

What are your most troublesome symptoms?
Yes exactly what my dr said... I hope they help us and I’m very happy you are going forward and taking them! Mine are the butterflies in my stomach, feeling shaky inside, feeling like I’m floating like about to pass out, confused, cloudy head and mind... and just plain old anxiety .. and also weak
Btw my sister in law takes Prozac and she likes it .