Lately there have been dozens of posts that seem to have similar questions about physical symptoms.
I suffer and have suffered from the, WHAT IF disease, too.
The disease goes like this, What if I have.......What if the doctor missed something, what if I'm going to....................
You know the drill.
I have found out over the years that the WHAT IF's, wreaked havoc on my mind, therefore my body.
It's true that our bodies hurt, get sharp pains, our heart skips, thumps, thuds, or races, & pains radiate, buzz, or an arm goes numb during then night.
We all have weird symptoms. We can Flip out at work for seemingly no reason at all.
I've been known to flip out on the highways in traffic........not proud!...
All of these symptoms end up to be nothing. NOTHING <real>
My guess is that our families, and now social media has scared all of us into thinking THE WORST.
THE WORST is seldom what happens to anybody. Any BODY
IF THE WORST happens you will not have to question it. IF you get a pain, a twinge, a thud, or a whoosh in the brain, and you freak the hell out, it is not THE WORST.
It feels awful, it freaks you ( me ) out so that I am SURE " this is going to be the time", but it never is. The WORST is the freak out. We have all survived THE WORST. Every last one of you. ( us )
SO when that happens may I suggest that then is when you recall what Jeff and Agora and Uncle b1b1b1b, write about so often and replay their words in your head to give the effects of the adrenaline that has just dropped, a few minutes to cycle out of your system.
The human body is infinitely brilliant. The body KNOWS what to do without your help.
Trust your body.
BUT control your mind. The thoughts, the beliefs that you have ABOUT the feeling are what you can control. SO when you are SURE that the back pain that is radiating to your jaw IS THE BIG ONE..................assume, it is a muscle spasm, or a "knot" that just pressed on a nerve that is intended to radiate to the jaw, but that it is no big deal.
ASSUME THE BEST. JUST think another thought.
This takes practice and I am NOT yet close to overcoming some of my most pain in the ass anxieties. I know there is a pay off for having them and clearly I am not willing to let that "pay off go just yet".
With all of this said, if you are under 25ish, and you have anxiety's may I suggest that you call a family member, your GP, or an older and wiser person you know on the phone first.
Hear their voice, let them soothe you and tell you, "oh, I understand, and I have had that before, you are going to be ok". Seek out person to person contact FIRST before you dial in Dr Google, or fly to the computer for anything.
WE all need reassurance. WE all need to be seen and heard, and our hearts need to be held gently by those who know us.
To anyone who has read this all the way, We are all going to be just fine. We are loved, we are safe, we have some scary programming, and ugly experiences that we want to escape from. But our bodies are strong and they will always try to get back to health minute by minute.
We are SAFE in our bodies at all times.