My anxieties through the morning have gotten me so stressed. My evenings come and everything disapates similar to all of you. This is a great thread thank you for starting it. Tomorrow I have to travel for a job interview to another province in canada. Stay at a hotel and then interview the next day. I cant even get out of bed to take my kids to school.. how am I going to do this. If anyone has words of wisdom or wishes to be my therapy buddy for tomorrow and up until I reach home again on Thursday night I would greatly appreciate anyone who would care enough to reach out. I'm in desperation. Only for my wife and kids I dont know how I would get by. Now i fly off and have no one. I'm going to be in such a terror. If you feel you can help to just be there by message please let me know. Thank you all so kindly.
Help me please. Anxiety buddy required - Anxiety Support
Help me please. Anxiety buddy required

Dig in and just make up your mind that you're going to do this because you anything less than your best effort is not acceptable to you. Think of the reasons why you need to follow through. Look within yourself and somewhere you will find the strength and courage you needn. You've got this! Be well and good luck.
Take your time, don’t let this anxiety get the best of you! YOU and STRONGER than your anxiety. I’m sure your interview will go well you got this, you can do it. Think positive and you will have positive outcomes. Life is hard sometimes but when it knocks you down get back up! I know what it’s like to not get out of bed some days it’s hard but you must make yourself as much as it sounds impossible it’s not, I manage to do it everyday and if I can do it so can you!
Hi AnxietyMan41, we may not be professional therapists, but we can be your virtual
therapy buddy who will help support you through your job interview. Knowing
that you are as close as a "Message Away" hopefully will help you get through
your anxiety and fears. Morning anxiety can be toned down by deep breathing
when first waking up. Get rid of any "what if" thoughts. Concentrate on what you
really want to get out of this interview. Remind yourself that any doubts and fears
are lies coming from your subconscious mind. You really are strong and capable of
going after what you want in life.
Good Luck to you and Welcome to this great support group. We're with you. x
Thank you so much. It's now 8:22am and my body is shaking with anxiety. So much stress to cope with. Getting out of bed was the first step. My flight goes out this evening at 630 local time. I have to be at the airport a couple hrs ahead of time. I live 1.5 hrs from the air port. My daughter is going to drive me. I'm so frightened that I will panic so bad that I will have a mental breakdown and not be able to do it. When living with fears that I feel no one else has it leaves me trapped in my own thoughts and leaves me helpless. I'm very thankful for finding this group with you all in it. Thank you for listening and being here. Worlds apart or next door neighbors it doesn't really matter. Just knowing that there are others out there struggling and willing to help means a lot. I hope I can do this.
Hi love Im here to message anytime if you are feeling stressed or down, when you get to the airport try getting a nice hot camomile tea down you it should relax you and just sit and do some breathing techniques, in for 5 out for 5 works for me. I hope you relax and if you need a friendly ear I’m here, don’t worry, Ange 🙂
Thank you Ange. I appreciate you. This is such a dreadful experience. If you or anyone could tell me of any similar circumstances they have been in would be very helpful right now. Thank you again so kindly for messaging.
I go through the same thing in the morning, freezing and shaking and feeling like i am about to vomit. I am struggling with this as well and looking for a way to make it better
Currently sitting in airport. Anxiety is ... I'm seems bearable. Plane will leave in about 50 minutes then off to Montreal. I'm looking forward to the hotel bed and hiding deep under the covers. Then the dreaded morning. Sigh... I took an Ativan about 2 hrs ago and I'm still a little nervous I guess. Feeling hungry. But not really in the mood to move from my spot and comfort of mind.
Hi there - im late to the party on this one but I’m pretty sure by the time you get home (and maybe even with the job in hand by then !!) you will be thinking what was I ever worrying about - there was no need - I did it, I made it and I’m still here and alive !!! The doing is never as bad as the reality, and by doing (as you are) you are not giving in to it. Best of luck I’m sure you will be ok and even if you don’t get the job so what there is a better one waiting around the corner for you !
Thank you kindly, sir. I appreciate your comment. Currently laying in my hotel bed. Took an ativan and my vitimam c. I'm feeling okay I guess or at least I hope I am. The mind is everything. The secret to life, I believe is "piece of mind". Once that's found, just live life. The struggles though are intense on times to say the least.
11:27pm and all seems within reason. Pray for me tomorrow. Thank you all.
AnxietyMan, you will be in my thoughts tomorrow. Keep thinking positive thoughts.
You can do this. I believe in you. It's going to be okay. We are only a message away.
Goodnight dear Man. x
Praying for you. I felt very terrified before my interview and first day of work, thought I would have a mental breakdown as well. I didn’t and you won’t either. You can do this. I center myself through prayer and give it to God who carried me through the most terrifying feelings I’ve ever had. I highly recommend listening to a sermon by Charles Stanley on YouTube.

Thank you. Your message has brought me comfort. Very anxious at the moment. I have a st. Jude pendant with me. Trying to get back into religion. I need my faith back. I'm working on it. I will check the video. Thank you again for your message. Bless you.
Comfort and peace be with you! One step at a time

Interview went well. They are asking for refernces. So I will provide them some of my best. See where it goes from there. Its 237am and still feeling fine. Bed shortly and then to see if tomorrow will be any easier. Prayers to God for some daytime relief. Good night. And thanks again!
Hope all goes well for u today. Remember u are not alone, we are all thinking about u & wish u well for ur interview 👍
Thank you so very much, Arlene99!
Interview is done sitting back at airport. Was a good interview they need me to provide some references so I reached out to my past colleagues two have replied their willingness to give me a good reference. I'm still
Anxious. Getting ready to board plane to get back to my family. I hope this feeling will soon go away and let me live again.
Just arrived back home awaiting daughter to pick me up for the 1.5 hr drive home. Evening is here and I just smoked a joint as it's legal here. Feeling a little okay but the worry of tomorrow is always there.
Safe at home with my wife and youngest son and other sons girlfriend. Things feel okay. Was able to run and get pizza then to the market for some caffeine free soda. I ate like 9 pieces. Good for my poor appetite as of late. Tomorrow I hate to see it all come back again in the morning. God bless the times our minds settle.
How r u doing?
Hi Sajax. Moments of "I can do this"mixed with "my God someone help me". Have been doing slow breathing during times of angst. Holding back on my meds so I can take them this evening. Trying to find ways to occupy my time are the most difficult. Hurry up evening time so I can slip back into some kind of rest and peace of mind please God.
Job interview has come and past. I sent an email of thanks today with my references. Please God something works out or my mind allows me to refocus back to a seminormal anxiety free human. First ran across anciety from 17 to age 22. Then I met my wife she has helped greatly. There have still been rough times but nothing as drastic as it has once again gotten.
How about you? How are you holding up?