Can’t take antibiotics : Please help.... I... - Anxiety Support

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Can’t take antibiotics

Samantha123_57 profile image
41 Replies

Please help.... I have been given antibiotics and too scared to take it.. due to my anxiety I am scared about putting anything in my body .. someone please help.. any tips ?

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Samantha123_57 profile image
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41 Replies

Are you scared of possible side effects? Xxx

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to


in reply to Samantha123_57

Try taking your first one while your in company, and remember that side effects have to be mentioned whenever anyone reports them, the chance of you getting any serious side effects is unlikely, when I was suffering from anxiety I too was frightened of taking meds, I remember sitting outside my gp surgery once just so I could take my first tablet, I thought at least I'm at the doctors incase I get a side effect, that's how bad I was, it's a very debilitating illness, but remember your doctor has prescribed the meds to suit you, once you've taken that first dose you'll be able to take the rest easily xxx

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

Thanks .. are you ok with meds now x

in reply to Samantha123_57

Yes I'm fine now, just remind youself that anxiety n irrational fears go hand in hand, I understand how you feel xx

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

Are you ok taking medication now you got over the first hurdle x

Take a prebiotic like actimel while you are taking the meds.

Will help you out.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

How x

in reply to Samantha123_57

They put good healthy bacteria into your stomach that helps to strengthen your immune system.

Hello Samantha123_57 :-)

I know where you are coming from I have the same problem but when i comes to antibiotics I do manage to take them because I have to tell myself to be prescribed those means there is an infection somewhere that needs treating and if I do not treat it that could be very much more serious than any mild side effects an antibiotic may give me

At the most they can give a slight upset stomach but worth it to know you have cleared the infection up :-)

Your anxiety possibly will be slightly high when taking them because this is your fear but tell yourself it is only for so many days you have to take them then you don't anymore and the bonus is you will be well again :-)

I just get up every day and take them when prescribed telling myself this is just for today ( helps me stay in control if I think that way ) then the same the next day and so on and before I know it I have finished the course , in fact I have 2 days left on a course I have been just taking , you soon finish them :-)

Take Care x

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

Do u have a number I could talk to you on.. im sitting here with the medication and I’m so scared

in reply to Samantha123_57


I know you are afraid that is what anxiety does to us but what of ask yourself of those tablets making you better ?

The thoughts of whatever is wrong with me and not taking them to clear it up and what that could lead to hopefully will outweigh the thoughts of taking those meds , you will be fine , just take a deep breath and take one and nothing will happen only your anxiety maybe will try and tell you things that are not true

On these online sites we should all be careful about giving out our personal details , be it emails , phone numbers etc until we really get to know someone and I stick with that policy that is in the guidelines on here but if I can help on line I will do :-) x

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

Sorry thanks xx

in reply to Samantha123_57

Not a problem :-)

Hope you will find the strength to over come your fear so you can take those meds and soon feel better :-) x

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

Me too x

bel_hope profile image
bel_hope in reply to Samantha123_57

Samantha, a couple of months ago I had to take antibiotics and I was concerned and scared. I read all those awful side effects online and that made me feel worst. But then, I thought... I need to get rid of this infection or it’ll be worst. So I prayed and took it. I never ever had any of those side effects! It was a strong antibiotic, but my body just assimilated it very well. Unfortunately, it’s all in our minds! Take care of your health. Don’t let your anxiety take that from you too. ❤️

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to bel_hope

Scared that once it’s in I can’t take it out and I’m scared of the panic attack that may follow

in reply to Samantha123_57

Samantha what is the medication. Maybe some of us have taken it.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

It is trimethoprim

in reply to Samantha123_57

I think I have taken that before for a uti. It didn’t do anything but help the infection to me.I’ve had quite a few of those. Hate UTI’s.

in reply to

I mean it got rid of the infection. Let me re-word that!!

Indigojoe profile image

Welcome to the club.

So many of us detest taking meds of any kind.

My experience is, if you eat a sandwich of your choice, the odds of anything creepy happening are slim to none.

If you choose to accept that the doctor gave you the pill with the least side effects, knowing what the doc knows about you,

when you are ready, take the pill.

Until then, make a choice. Either take the pill and go do something really fun, or go help out someone in need so that you are engaged outside of yourself, or choose not to take it now.

