Feels like I’m living in a dream. - Anxiety Support

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Feels like I’m living in a dream.

Fairtrade profile image
16 Replies

My vision is very distorted, like it’s not as fluent as it was before this disorder happened to me. When I say it’s like living in a dream I mean my vision 100% it’s very hard to explain but imagine the way you see things in dreams like this feeling that you’re not directly attached to the eyes you see with. It’s not because i think that anything is unreal or some of that shit. This is how my life has been for the past 2 weeks, I quit smoking weed as it made it so much worse - literally made my life a living hell for 5-6 hours if i smoked weed. I do hope for your help, in case it matters I’m 20 years old.

Thank you.

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Fairtrade profile image
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16 Replies

Its called derealization and its caused by anxiety. Your brain probably put it up as a defense mechanism after the bad weed trips. Its not dangerous at all and the best thing you can do now is ignore it and stay away from weed or it will get worse. Speaking from experience.

Fairtrade profile image
Fairtrade in reply to

I really appreciate your response, it is already very painful mentally speaking, so do you have any idea whether its a permanent stage or it will get better after time?

in reply to Fairtrade

Its different for everyone, it usually lasts at least a month unfortunately :( But as long as you dont dwell on it too much (and i know that can be really hard) in time youll barely notice it and then it'll be gone. Or if it persists you can try therapy or medication. Different things work for different people. No problem (:

Fairtrade profile image
Fairtrade in reply to

Thanks man, reading your words already made it like 60% better. It is nice to have something to seek comfort in.

jeff8 profile image

Good luck and stay strong.

Fairtrade profile image
Fairtrade in reply to jeff8

Thanks buddy, going to the doctor right now hoping for some answers and possible treatment.

Fairtrade profile image

What do you mean it happens a lot? For me it’s just how things are now, from when I wake up in the morning till I go to sleep I feel like I’m in this dreamy stage. I really do hope to recover completely.

And lastly, stay away from drugs. Being ill is not fun but it’s nothing compared to the hell that your mind can put you through.

Hateanxiety profile image

Hello Fair trade, I don't smoke weed,take any drugs or drink,but I use to feel the off and on of derealization and depersonalization but for 6 days now I have been stuck in the "dream" state you are talking about. Like at this moment I know for sure that I am physically typing a response to you but if I'm honest it doesn't feel like I'm really doing it. I know that makes no sense,but yes I terrified because I feel like I am doing my mind. I fear I am going crazy and there is nothing I can do until my doctor can see me the 11th of June. I do hope you are feeling better though because God knows I would not wish this on my worse enemy.

Fairtrade profile image
Fairtrade in reply to Hateanxiety

Hey, you shouldnt fear anything I had the exact same state of mind that you had, it has become way better but for the first couple of weeks it was a hell. I’ve talked to my doctor and the only thing they could point out was that I was low on several vitamins. You will probably soon realize that it feels more normal than before. It took me a little over 2 weeks. It will get better :) I'd appreciate an update from you.

goldendoodle7 profile image
goldendoodle7 in reply to Fairtrade

Hi! how are you feeling now! wondering if you could give us all an update. I am currently going through this now

Hateanxiety profile image

Hello Fairtrade,I take vitamins everyday but I was diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder 7 months ago. Now I feel as though I'm not really here,I know it sounds crazy but bare with me. I know it's physically impossible but this is the only way I know how to explain this part,here goes. Metaphorically speaking there are two earths, you've lived on yours all your life,you were happy,everything was real,you were real. In the blink of a eye you feel as though someone snatched you from your home and placed you on a different earth that looks fimilar and everything, you look in the mirror and you look similar but not of any of it looks like its really there and you feel unreal as well. I'm tired of watching others smile,laugh and enjoy but all I can do is watch,cry and feel invisible. I look at my husband and children,I have so many memories with them but its like the memories don't even feel like they are mine. I want to have many more memories of them growing,to do more exciting things with them but I can't get my self back in order to do so. Hell maybe I am going crazy.

Fairtrade profile image
Fairtrade in reply to Hateanxiety

Damn i feel the exact same way, the exact same way. You just have to learn to enjoy the dream world like you enjoyed the last one. It’s such a horrible mind state that we live in but we have to adapt to it until we’re free again.

Hateanxiety profile image

I'm trying but I don't wanna be like this the rest of my life. I woke up this morning and all of my belongings seem so new to me. I mean they are things I've had for years,I have memories with them but yet the things still seem new somehow. Last night while my family slept I sat and thought, some of my memories don't even seem like they are my memories. I mean is something wrong with me,am I losing it? Life was great 8 months ago now but to be honest I can hardly even remember how it felt.

Fairtrade profile image

Yeah I know how you feel it’s just anxiety and it feels horrible, your brain will learn to adapt automatically. Hopefully we both will be out of it soon even though it feels permanent.

Fairtrade profile image

Anyone with the same issues that feels any change?

Calm_mama profile image

Hi Fairtrade! I know a lot about this and it takes time- sometimes months, just hang in there, and it sounds like you are doing exactly what you need to do to start feeling better. I am quite convinced that this is a much more common experience than published in the scientific literature. It doesn't matter if it's constant or intermittent- this feeling out-of-body that you wrote about. Wondering if you exist. Wondering if you are disappearing or disintegrating. Feeling numb, feeling cut-off, racing thoughts, fear of everything, fear of your own mind! Yes, it is all anxiety and panic, too much anxious worrying about - haha - the symptoms of anxiety itself! I am a broken record on this site but I so thoroughly believe that a specific approach to this works (and it sounds like you have the hang of it already so just keep going!) - If you haven't already, try the following resources. All of them touch upon depersonalization/derealization of course, as it's quite common with anxiety:

Claire Weekes- her books her audio and there r some videos out there too. The best I’ve found is here: youtu.be/REOdAWCv-BQ

Paul David’s book “At last a life”

Dr David carbonell’s website

Acoachcalledlife.com- Swamy G’s website

(although note that Swamy is a bit casual about pot use- and this is one area where I disagree with him. I agree with you - no drugs/alcohol. The anxious mind has enough going on up there!)

Hugo rock’s website

One more: “nothing works”- an amazing online essay on anxiety from an ex-sufferer. Link here: web.archive.org/web/2013092...

There are many other resources out there. I've researched this extensively and these are the best IMO. Please keep us posted on how you are doing? All the best!

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