WHATS EVERYONES SYMPTOMS!?: I would probably... - Anxiety Support

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Belalf profile image
26 Replies

I would probably get some relief in hearing what everyone else is suffering from mine being,






just constantly worried dont even like going out the house but i have to as i have a son to care for!

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Belalf profile image
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26 Replies
uniquediamond profile image

Clinching my teeth, not sleeping good, pressure in the front of my head, confused sometimes, not remembering certain things, chest pain, always in fear, not wanting to leave my house, anxiety driving

Worried-help profile image

I feel daily headaches, off balance feeling as well, feeling of doom, at times I feel like I will pass out, flutters in chest and throat, heart racing, sometimes insomia.

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to Worried-help

Ita horrible ive had a bad bad day today ive had my phone glued to my hand online looking up symptoms trying to get answers and i then i freak my self out even more i feel so drained now. Its exhausting dread another day of waking up like this. Ive gave my self a head ache today but the off balance sensations have been terrible, sitting has been the best option.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Belalf

Hi Belalf, I'm sorry it's been such a bad day for you. I hope you don't mind a little

advice. When these days come around, and they will, it is best not to google but to

use your time in going to a relaxing site or video on you tube. Those few minutes you

spend in relieving the symptoms are worth their weight in gold. It's not about the symptoms but the fear behind the symptoms that bring us to full panic status.

I hope you start to feel better by sitting and relaxing. Find some "me time" for yourself. Tomorrow is a new day. xx

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to Agora1

Thank you agora1 its a tough time. And also tough beleiving that all of this is anxiety related sometimes i dont even feel stressed and all the symptoms still appear very real.

Google i think is my worst enemy u need to stay off it at all costs as its put all kinda of things into my head regarding the off balance sensations and the pins and needs in my legs.

Worried-help profile image
Worried-help in reply to Belalf

It's best not to look up symptoms as hard as it is to stop. It just makes you feel worst. Sorry you had such a bad day today. I hope you feel better

Dnel82 profile image

Hmmm? Where to begin?

Chest craps/pressure



Craps in ribs

Pain in back

Numbness/tingling in back, face, arms, hands

Pain in left arm

Heart palpitations

The feeling of shitness (made that one up)

Feel faint

All these symptoms vary on a day to day at any given time. The medical cause is the effects of when the stress hormone is constantly released into the body. Sucks doesn't it?

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to Dnel82

Its so so hard to deal with every day. My balance sometimes feels so off that my eye sight feels the same and ive been to the optician who says my eyes are fine. Its crazy whats happening to our bodies and we cant seem to control thee sensations.

The pins and needles in my legs and twitching irritate the life out of me .. im trying to sit and relax and try to forget it all and them wont let me.

Dnel82 profile image
Dnel82 in reply to Belalf

At times my legs feel loose as if they're not there. Like you're off balance and are about to collapse. I definitely understand. Unfortunately it's always the anxiety. It attacks the body in different ways.

That's why it's always safe to be checked by a doctor to get a clean bill of health, but still. You walk away being told you're healthy but your anxiety doesn't allow you to be. I like you wish there was a magic pill to make it all go away.

It's easier said then done, but the only way to stop the anxiety cycle is to control behavior towards our symptoms. Let it be and except it. And our brains will be retrained. It's so hard though because the symptoms are very real.

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to Dnel82

Yep sometimes i cant describe these feeling i get in my legs sometimes they feel heavy like theres bricks in them or as if im being weighed down its tiring. Its there pretty much constantly. Ive had my dr run all blood tests, ive seen an ear nose and throat consultant for my balance even had an mri scan on my ear every single thing is NORMAL! the dr must think im crazy i said it cuddnt be anxiety youve missed something and he looks at me like im daft. I need to accept it from today i think.

Dnel82 profile image
Dnel82 in reply to Belalf

Definitely something we all need to do. How long have you been with the disorder if i may ask?

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to Dnel82

Well in all honestly ive suffered from breathlessness for about 5 years but i brushed tht off and thought it was nothing because it would come and go. Like i was gasping for air. Then the dizzyness has been ongping now for 14 months i will never forget the 1st time it came over me! Then 2 months ive had the tingling in legs and servere fatigue! Im clearly feeding the anxiety as im getting new symptoms

Dnel82 profile image
Dnel82 in reply to Belalf

That's what we do. We feed into it. I've been going on 3 years. Seems like the longest three years of my life. Who knows maybe one day someone will come up with that magic pill. Until then we have to stay strong and not let anxiety win.

