Im new to this. I was just looking up anxiety online and i came across this here. Im glad that i see people feeling the same way that i have been these past couple of months.Its hard trying ti explain to your family what your feeling.Without them looking at you weird or not understanding.Making me feel worse about myself and what im going threw.Some days are better than others.I just want to be back to normal.The way i was before all this started.Feels like im stuck like this forever.An that i dont want.. Does it get better eventually once you get it under control?
Im NEW here!!!!: Im new to this. I was just... - Anxiety Support
Im NEW here!!!!

Have You Seen A Doctor ? It Just Started In The Past Few Months ? How Severe Is It ? Plus...People Without Anxiety Disorders Can't Understand It... They Don't Really Try To Be Mean.... People That's Never Had A Disorder Like This Think You Can Just Snap Out Of It.... It Doesn't Work That Way. So Don't Get Upset With'em.
Yes... Im on meds now for it,been taking them for little over 3weeks now. I had anxiety couple years ago an panic attacks,but i wasnt on meds because i handled them on my own. I have just been under so much stress here lately.I lost my father to Cancer last month on the 5th. I watched him take his last breathe. Was there by his side the whole time.The day after he died. I was sitting at my moms house an all of a sudden my heart started to race, i was having double like anxiety attacks that i have had before.So that really freaked me out..Im schuduled to see a grieving therapist next week.But now im thinking that i need to see a psychologist..
I Am So Sorry Your Dad Passed. I've Lost Both Moms & Dads [ my wife's family too ], 3 Aunts & 1 Cousin In The Past 7 Years.... I Know Your Pain... Nobody Passes Away, They Just Pass Over, Your Dad Is Right There In Your Heart... A Peace WILL Rise Up In You & You'll Know, Everything Is Alright.... See The Therapist & The Psychologist... It Never Hurts To Talk About It....
Prayers For Ya ~*
Hey friend, yes it does get better, even on days you feel good come on here and help out other people, it is something you can absolutely keep under control with enough practice. Some emergancy tips I do when I am having a particuarly anxious day is:
• Lavendar essential oils
• Hot shower (add the essential oils if you have them)
• Come interact with people on here
• Watch guided meditation videos on youtube.
thanks so much for responding.. you just brought tears to my eyes!!! Im a mother of two boys.Ages 9&11.. an they are my life.. I just want things to get better so i can be the mother i was before for them. it really breaks my heart because i feel like this is taking over my life an like im going crazy an im gonna be this way forever. But i keep my faith up an try to think positive but its hard sometimes... but thanks i will try that oils trick an see if it works for me too!!!!
Everything is going to work out, know that millions of other people are in the same situation as you right now and they are going to be just fine. And millions more have gone through that and are now leading incredibly happy and successful lives in bliss and the fact you are on this website seeking a fix is proof that you will do great.
Hang in there much love
I have to say. You said exactly what I would say. I remember on my older post saying these exact words. I too am a mother of two and they are my entire world and when I'm in my downward spiral of anxiety and depression I cry constantly because all I can think about is my children and afraid of not being here to be their mom to live a life of happiness or get back to being who I once was and enjoy growing old with my girls. I'm sorry to hear you lost your dad. I cant imagine how it is to lose a parent but I do know the feeling of hopelessness and fear. And yes in my darkest times, prayer has definitely been the only thing that brought me through. So I will continue to pray. Because I have allowed this to control my emotions and my life, I have finally decided to build up the courage to do something that I been wanting to but of course the fear was holding me back. You are not alone. I'd like to share my new broadcast endeavor with you. I am discussing anxiety and the journals I've written and also talks about the fear of fate and what we cant control. Check it out if you can. I wish you better days 😊
i did watch your whole video an i must say you did a good job. i felt some of the things you talked about,however my anxiety doesnt come from fear of going through alot right now an i got so much on my mind.people tell me all the time to relax and stop worring so much. but its hard not to. it hurts me the most that my kids see a difference in me. we used to do so many thing together an have so much fun. now i cant seem to do that at all because of my anxiety. its like a 24/7 thing. i go to bed with it an wake up in the morning with it. just when things were getting a little now its like my vision is playing tricks on me. im experincing double vision now. an that right there scares me to death cause now im thinking im going blind or something. i dont know i just want to manage this an get it under control so i can live my life like i was before...
Thank you for watching. I know what you mean. I had my days of feeling so sad that I wasn't interacting with my girls like I used to. And when I did do things with them it was like I pretending to be ok. When deep down my anxiety had taken over. I would put on the best smile I could so they wouldn't see how torn i really was. So trust me i know. And yes I've had the funny vision as well. Still get it from time to time. The blurred vision or looks white like I'm looking in a dream. Also like I've had to blink real hard to clear my vision. Lots of eye floaters. And it's also been times my eyes had this weird sharp pain like in my eyeballs. Anxiety can play plenty of games when it wants to. One day it's one thing and the next time its something new that worrying me. I would dread the next day because it would mean everything started all over again. But again thank you for watching. I'll will be posting more as I share my journals and talk about what anxiety has put me through. But you can always message me if you want someone to talk with.
Yes it gets much better! Do not lose hope!! I went to a Christian counselor and we went through an anxiety workbook together. It taught me to recognize the anxiety right when it first started coming on and to talk myself down from it instead of up into a full-blown anxiety attack. On my worst days I always remind myself this too shall pass. You were not alone. <3 I will be praying for you this week.
thank you so much. it feels like im disconnected from the world and everyone in it. some days are better than others but as of now i feel like im stuck this way forever.and that theres no hope for me at all.
I remember feeling that way after my mom died. I was so sorry!! to read about your dad. My sincere condolences. I took care of my mom for eight years before she passed away. We were very close. After she died, I went to griefshare. Have you ever heard of it? It’s offered nationwide so there’s a good chance there’s one in your area. There I found other women who were going through the same emotions I was and I no longer felt so alone. Griefshare gave me the tools I needed to start the healing process. I still miss my mom every day but it gets better and I promise you there’s hope. <3