Hello! My name is Keesh! I just made my first post in the form of giving advice to someone today, but I've been reading all of your threads for quite awhile now, I signed up when my anxiety was really bad and always got the emails but they kind of just got lost in the flood of all the other "click now" emails, until I noticed one of the subject headers that was titled "I'm scared, help" when I clicked, that person described a lot of the same feelings I had been having and so did the helpful people in the comments, I was hooked from there. I felt really good and didn't feel as alone, misunderstood or as crazy as I did before. I have had anxiety that focuses on my health for about 6 years the past almost 3 years mainly on my breathing and stopping suddenly. Though I am in a much better place then I was 6 years ago I still definitely struggle and I cant wait to look to you guys for support and help and also be the same support for others!
Thanks for reading!