Does anyone ever get the muscle flutters in chest which feel so much like it’s your heart? Always seems to be right above the heart. Maybe it is the heart?? 😑
Advice: Does anyone ever get the muscle... - Anxiety Support

Yes I had those all the time...believe me, if it was heart they would see it on ekg’s and you wouldn’t be here wondering it’s hard to accept it , I struggle myself but that’s what it is...
I have had over 20 ekgs overall plus the full physical. How can I not believe it.
Oh same here. Took me a while but I’m finally trying to convince myself that my heart is okay
If it was one symptom id be ok. But it’s chest pain, dodgy breathing sometimes and now all day my left hand is just numb
I’m the same at the minute too I’m not sure what mine is but I do worry about it
Because you are listening to all those anxious thoughts and by placing belief in them, you are feeding them so they keep on coming.
How’s your training for a marathon coming along?
About as well as Chelsea’s form. Pathetic. Still can’t bring myself to do it. These daily symptoms are too much for me, I can’t not pay them attention. Sorry i just can’t.
It’s not about not paying attention to the symptoms. That would be extremely difficult so no need to say sorry.
It’s about letting them be there, feeling uncomfortable but learning not to react in fear to them. You cannot control the first fear which may be an anxious thought that pops into your head but you can change the way you react to that thought or feeling. Instead of recoiling and questioning if your heart is about to pack in, develop a “So What?” attitude. These thoughts and symptoms you are having are driven by your fear of them and you continue to feed your fear by adding that second fear all the time.
Like I’ve said before, if your heart was on its last legs, any one of those ECGs would have shown it. It’s just the symptoms of anxiety making you think and feel that way.
Sorry man. I can’t do it. Sorry
Have faith. Everyone thinks they can't do it or at least that is what their anxious mind is telling them. It's all bullshit too. You doubt the strength and resilience of that big heart so its only natural that you doubt yourself too. Anxiety is great at feeding you negativity from dawn til dusk but that is what it does. It's just nervous energy being released and an escape valve. The energy manifests itself as negative thoughts and feelings. Like I keep saying, they are only there because you have anxiety. If you didnt have anxiety, those thoughts and feelings just wouldnt be there but you keep feeding it by continually worrying about how you feel.
You can do this but it takes a little time to learn to genuinely let go and live your life with anxiety still being present. Eventually, it will simply melt away.
I have skipped beats,thuds and racing hard everyday.
Anxiety sucks.
Yes it really does suck... I wish it would disappear