My worst was muscle twitching, all over and was non stop! Used to wake me, then was dizziness, was sure I was going crazy but I ignored them and they went away :)

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to

I need to act more iggnorant toward these symptoms but its to intense sometimes lol

in reply to Belalf

Oh absolutely, I think anxiety feeds off worry so it’s like a viscous circle, I was in a bad place just over a year ago but am 99% ok now :)

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to

Ive been suffering on and off for a year now feeling dizzy thinking the worst all the time. Ive always been a worryer but i think its time to try and stop and think its just a feeling and it wont kill me. But you know what its like when you are in that moment and its all very real

in reply to Belalf

I know exactly what it’s like! It’s actually scary :( but your right your still here! Today tomoz and in another year! Positive thinking goes along way hun 👍🏻

Carry a bottle of water with you and when it kicks in drink some and take a few deep breaths.

Also to to get a distraction, something to squeeze in your hand might do.

Mindfulnessxo profile image

Thoughts of death

Constant Fear

Heart racing


Shortness of breath

Weird feelings in the body


Fear of being Alone

Constant Worry and more FEAR

It’s awful anxiety has way too many Symptoms that you just can’t really describe it all at once but it’s HORRIBLE makes me sad to see everyone go through this

L1974 profile image

Hi mine are the same as yours the vision issues bother me the worst and is especially bad when driving as more anxious! I’ve started sertraline about 5 weeks ago and they are helping a bit x

Janey1983 profile image

Yep, I have all of these. The muscle twitching, tremor, tingling and feeling like I am dropping (like falling) Breathlessness, feeling like something is stuck in my throat, random pains, horrible butterflies in tummy, it kind of rises up from my legs. It never ends (for me) when one symptom goes another one appears!! I have been diagnosed with a health anxiety disorder & panic disorder.

Snapper123 profile image

Headaches..palpitations ..dizziness.. chest pain... pain in left arm and singles in left arm and hand ... stomach acid ..nausea fatigue.. constant thoughts I'm really I'll or dien.. neck shoulder and head tension... the list is never ending

Lt-Cookie profile image

Hey Belalf..

Just a quick question if you do not mind. Did you do any inner ear/ ear tests?

Belalf profile image
Belalf in reply to Lt-Cookie

Yes all is fine with my ears. Even had an mri scan to see if theres anything sinister inside the inner ear its so frustrating.

Lt-Cookie profile image
Lt-Cookie in reply to Belalf

Right. Goes without saying that what am about to tell you is not a medical advice but rather getting a grip on your situation and so that you may get a sense that you are in control of the situation.

First of all, i would try to remember when is it the first time i started to get overwhelmed by the symptoms you are describing. Try to even be precise as much as down to a week. Go back to your e-mail/ diaries/ facebook posts and try to see if there was anything major happening (or happened) in your life around that time. Try looking for anything that is significant like changing house, commitments, dispute with someone and the likes.

Second, i would start a daily journal that is kept on you (like those little pocket size notepads). For the first 3 days, and immediately when you wake up, write down about how you feel (i.e. whether you felt refreshed, like you have not slept well and such). Then every 2 hours go back to the notepad and write what you did and how you are feeling.


8:00 a.m.: Feel like i had enough sleep/ Energised/ Overall 8/10

10:00 a.m.: Had breakfast (Bread/ cheese/ eggs)/ drove to school/ Traffic/ Overall 6/10.

12:00 p.m.: I though about this person or this idea/ had a call from X/ overall 2/10

Remember for the first 3 days do it in 2 hour intervals and i would suggest as detailed as possible.

Then for the rest of the week continue similarly but probably not every 2 hours but perhaps 5 hour intervals. (although i would recommend to keep the 2 hours pattern).

At the end of the week, i am sure you will start to notice a pattern that will show you what is it that is bringing these symptoms about.

Belalf, a lot of us with mental health issues or problems want help and we seek it but we fail to commit when we do not see results immediately. So, please give the above a try for 1 week. It will not take you time or effort and may hopefully give you some minor relief or sense of control.

Also, do get notepad and not use your phone for it. Useful as they are (smartphones), they are the worst for taking notes and not particularly intuitive for that purpose.

Best of luck and we are all here to support you.

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