What is everyones anxiety symptomns? - Anxiety Support

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What is everyones anxiety symptomns?

Mpa5524 profile image
51 Replies

Mine are,

Heart racing,



pin and needles

muscle tension (especially upper back neck shoulders and arms)

tightness in throat

tight chest muscles

tremors (usually in the morning)

hot one minute cold the next

twitching of neck every so often (blame this on the tight muscles)

pressure in head

clogged ears

pulsating base of skull

Anyone get these?

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Mpa5524 profile image
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51 Replies
Matt3013 profile image

I get......



Pins and needles

Lump in throat

Body zaps


Full feeling in ears

Severe neck ache


Prickly heat type feelings

Anxieteelondin profile image
Anxieteelondin in reply toMatt3013

GOD i forgot to put insomnia down. That has to be one of the hardest when your body is so tired from being on high alert and stressed and then your head hits the pillow and my mind is like NOPE.

Anxieteelondin profile image

Heart Palpitations

Lump in Throat/ Choking sensation

Shaky/Weak feeling

Sweating or cold extremities

Headaches/ Pressure/ Sharper pains that all vary and move around my skull and sometimes to my neck


Dry Mouth/ Weird taste in mouth


Difficulty Breathing

Lack of concentration or ability to focus my eyes for a long time



Feeling as though I'm about to faint or have a seizure

I know I listed about every possible symptom of anxiety but some of them were way back when I used to get panic attacks badly before meds.

But now I generally spend one week worry ing about my heart one week worrying about my brain and sometimes things like breathing problems are 24/7

Lalakeyss profile image
Lalakeyss in reply toAnxieteelondin

Me too. I am always worrying about my heart...I always hold on to it for dear life...but it just keeps beating. This is a viscous cycle, but I'm trying to convince myself that it will be okay. That's nothing is wrong with me. It's so hard...

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply toAnxieteelondin

When you say breathing difficulty what exactly do you feel?

Caseyjunio profile image
Caseyjunio in reply toLvictoria81

Sometimes is chocking feeling causing it to be hard to breath or sometimes I feel I'm breathing nothing, feels like no oxygen is going in

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toAnxieteelondin

Sweetie, we -- I mean anxiety sufferers in general -- aren't that different. I am 42, and I've come to learn (over the course of 25 years) that we're, well, similar. Some people will have palpitations (like I do); some won't. Some will have vertigo (which you do); not everyone will.

I don't mean to belittle you. I mean that the number of symptoms you list won't change the simple fact that we're all anxiety sufferers.

Like, if I were to list facts, I'd have to say that I've often had to leave office and go home. That I had to leave one country and go to another (believe this). And so on.

The point can only be what the solution is. I've found a tremendous amount of relief from acupuncture (short term), acupressure (longer term), and as I said in another post in this thread, Ayurveda (herbal) remedies.

I should, and will, not prescribe specific remedies.

Love you, sweetie. Please get better. I took benzos for 20 years before I found herbal remedies.

Tarishalovesherse profile image
Tarishalovesherse in reply toAnxieteelondin

This pretty much sums up everything when you do have or come across a panic attack ! minds just came out the blue weeks ago. I'm glad I'm 27 years old going threw it nd not younger . I haven't seen the doctor or physicist yet. only been in and out emergency rooms . everytime I call a clinic they always give me a run around . so today I'm going to my primary doctor and I pray he help me or send me to an specialist

Lalakeyss profile image

Hi! Yes, I get all of these symptoms. I also feel like my chest is super heavy. Weakness is legs sometimes. Tiredness. Irritation and agitation. Stomach weakness and nervousness. Your not alone.

Mpa5524 profile image

Thank you all for your response. A little reassuring that we're not alone.

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toMpa5524

We are NOT alone! I mean, we don't usually use CAPS, but in this situation, we are definitely not alone. A few symptoms differ.

I'll tell you about Freud's thing: The Human is the anxiety sufferer, because he knows the fact of Death.

My idea is that people who suffer anxiety are more human.

Now that might sound escapist, but it's Freud we're talking about!!

Love you.

Usagold profile image

In order worst to least:

Heart flutters

Heart racing

Nocturnal panic attacks




Feel sick and weak

Tightness in throat

Tightness in chest

Feel nervous for no reason

I've had others in the past, including depersonalization and depression, but thankfully those have been gone for a while.

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply toUsagold

I still can't get over how anxiety can cause all this. So many times googleing my symptomns (which i told my counselor I wouldn't :) ) I had myself diagnosed with a million different things and freaking out.

