So I found a Brown spider on a cup while
I was washing it today. Are these dangerous ? It had long legs.. and it was light brown creepy little things..eww
So I found a Brown spider on a cup while
I was washing it today. Are these dangerous ? It had long legs.. and it was light brown creepy little things..eww
Could be a brown recluse, they don't usually bite people unless they feel threatened
Ah I see
A spider can bite you whilst you are asleep even ordinary house spiders can give a toxic bite which can go septic. Ultra sound plugs may stop spiders round the house but some seem to come up through water pipes. We have fragile looking garden spiders which can bite and sting.
Brown recluse spiders cause very serious ugly wounds from their bites. Kill it!!!! It's venom eats tissue away and is horrible. Look it up online then spray everything you can to be rid of them.