Please can someone or the original poster link me to where they labeled EVERY ANXIETY symptom they ever had or knew about it was legit a list of maybe like 30+ symptoms maybe like couple months ago
Trying to find a specific thread - Anxiety Support
Trying to find a specific thread

Being like a hypochondriac, muscle twinges, worry all the time, tingles, gagging, tightness in the chest, tongue twitches, shaky, breath lump, heart beat problems, head tingles, itchy tingling in arms and legs, and so many more.
In addition to these anxiety symptoms, you may also find yourself worrying compulsively about:
• Having a heart attack
• Having a serious undetected illness
• Dying prematurely
• Going insane or losing your mind
• Suddenly snapping
• Losing it
• Uncontrollably harming yourself or someone you love
• Losing control of your thoughts and actions
• Being embarrassed or making a fool out of yourself
• Losing control
• Fainting in public
• Not breathing properly
• Losing control of reality
• Choking or suffocating
• Being alone
These are some of the more common anxiety symptoms. This list isn't exhaustive
Check out my posts as I have listed symptoms.
Sorry guys for being difficult but there was a reallllly long post with EVERY symptom under the sun and ugh the struggles lmao! Im so difficult! Thanks for trying haha
PART 1 of 2:
Because each person has a unique chemical make up, the type, number, intensity, and frequency of anxiety symptoms will vary from person to person. For example, one person may have just one mild anxiety symptom, whereas another may have all anxiety symptoms and to great severity. All combinations are common.
What are anxiety symptoms?
Common anxiety symptoms include:
*Body (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the body in general):
Allergy problems, increase in allergies (number, sensitivity, reactions, lengthier reactions)
Back pain, stiffness, tension, pressure, soreness, spasms, immobility in the back or back muscles
Blanching (looking pale, loss of color in the face or skin)
Blushing, turning red, flushed face, flushed skin, blushing, red face or skin
Body aches, parts of or your entire body feels sore and achy, feels like your body and muscles are bruised
Body jolts, body zaps, electric jolt feeling in body, intense body tremor or “body shake”
Body temperature increase or decrease, change in body temperature
Burning skin, itchy, “crawly,” prickly or other skin sensations, skin sensitivity, numbness on the skin
Burning skin sensation on the face, neck, ears, scalp, or shoulders
Buzzing sensation in the feet, toes, hands, fingers, arms, legs
Chest pain, chest tightness
Chronic Fatigue, exhaustion, super tired, worn out
Clumsiness, feeling clumsy, co-ordination problems with the limbs or body
Cold chills, feeling cold
Craving sugar, sweets, chocolate, usual craving for sugar and sweets
Difficulty speaking, moving mouth, talking, co-ordination problems with the mouth or tongue
Dizziness, feeling lightheaded
Dizzy, feeling dizzy
Electric shock feeling, body zaps
Excess of energy, you feel you can’t relax
Falling sensation, feel like your are falling or dropping even though you aren't
Feel like you are going to pass out or faint
Feeling cold or chilled
Feel wrong, different, foreign, odd, or strange
Flu-like symptoms, general malaise, feel ill, like you are coming down with a flu
Flushed face, red face, flushed skin
Frequent urination
Head Zaps
Heart palpitations, racing heart
Hyperactivity, excess energy, nervous energy
Increased or decreased sex drive
Infection - increased infections, persistent infection
Mouth or throat clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Muscles that vibrate, jitter, tremor, or shake when used
Muscle twitching
Nausea vomiting
Neck, back, shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
Night sweats, waking up in a sweat, profusely sweating at night
No energy, feeling lethargic, tired
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Numbness and tingling, and other skin sensations on hands, feet, face, head, or any other places on the body
Persistent muscle tension, stiffness
Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard
Pulsing or throbbing muscles. Pulsing or throbbing sensation.
Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage
Sexual Dysfunction, sexual uninterest
Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face
Shooting pains in the face
Shooting pains in the scalp or head
Skipped heart beats
Sore or tight scalp or back of the neck
Startle easily
Sweating, uncontrollable profuse sweating
The floor feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason
Tightness in the ribs or rib cage area, may also feel like a tight band around the ribs or rib cage area.
