Hello hope your all having a good day . I have suffered with depression from an early age but over the last 15 years it's been worse but more recently I've been at a all time low and have been off work for almost 3 months I've recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. But I've noticed I've been getting more anxiety spells . Even around my home daily chores are becoming more of an effort. Shopping is a night mare as to is going anywhere out doors how do you cope. thank you
Introduce myself : Hello hope your all... - Anxiety Support
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hi,what have you had by way of medication for your depression,and how have you coped before are you able to social ise,.im asking as I have had depression throughout my life but I tried a few types of tablets ,and now ive stuck with diazepam for 20 odd yrs gp is weaning me off them ,just when my anxiety levels spiralled out of control im back on track but still not able to walk far as im more aware of my breathing and walking becomes a type of chore.
Hi over the years have had different tablets but in the past was put on matazepine and quepiatine I stoped taken these 3 years ago and got back into work but depression came again and was put back on matazepine slowly increased to 40mg at the moment but I spend days feeling like a zombie and I'm now 4days into taking levothyroxine for thyroid. I'm struggling with very day to day and all I hear is get up snap out of it.. I fake a smile hold back the tears when all I want to do is scream an hide away .
it seems like things are not getting better for you ,glad your off quitipine as it does make you very drowsy,and now your thyroid pill ;maybe you will feel better once that settles,its sad that people don't understand,and makes you feel even more alone,,i do hope things start to get better ,please keep in touch with the group-do you have a good doctor,if there is such a thing.
Hi lorianxiety I guess things will take time not sure what to expect but yes finally got advanced practise nurse at my surgery thanks to here to pick up on it . Thank you hope you have a good day