I am 30 year old female. 2 1/2 years ago I was going through a stressful time in my life and at the same time came down with a bad flu which main symptom was horrible diriah. I think I got extremly deydrated and like I said under lots of stress. About a week later I woke up one morning with horrible brain fog. And I mean bad I couldn't thino or remember anything. This lasted for a week straight and then started to let up a little. Then the same symptoms woI'll come and go. I went to my regular medical doctor told him how I was feeling he did some blood work and said I think it's just stress. Give it some time it should go away.
Well it didn't and now 2 1\2 years later I am still having problems. The brain fog is better with in the last 6 months that symptoms has changed to lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, I feel as if my left side of my body is moving slower then the right side at times. As I said these symptoms come and go. Driving makes my symptoms worse but I will still have them no matter what.
I have had a ton of blood work done, I have had a CT scan of my head with and without dye. I have been to a neurology st that put me on dizzy meds which made my heart race so I stopped taking that.
I had a kidney stone attack about n the hospital, while I was in there they did a blood test and said my potassium level was pretty low, so they gave me some Ives of potassium. Right after I got out of the hospital I started to notice my heart racing. I had a appt for the doctor and they noticed my heart rate was 122 while I was there and the lowest it got was 104. They put me on a heart monitor for 24 hrs. And then called in a panic sayino that my heart got up to 203 once while I had monitor on. So they put me on a beta blocker and sent me to a cartiologist. He said that I have sinus tachycardia.
I am currently on the beta blocker and it is helping a little to bring my heart rate down. But I am so frustrated with everything. I never feel good and I also feel like I have high anxiety.
I am also getting sent to check if I could be hyperthyroid. I have a family and I feel like I can't do anything moat the time.
If somebody has had these problems please give me some advice I am at my wits end.
I wonder to if I could have pots syndrome.
All the doctors the I see all have the same reaction when I tell them how I feel which is hmm. I am getting so sick of it
Thanks.for listening and any advice is welcome.