I keep feeling really dizzy but at mines I have a funny time where it feels like the room spins like am gonna faint its scarey my temples hurt at side of my head anxiety is horrible I hate it!!!
Can anyone relate to this : I keep feeling... - Anxiety Support
Can anyone relate to this

Hello! It can be anxiety yes. You should talk to a doctor first, to be sure everything is ok. Then after doing that, if nothing was found then yes it is anxiety. Most dizziness come from the fact that anxious people aren't aware of the fact that they're not breathing right. Either they breath too fast, or hold in they're breath too long, it's unconscious, and it causes other symptoms that can make you feel like something is very wrong about you. Try not to focus on it, do something else that captures your attention, and exercise breathing "from the belly" (deep and slow breathing with the belly) while you do so. I'm sure everything will be just fine, it will pass!
Thanks for your reply I had bloods the outher week and all was fine and had 24 hour heart monitor and blood pressure done they where fine had scan on kidneys gall bladder ect all was okay it's horrible can't deal with it its so scarey as if something gonna happen or as if something is wrong in my head brain tuma or something it's wired and to top it of I slept funny last night and can't move my neck to the left at all I am waiting for therapy but it taking ages x
I know, it's a horrible feeling, i've felt it too! Ok so you got your tests done and everything is fine, it's already good news!!! So now you can focus on battling this thing called anxiety. I know it's scary, and that the fear, plus the symptoms, plus the bad quality of sleep, will get you to have only negative thoughts, just keep in mind that this is anxiety talking, it gets you to be negative, thinking this will never end, but it will, with time, but it will. Is this the first time you're feeling this way?
Oh I just saw you're pregnant! First of all congratulations! and second, it is so perfectly normal to get your anxiety level up the roof during pregnancy. Specially if you were already anxious before. I think maybe meditation, yoga glasses for pregnant women, or sports like swimming for instance, this things may help a little, have you tried something?
Thanks so much for your replys it's horrible do you suffer from anxiety x
Ear infection?
I get dizzy like you wouldnt believe. Also shakey to the point I cant write my own name. I try very hard to ignore it for what it is, but concerns me. I laugh about it with others, but it scares me. Lightheaded too, everytime I put my head down. Awful feeling.
Hiya Saz. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling like this. I just wanted to ask. Are you on any meds for anxiety? I had some of these symptoms that you describe when I was taking propanolol for anxiety. It is just a thought. Also as I am sure you are aware. Anxiety in itself can bring on all sorts of horrible feelings which can change on a daily or weekly basis. I hope that you get relief from all of these things very soon. I defintely would be visiting my gp tho Saz as the dizziness in itself is a slight concern. i.e. falling etc. Please look after yourself.