Does anyone else get nervous tics when they are anxious? I twitch my nose and I shake my head somewhat. I feel like I look like I am on drugs when I am not.
Nervous tics?: Does anyone else get nervous... - Anxiety Support
Nervous tics?
When my anxiety was at its peak, I started with a slight head shake and my right hand has tremors when I’m anxious. That’s very common when your central nervous system is being overworked. My MD started me on propranolol 10mg.
Yep. I didn't really realise my head was shaking due to social anxiety until I was sitting with some friends and my friends new gf who was nervous about meeting new people was having the same problem. One of my friends who is a bit of a dick called us both out on it. We had a laugh about it and after talking a while and it goes away when you become a bit more comfortable in your surroundings. Also the 4 second breathing exercise helps mine go away. But then I'm substituting looking weird shaking head for looking weird holding breath lol.