Has anyone had heart palpitations all day on and off so bad that u think something wrong with ur heart I’m flipping out of here it’s like flopping in my throat it’s scarying me
Heart palpitations : Has anyone had heart... - Anxiety Support
Heart palpitations

Hi i just wanted to respond merely to let you know ive had the wierd heart feeling quite often. And it makes me wonder all the time is something really going on with my heart. And its like people say anxiety can make your heart pound, flutter, skip beats, do all sorts of things and every time I feel that i get scared. Its like our hearts shouldn't be doing anything but beat normal but when its doing all sorts of wierd things it seems like that means its something wrong.
Yes, I get them a lot when I’m going through a lot of stress or my anxiety is higher than normal and it can happen anywhere even just sitting on the couch. I’ve been to the doc and they said it’s stress. If it makes you feel better go to the doc and tell them.
Get it alot, it's most likely ectopic beats and isn't dangerous .Have a look on YouTube Sanjay Gupta ectopic beats and anxiety link it helped me understand what's going on more x
Omg do you feel like your heart pounds like fast and odd or like moves up by your throats and like if it rises up fast and then lowers back down
Yeah and then I feels like I can breath or fall asleep cause of it I’m scared