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toMpa5524

Sorry I'm replying to so many posts of yours on the same topic :-) No, it's not your pic. I know a little bit about this. OK, about Googling, you know why we do it ("we" as in "I" included)? Because of doubt. Doubt is the problem. It's a psychological kind of thing, not neurological.

You've seen my post about herbs and TCM, right?

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply tobeinganon

Ha no worries. No I haven't seen your post. Where would it be?

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toMpa5524

Idiot. Found it, didn't you? :-*

Hasrat11 profile image

I have everything in this post. Today I had sever pain in my left leg. I end up laying down on a mattress in ikea for 20 minutes. I have needling pain around my neck and shoulder.

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply toHasrat11

So sorry to hear. Yes that's exactly what I have around my neck shoulders my trapezius muscles are always swollen and that pain describes exactly what it feels like.

Hasrat11 profile image
Hasrat11 in reply toMpa5524

I was like recovered from 80% of symptoms a month ago. I was exercising for an hour in the morning and walking three miles in the evening. I was eating healthy. It really helped. But now I moved to a different state and starting from scratch. I haven't been to gym for a month. Eating unhealthy. That's why All the symptoms are back.

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toHasrat11

Man this makes so much sense!

Hardluck profile image

Pins and Needles in the extremities,numbness Especially in the lips and tongue, headaches, frequent urination, lack of appetite, Visual disturbances, Pressure behind one eye, Brain fog or cognitive impairment, Burning skin sensation, dizziness, lightheadedness, perceived weakness in arms and legs, fatigue, coordination issues, itchiness, Going red in the face, Weight loss and weight gain, tremors, twitching muscles.

Krissy005 profile image
Krissy005 in reply toHardluck

All these symptoms sound like mine.. And more. Now I'm swaying . I have very low estrogen and I have not had a period for almost 9 months. I believe this is all menopause. And it brings on the anxiety.

Hardluck profile image
Hardluck in reply toKrissy005

I had my testosterone levels checked, cortisol levels checked, thyroid,anti-nuclear antibodies, test specific for bone and blood cancers, so far all clear! But I feel like garbage Every single day, it is truly relentless.

Kimbosuki5 profile image

Does anyone ever feel like they have to tell themselves how to breathe?? All day I've been focusing on my breathing and thinking I'm out of breath and I have pain in my lungs occasionally. So scared :/

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply toKimbosuki5

Yes! That happens to me from time to time, it’s so weird. I just chalk it up to another part of my anxiety.

Kimbosuki5 profile image
Kimbosuki5 in reply toSandia

I hate it so much! I've gotten my heart checked out about a year ago and everything was ok, but I'm so concerned with my lungs. But I have to try to tell myself if it comes and goes then it's gotta be anxiety

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toKimbosuki5

Yes, sweetie, it happens. "Did you forget to breathe?" I swear that happens on a weekly if not daily basis.

I'm trying to say that what's happening to you is not weird -- it happens, and halfway round the globe, it's happening to me as I type!

We try and live. Don't be scared. I mean, what'll happen? You'll have a convulsion, fall, be taken to hospital, some anti-anxiety pills for a day, and you'll go home.

I mean, as a temporary solution, if you want something to hang on to (unless you Believe), this is the best thing. What's the worst that could happen?

For anything real and longer-term, I've found that acupressure and Indian herbs help.

Don't be afraid, sweetie. Anxiety can at max (I mean MAX!) make you convulse. Leave the place -- and go home -- if you feel it coming. End of story!

Shelley24 profile image

Fast heart, sweating, shaking, tight chest, feel hot then cold, sleep problems, lump in throat, weakness and dry mouth and breathing plays up x

Mpa5524 profile image

Its like every few days it's different symptoms I obsess with. Today is pins and needles in hands weak arms and still tight shoulder and neck muscles.

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toMpa5524

OK I'm not hitting on you, but I've been on this page almost an hour (first time I found it) and so much of what you say is to similar to (what I do, feel, live). I mean, this thing you said -- " every few days it's different symptoms I obsess with..."

But yeah, we can't read much into this. Anxiety sufferers, as I said, have so many symptoms in common.

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply tobeinganon

Not to worry not taking it like you're hitting on me at all. I have my days where I almost feel "normal" then others its like oye here it is again but I just go with it. As hard as it is at times I try to accept it.

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toMpa5524

Oh g-d, this is surreal. My experience exactly. And combine it with drugs (not street, I mean pharma), and it's worse. Antidepressants and painkillers basically.

I must quote you on this: "I have my days where I almost feel "normal" then others its like oye here it is again..."