You can take it later, or you can call your physician back and get re assured about the med, or you can discuss another med, but tell the doc what you are going through.

I have been exactly where you are right now.

Relax, you do not have to take it right now.

You have choices.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to Indigojoe

Are you ok now with meds? They gave it to me in a liquid and I sat at the docs all afternoon and still left without taking it😶 I feel like a letdown 😩

in reply to Indigojoe

Great advice!! I have been there too!! I know how you feel. I had to take steroids a while back and I was ridiculously scared about it.

Christory77 profile image

I had the same issue. I was prescribed levaquin and I broke the cardinal rule and googled it. Needless to say I called my Dr and expressed my concerns. They offered to have me come in and take it there or try something else like Amoxicillin which I’ve taken hundreds of times throughout my life and I know will not have side effects. Don’t be afraid to talk to your Dr about your concerns.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to Christory77

I did and they just said they’re not feeding my anxiety it’s something I have to do myself . I’m scared in case my throat closes up

Christory77 profile image
Christory77 in reply to Samantha123_57

Unfortunately sometimes Dr’s don’t have the best bedside manner. I would say when you’re about to pass out from exhaustion take it and fall asleep. When you wake up you will know you’re safe. Unfortunately if you don’t take it the infection could be far worse than any of the side effects. Ask someone to come sit with you. Take it and if needed they will be there to help.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to Christory77

Yh I’m scared if I take it at night I won’t sleep lol .. and I have a child that I take to school so early mornings.. what if I don’t wake up?

Christory77 profile image
Christory77 in reply to Samantha123_57

There are so many what ifs. It’s easy to just become afraid of everything. Don’t do that to yourself. It’s no way to live. Just take a leap of faith and try. The chance of you dying is so minimal. At most a headache or stomach ache. Just give it a try.

bel_hope profile image
bel_hope in reply to Samantha123_57

Antibiotics don’t cause any drowsiness. May I ask what’s the antibiotic for? If you have strep throat you definitely need to take it. It’s very contagious and you said you have a child. Anyhow if you want t get rid of the infection you’ll need to take it. I’m a mom too and if I’m not 100% I won’t be able to take care of my daughter either. So just do it thinking that you’re child needs you.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to bel_hope

For a uti I am trying to flush it out tho x

bel_hope profile image
bel_hope in reply to Samantha123_57

I had the same and cranberry juice helps, but if the infection doesn’t go away take the antibiotics. I got to that point. Although I started including cranberry juice in my diet and that helps. Just one glass a day. All you can get from antibiotics is a stomach upset for a day or two. Take care and hope you feel better.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to bel_hope

Thanks .. I’m scared I will have a panic attack or throat close from taking the tablets .. fear is getting to me

in reply to Christory77

That is a good idea. Take it and go to bed. I can’t believe they said they weren’t feeding your anxiety!! Damn!! Have a heart!!

The UTI could cause kidney problems if left untreated. You need to get the antibiotics started. You will be no good to your child if you end up hospitalised because of kidney problems.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to

I took it 👌 #proudmoment

in reply to Samantha123_57


in reply to Samantha123_57

Samantha. You will be fine. I am praying for you to feel peace. Be sure and start drinking a bit of cranberry juice daily and lots and lots of water. I’ve had those things many times. They are very common. Azo has over the counter things to take for the pain and a few other products too. Let us know when you feel better—-cause I know you will soon.

Christory77 profile image
Christory77 in reply to Samantha123_57

So proud of you. Congrats. That’s a huge step in not only getting better but accepting anxiety.

Samantha123_57 profile image
Samantha123_57 in reply to Christory77

Thank you.... I got up to go to the toilet (4.10am) and thought “right don’t wake my partner you can take this dose alone you did it yesterday you can do it again”(4.20am)

Stood in the kitchen and backed it... then began to shake a little inside and had to put the tele on on the bedroom.. my partner woke up and I told him .. he then sat with me and done breathing exercises with me for 10mins ... it’s now 4.55 and I feel calmer but still a lil anxious ... but I am trying to not overthink and say “you was crying in pain yesterday afternoon and because of the medicine you are feeling better”

I feel that I am slowly taking control back of my own mind x

in reply to Samantha123_57

Great glad you took it 😊😊 you will begin to feel better anti biopics start working within 12-24 hrs

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