So much pent up energy or anxiety I feel l... - Anxiety Support

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So much pent up energy or anxiety I feel like I’m going insane

Jmerrick22 profile image
8 Replies

I feel like I’m going completely insane and I don’t know what to do. My anxiety’s insane. I’m so scared, I keep thinking, I feel like I’m not the same person, I’m scared to be alone, and I’m paranoid. The doctor doesn’t think I need ativan or anything like that again, but this is driving me completely insane. I feel like I can’t calm down, I was good most of the day now it’s evening and it’s all starting up again. I feel like I don’t know how to release this pent up energy or whatever the feeling is. I don’t know what to do, I can’t stand this. Tell me please this is just the anxiety ? And I’m not seriously loosing it. I’m so scared. I think ativan or Xanax will help me but they don’t think I need it. Then I’m afraid of being hospitalized and idk what to do.

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Jmerrick22 profile image
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8 Replies
Krn210 profile image

You are not going crazy. How was your morning?

Agora1 profile image

Jmerrick, you are not going insane but your stress level is super high. I would think that Ativan or Xanax would quiet you down immediately but if they won't give it to you, you

are going to have to turn to meditation and deep breathing.

It is not as quick a fix but will calm you down enough to make you feel more in control.

I use YouTube. "Guided Meditation Blissful Inner Peace" by the Honest Guys

Anything by them is soothing, their voice are calming. Hope you settle down soon.

Jmerrick22 profile image
Jmerrick22 in reply to Agora1

I don’t get it though what’s causing me stress. Lol. I mean truthfully, I’ve had financial issues, and I got to a point where my car got shut off, and I had to borrow money from someone to keep it on. I wasn’t working for awhile, and then I had a problem where I got a temp service job that I was told would be at least three months and here it ended in a week and a half. I was in complete and utter shock because I was like I like this job, and i felt in complete shock. This also happened when I was called from a lower income housing, and I was told I had one day to decide to take it or not, and granted where I live now is issues, I mean water tank leaking, no hot water right now, I’m fixing it little by little, but I mean the place I’m moving with my mom, she has no income and I’m the financial person pretty much. But now that I have that place I just don’t like the vibe there and I feel that causes some anxiety and distress too. I guess this started a spiral for me. I woke up the week after the layoff happened and one morning I felt that annoying black cloud over me. And that itself causes me anxiety and stress because I don’t know how to handle it. I’ll admit I feel like I’m looking for a quick fix and I know it takes time, but Prozac is keeping me from

Crying which I guess is good, but this built up energy and frustration is driving me insane. I feel like ripping my hair out some days. Lol. I don’t know maybe this is more a stress episode because I wasn’t depressed before. I go to my psychologist Monday and I’m thrilled because he always helps me. Even now I’m constantly worrying am I gonna be able to pay this this time, am I gonna wake up one day and my car not start, what if I can’t get to work, I can’t deal with that. I need to learn to keep calm and take one day at a time like I used to. I did good for like 3-4 months and then BAM 💥 episode. I just wonder for sure if this is what triggered me, and if it’s even gonna get better. I’m thinking of trying those essential oils too that they’ll help. Any ideas or suggestions?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Jmerrick22

I here so many "what ifs" in your response which keeps feeding into your anxiety and distress. You may have been in a situation close to this before but each time is different in how we respond. Whether it's psychologically more disturbing or physically. You have a lot of responsibility in taking care of your mom as well.

I don't know anything about the essential oils but I would say give anything and everything a try right now. You need some calm in your life so you can think rationally. You don't need to get physically ill over this stress. As for myself, I live and breath Meditation and deep breathing multiple times a day. And even with that, there

are times my stress over my daughter are more than I can handle. But it does differ from one day to another according to the way my mind interprets the stress each day.

A quick fix would be nice but that doesn't always comes w/o issues of it's own. You need to have a plan, a plan can help reduce some of the anxiousness you feel. Let's make the plan that you will hold off in overthinking about the situation since you are seeing your psychologist on Monday who always helps you. Worrying and stressing out about it for the next few days is useless. This will all be resolved or at least given the answer in how you will handle this situation.

Okay, so nothing different is going to change for the next 2 1/2 days. So you are not to worry. Live in the present moment and come Monday, maybe you'll get the answers you need. Breathe Jmerrick, Breathe

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to Agora1

I think a short term course of mild tranquilizers would help you in addition to Agora's suggestions. You really have a lot of understandable concerns on your mind. Have you fully explained these to your psychiatrist? I would talk to him/her again and go into more detail about your situation. IMO he should prescribe tranquilizers.

Jmerrick22 profile image
Jmerrick22 in reply to b1b1b1

That’s what I mean awhile ago when I got all hyped up they gave me ativan 0.5 mg and I really didn’t take it that much but it truly did help. The family dr is who prescribed them. I’m thinking maybe it’ll help this time. I mean if I can get rid of a little bit of this and concentrate I can work through it. It just sucks when you kinda feel helpless like your not sure how to help yourself. So I’m trying not to be home much and constantly be occupied or moving like getting some exercise

Anxiety33 profile image

You are not going crazy , I’ve felt that way many times , and usually it’s a certain place that triggers it . Going to the gym or a run might help to relieve the pent up energy , sending prayers you feel better

Jmerrick22 profile image
Jmerrick22 in reply to Anxiety33

Thank you! I’m just hoping to feel more grounded and centered

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