I’ve noticed I have little red spider veins on my left leg. I’m only 22 and it’s worrying me that it’s only my left leg too. Anyone know if they can go by themselves or if it’s anything to worry about ?
Spider veins: I’ve noticed I have little red... - Anxiety Support
Spider veins

Nothing to worry about at all , they don't usually go though and even though maybe they are something you get as you get older you can get them when you are younger to
They are just one of those things as we say
Take Care x

Thank you for your reply really appreciate it ! Do you know if it’s common x
Yes I would say it is common
Some people are lucky and don't get any yet some well they do , it is certainly something I would not worry about , I have them but am a lot older and to be honest I think even though it was a long time ago I got them when I was young , don't worry you will be fine , just a pain really if you don't like how they look that is the only negative thing I can think of about them x

Take care aswell xxx
I have spider veins in my left leg and swelling in my right leg. I’ve been to several doctors, they done every test in the books and Everything is normal. The vascular surgeon even said not to worry. I do wear compression socks and keep my legs elevated when I can. Don’t know if that would help spider veins or not but it can’t hurt. Good luck and God bless.
Nature will take care of them if you can increase the flow of blood to the area using exercise or heat packs on the little pools of blood.