I have three cats, one who is pretty decent, another who is like 8 months old who is very hyper and knocks things over, the last one we got like a month ago who stays in my room till he gets used to the house, anyway he pees and poops in my room sometimes. What can I do?
Cats (please help): I have three cats, one... - Anxiety Support
Cats (please help)

Where do you keep his litter box ?
I agree with everyone else. You should put one in your room for now.
Gosh , cats are usually pretty clean .. I think you wed to show him his litter tray ( even pop it in your room if that’s where he’s staying..
Hi yes i was just about to say put the litter box in your room for now so he can use that instead of going everywhere and also has your other cat been spayed / neutered? I have a male cat whos 7 years old and when i got him he was the same very hyper running about like a bull in a china shop i had him neutered and it calmed him right down and he still has his moments where he runs around but not half as much 😃 x

He is fixed but my mom doesnt want me to put the litter box in my room cause it might stink
Hello Lindsey do you have a litter tray ? I've always found cats are very clean and will soon learn
The kitten bit will soon be over then they will calm down Enjoy 🐈🐈🐈
Cats are territorial and it sounds like he feels safe in your room and he is marking his territory. House cats will do this when they feel threa. For example: Fluffy never weed in the house but suddenly starts seeing at the front door. Owner can’t understand why but has noticed a new cat in the neighbourhood as she saw it sitting outside the house. Fluffy is letting the other cat know this is her property, Cats are mostly solitary animals and although some cats tolerate other cats in their territory mostly they like their own space. If you observe your cats they will have their own special spot to sit or sunbath in. Look on YouTube at Jackson Galaxys videos. He’s got some pretty good advice on problems owners face with certain cats behaviours, Good luck,