has anyone felt like they mind is trying to control them or lets say feeling like you about to go crazy lately been feeling like that my head feels wired lately i been afraid of hieghts i never was before. i can go to the mall now i have to get on the elavator i use to get on the eletric stairs but when i get on it feels like because im looking down feels like im going to jump off and i get this tic like i just want to go out of control its wired i never felt this way i dont know but this year lately my mind and nerves been out of the roof . im mentally not good phiscally im healthy i just dont want to go nuts ugh this is stressful to fight this.
hello wassup everyone anybody felt this wa... - Anxiety Support
hello wassup everyone anybody felt this way and got past it?

Hey Johnnie. Are you on medication? Some medications can cause racing thoughts. So can anxiety all by itself. My anxiety caused me to fear hurting myself even though I really have no desire to actually hurt myself. I wonder if that's what you're experiencing?
im not taking nothing at all its just happening probably because of my anxiety like you said and that happens to me to all the time but i know i wont do it
its a crazy feeling
Yes it is. I just counter it by thinking, "No, I really don't want to do that."
yeah when i think that way i get chills and get in fear right away
Just breathe and let the thought pass through. Don't fight with it. It's just a thought brought on by fear.
Hi Johnnie 1234 sorry your feeling this way. I had the same feeling for 2yrs. My anxiety was there 24/7 I to thought I was going mad. Just have to keep yourself busy. I listened to a lot I meditation wish helped me a lot. I ddi everything to keep myself busy. It Was hard I even lost my job because of this. but I got though it. Im in such a good place right now I've even got a new job. You will get there I promise it just takes time. If you need me just give me a message. Take care
it sounds like u might have dizziness due to the anxiety wich would maje you feel afraid of heights so thats understandable.Its the anxiety that needs dealing with as its all very scarey for so id suggest writting a journal so u can get ofg ur chest and also trying relaxtion or even some kind excercise like walking it might help u stay calmer i do get u because stimes its hard to control what the brain is thinking but rember ur thoughts arnt u x
Sounds like you are stressed that's all
When we are near barriers at great heights we are scared of jumping it s a normal reaction
Find some ways to relax