Sorry for sounding all rambly, but I feel all panicky again and having really bad heart palpitations again and I don't want to go to my roommate cause it didn't end well the last time I asked him for help. I'm not sure if it means I'm having a heart attack now or dying or if I should go get help or just try and sleep it off cause it seems to get worse when I lay down. I have been under alot of stress as well as pulled a stupid and drank some caffeine (48mg). I'm just not sure what to do. I hate taking up the Doctor's time because of my anxiety, but I also don't want to die if it is bbn something major.
Should I go to the doctor?: Sorry for... - Anxiety Support
Should I go to the doctor?
Laying down always makes my heart palpitations more noticeable too! I have found that propping myself up on a couple pillows and putting a blanket inbetween my face and pillow helps. I know that sounds crazy, but I cannot hear it that way, so I am able to focus more on relaxing. While I cannot tell you whether you need to go to the doctor or not I will know your body better than anyone. If something doesn’t seem right than you should have it checked out by your doctor. You are not ever wasting their time. Remember that is their profession. It is what they are there for.
Hi TrippyMcGuire, I agree with Krn, you are the only one who can make
that call. I will say that drinking caffeine beverage certainly didn't help.
Do you feel any better right now?
Heart palpitations are so common with anxiety. To put your mind at rest, see your GP of course but if you have already been to the doctor and you were told your heart is fine, then it’s anxiety.
Let me just add that I’m very sorry you’re feeling like this. I am the same and I know the pain. But, don’t be scared. Seek reassurance of course but promise yourself that if the doctors say you’re fine (which I’m sure you are) you need to commit to finding ways of battling your anxiety. Good luck!
Everything above plus no doctor is ever going to feel like you're wasting their time. They love the easy fixes. Every bit of info I've taken in says if you ever have start having doubt and you aren't sure, it's better to just go. Odds are it isn't and you're just having a bout of tachycardia (heart rate above 100 bpm) from multiple factors like stress, caffeine, and now anxiousness. Palpitations are more profound with all of that in play. When lying down, it seems you can feel it all over the body which sucks. I've been there where it throbs so bad I can't get to sleep. But definitely never feel bad about it. I apologized for feeling similar once and a doctor told me to stop worrying so damn much. Lol. He went on to say that it's nice to provide assurances and make sure they catch something just in case. As for the roomie, it's hard for many to understand. Just calm down or it's just anxiety doesn't work. If he got you a glass of water and maybe just shot the general chit chat, maybe the anxiety just disappears because you aren't really focused on it. Hope you're feeling better and never feel stupid seeing someone for it. My rule of thumb is to see if I can calm down for a few minutes outside the ER. If I can, I'm fine. I drive a little less closer and now haven't been in the parking lot (knock on wood) in a few months. Health anxiety sucks and the mind loves to feed ideas of what it might be. Just remember it doesn't have a medical degree and it's more like an attack dog trying to protect you from perceived conflict and dangerous situations when anxious. If it persists, I'd say see your doctor just to check things out. If a rapid heart beat is a frequent symptom, drugs like beta blockers are excellent for reducing it daily if he or she thinks it would work for you. I've been on one for a couple months and it's helped bring down my heart rate during panic attacks, the high pulse being one of my least favorite symptoms. Take care for now!
Thanks man. I'm porbably gonna see the doc at the walk in clinic today just because it keeps going on and I can feel an anxiety attack teetering. Thanks though.