Yeah man, that's exactly it!

Hello Mpa5524- I sure can check many of those symptoms on your list. I experience the tightness in chest and shoulder, neck area. Especially around my throat as if I have a tight, unforeseen object in there. I was getting tremors and sometimes still do, but not as daily as I used to. Irritable and agitated a big yes. I just continue in prayer and different stress relieving techniques. I pray everyday that this too shall pass. God Bless :)

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply to

Thank you for your reply, I am constantly praying all day everyday. God Bless you also :)

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply to

I have begun praying that this shall pass. It hasn't passed for so long perhaps because of my habits -- but now I've stopped doing everything but pray!

Wyominganxiety profile image

Dizziness, hot flashes, tingling head hand legs naseue diarrhea, heart racing, sweaty hands. Blacking out.

p57rosie profile image

You name it, I get it! That simple. It sucks! The worst for me though is the dizziness and feeling unbalanced when I walk. My legs also feel very weak when I have the dizziness and feelings of unbalanced. Anyone else feel like this? I don't hear much about it on here. i take Meclizine 25mg for the dizziness (over the counter helps alot!) I also take xanax for the anxiety. I take the lowest dose, .025 mg and cut one pill into 8 pieces. Laugh but it works! I don't want to end up addicted that's why I break it into so many pieces. I keep track and it seems just 1/2 pill on days I need it, is all it takes till I feel "normal" (whatever normal is now). I suggest you go to anxietycentre.com and read. It's a really good support site

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply top57rosie

I do get the dizzy and off balanced feeling like my legs are jelly or they dont wanna move or they are not attached, its so strange.. Feel better soon. Missie

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply toMpa5524

You ever feel that thing about being like a crab, where you're not decided to move sideways or forward?

Lotus4 profile image
Lotus4 in reply top57rosie

The dizziness and fainting feeling is the worst for me I'm afraid to get out of the house because of this.

p57rosie profile image

Thanks Missie. Nice to know I'm not the only one getting this symptom. It's totally dibilatating! Usually I have to get the cane out, lie down and take some xanax to calm down and let the symptoms subside themselves but So far today, NO xanax! I got really worked up before, from a company who was working on my central A/C unit, but I've managed to keep myself calm and did not need to take any xanax. My legs started with the jelly feeling and my off balance feeling, along with the dizziness but I managed to control that by NOT letting the situation bother me. I talked slow, realized it's not anything that can't be fixed, and this time I HAD CONTROL of my anxiety! I think I found the solution I"ve been looking for the last 4 years! Try it. Big pat on my back from myself!

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply top57rosie

Awsome, congrats so happy for you.. I will def try this :)

beinganon profile image
beinganon in reply top57rosie

Such a beautiful reply, Sir, to the basic question: "Am I alone?"

I'll just quote your reply: "managed to control that by NOT letting the situation bother me. I talked slow, realized it's not anything that can't be fixed..."

That's so precisely the point: As you'll see in two of my other posts here: When you see that nothing can really happen (God willing!!) we'll stop worrying.

Anxiety is the disease of an infinite loop: You get scared, then you're scared because you can't work (or do whatever is expected of you), so you get more scared -- and it goes on to infinity to the point of a panic attack.

Kill it at some point, saying "Nothing's going to happen," and it ends.

Davola77 profile image

I got them when my anxiety is bad...

autumnthebrat2 profile image

I have got every one of those plus a few more

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply toautumnthebrat2

So sorry to hear last night I tried to do a little yoga moves stretch my upper back is so tight as I was doing it was almost like I can feel my skin ripping I don't know if that's normal

beinganon profile image

Most of these. Yeah I know that sounds like making a small thing of something huge, but yeah, I'm only saying most of these happen — and oh god, I wouldn't wish any of these for my worst enemy. Well, we take life as it comes :-) I'm sad that you have these, but the only thing I can do pretty much is tell you how well acupressure works. And Ayurvedic (herbal) remedies.

I do find the two "tightness" things you said weird, though — but obviously that's just me!

Love you, sweetie. Keep the chin up. Try herbal / Chinese remedies.

Mpa5524 profile image
Mpa5524 in reply tobeinganon

Thank you. My friend told me about acupuncture also. Ill be trying that next.

Minds are headache (my head always start hurting first before a panic attack comes) heart beating fast blood flowing in my body , feel weak like about to faint, tightness in throat.

Jodz profile image

Yes all above and my bp goes really high

Lotus4 profile image

I do wish I knew how to stop it I don't won't be put in hospital they will give you all kinds of medicine.

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