Tingling sensations, anywhere on the body, including the hands, feet, legs, arms, head, mouth, chest, groin area
Throat or mouth clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Trembling, shaking, tremors
Unsteadiness, dizziness, feeling dizzy or lightheaded
Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom (similar to urinary tract or prostate infection symptoms)
Warm spells
Weak - feel weak, weakness, low energy, light, soft, like you may faint
Weak legs, arms, or muscles
Weight loss, weight gain
*Chest (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the chest area)
Chest tremors, trembling in the chest, chest feels like it is vibrating
Chest pain or discomfort
Concern about the heart
Feel like you have to force yourself to breath
Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath
Frequent yawning to try and catch your breath
Heart Palpitations – beating hard or too fast, rapid heartbeat
Heart - Irregular heart rhythms, flutters or ‘skipped’ beats, tickle in the chest that makes you cough
Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard
Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage
*Emotions (see mood) (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with emotions, mood, and feelings)
*Fears (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with fear)
A heightened fear of what people think of you
Afraid of being trapped in a place with no exits
Constant feeling of being overwhelmed.
Fear of being in public
Fear of dying
Fear of losing control
Fear of impending doom
Fear of making mistakes or making a fool of yourself to others
Fear of passing out
Fear that you are losing your mind
Fears about irrational things, objects, circumstances, or situations
Fears of going crazy, of dying, of impending doom, of normal things, unusual feelings and emotions, unusually frightening thoughts or feelings
Heightened self awareness, or self-consciousness
Need to find nearest washrooms before you can feel comfortable
Need to seat near exits
*Head (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the head)
Brain fog
Burning, itchy, tight scalp
Dizziness or light-headedness
Frequent headaches, migraine headaches
Feeling like there is a tight band around your head, pressure, tightness
Head, neck or shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
Head zaps, head tremors
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face
Shooting pains in the face
Shooting pains in the scalp or head
When you close your eyes you feel like are beginning to, or will, float upwards
Sore jaw that feels like a tooth ache
TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) - clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth
*Hearing/Ear(s) (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with hearing)
Feel like there is something stuck in your ear, that your ear canal it plugged or blocked, that there is a pebble in your ear that you can't get out
Low rumbling sounds
Reduced hearing, frequent or intermittent reduced hearing or deafness in one or both ears
Ringing in the ears, noises in the ears, noises in the head
Pulsing in the ears, throbbing sound in the ear(s)
Tickle or itch in your ear that you can't seem to get at
*Mind (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the mind and thinking)
Afraid of everything
Altered state of reality, consciousness, or universe feeling
Brain Fog
Deja Vu, a feeling like you've done or experienced something before
Difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss
Difficulty thinking, speaking, forming thoughts, following conversations
Fear of going crazy
Fear of losing control
Fear of impending doom
Feelings of unreality
Frequent feeling of being overwhelmed, or that there is just too much to handle or do
Having difficulty concentrating
Nightmares, bad dreams
Obsession about sensations or getting better
Repetitive thinking or incessant ‘mind chatter’
Short-term learning impairment, have a hard time learning new information
Short-term memory impairment, can't remember what I did a few days, hours, or moments ago
Spaced out feelings, feeling spaced out
"Stuck" thoughts; thoughts, mental images, concepts, songs, or melodies that "stick" in your mind and replay over and over again.
Trapped in your mind feeling
Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear
You often feel you are carrying the world on your shoulders
*Mood / Emotions (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with mood, emotions, and feelings)
Always feeling angry and lack of patience
Dramatic mood swings (emotional flipping)
Emotionally blunted, flat, or numb
Emotional "flipping" (dramatic mood swings)
Emotions feel wrong
Everything is scary, frightening
Feeling down in the dumps
Feeling like things are unreal or dreamlike
Frequently being on edge or 'grouchy'
Feel like crying for no apparent reason
Have no feelings about things you used to
Not feeling like yourself, detached from loved ones, emotionally numb
Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear
You feel like you are under pressure all the time
*Mouth/Stomach (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the mouth and stomach)
A ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’, or unusual smell or taste
Aerophagia (swallowing too much air, stomach distention, belching)
Burning mouth, feeling like the inside of your mouth is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these together or at different times
Burning tongue, feeling like your tongue is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these, or all of these together or at different times
Constant craving for sugar or sweets
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty talking, pronouncing certain letters or sounds, mouth feels like it isn't moving right, slurred speech
Dry mouth
Feeling like you can’t swallow properly or that something will get caught in your throat
Feeling like your tongue is swollen
Lack of appetite or taste
Lump in the throat, tight throat, something stuck in your throat
Mouth muscles twitching/jumping
Mouth or throat clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Nausea vomiting
Nausea or abdominal stress
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Stomach upset, gas, belching, bloating
Teeth grinding
The thought of eating makes you nauseous
Tight throat, lump in throat
Throat or mouth clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Tongue symptoms - Tingly, “stretched,” numb, frozen, itchy, “crawly,” burning, twitching, “jumpy,” aching, sore, or swollen tongue (when it isn’t).
Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom
*Skin (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the skin)
Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Skin problems, infections, rashes
*Sleep (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sleep)
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Frequent bad, bizarre, or crazy dreams
Hearing sounds in your head that jolt you awake
Insomnia, or waking up ill in the middle of the night
Jolting awake
Waking up in a panic attack
You feel worse in the mornings
*Sight (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sight)
Distorted, foggy, or blurred vision
Dry, watery or itchy eyes
Eye tricks, seeing things out of the corner of your eye that isn’t there, stars, flashes
Eyes sensitive to light
Spots in the vision
Flashing lights when eyes are closed
Your depth perception feels wrong
*Touch (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with touch)
Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity
Feeling cold or chilled
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Tingling, pins and needles feelings
PART 2 of 2:
Other anxiety symptoms are described as:
Being like a hypochondriac, muscle twinges, worry all the time, tingles, gagging, tightness in the chest, tongue twitches, shaky, breath lump, heart beat problems, head tingles, itchy tingling in arms and legs, and so many more.
In addition to these anxiety symptoms, you may also find yourself worrying compulsively about:
• Having a heart attack
• Having a serious undetected illness
• Dying prematurely
• Going insane or losing your mind
• Suddenly snapping
• Losing it
• Uncontrollably harming yourself or someone you love
• Losing control of your thoughts and actions
• Being embarrassed or making a fool out of yourself
• Losing control
• Fainting in public
• Not breathing properly
• Losing control of reality
• Choking or suffocating
• Being alone
These are some of the more common anxiety symptoms. This list isn't exhaustive
This is the full list grouped by systems, hope it was what you were looking for or close.
YIKES! I have many, many of these symptoms. I have had test after test performed by my medical doctor and nothing horrible has shown. While that is a good thing, I feel like there is something seriously wrong physically that they are missing, because I feel horrible every single day.
Can relate to that i feel horrible everyday to the point of spending most of the day on the couch. But that is not me i keep trying to do things when i don't feel to bad then back it comes again. If i could have one week of feeling better it would be a miracle.
I totally understand! I am having a terrible spell right now. Of all things, I coughed and now I am light-headed, have terrible body shakes and my heart feels like it's out of rhythm.
I am so discouraged, because I feel ill every day!
Yes no fun is it I've tried so hard today went to dhops felt so ill i wanted yo run back to my car. I wake up every morning feeling like I've had a terrible fright. Legs feel tingly and numb don't know how much longer i can do this.
I totally get it. Here's what's weird about me. I seem to sleep okay, but within 30 minutes of waking up, my symptoms start. I get lightheaded, feel like I'm not breathing right, my body starts to shake and I am always sore and tender from about mid-chest/back up to my head. I am this way 24/7 and it's hard to not give up.
I have overwellming panic sometimes in the middle of the night. If not then about five minutues after i wake up i just never feel well enough to go about my daily life. It's a real struggle my partner doesn't get it he just thinks i can keep going and do everything. Find the doctor's just try znother pill unfortunately everything i try makes me feel worse. I don't know what the answer is but ever need a chat let me know sometimes you feel better after talking to someone who understand s.
Would love to chat when it is convenient for you. I agree that just being able to converse about our feelings, symptoms, etc. with someone else who is going through the same thing can be of great help.
Hi how you feeling hopefully better than me. Had quite a good day yesterday probably because i was out doinv thinvs. Not today tingling mouth legs shallow breathing takes me ages to feel half normal again. I hope oneday i will find a tablet that works but none seem to help. Let me know how your going.
I am so sorry that you're struggling. I have been absolutely horrible! It hits me about 30 to 45 minutes after I wake up. Body shakes, off balance/foggy feeling in head, upper body soreness, etc. I wish I could have just 1 day where I felt good
So sorry not a good feeling I'm the same the only time i feel good is before i go to bed. Think that's beca use i know the day is over. Yes a couple of days of feeling good would be nice.
We'll get there. We won't lose hope. We will continue to support each other through this.
Hi s orry i havent been on here but i have been moving house how are you going.
Hi Dorsey! I'm still struggling to be honest. Just had an MRI of my brain done two weeks ago and it came back normal. While that is great news, it doesn't help me feel better. My head still feels funny every day. I still shake every day. To be honest, I think I have depression now on top of my anxiety due to not feeling well and not being able to get answers as to why I feel so bad each and every day. How are you doing?
do u takw vitamins or vitamin d3 it is awesome that the mri didnt show anything mayb a blood test can help to check your vitamin levels
Thank you for the reply. Yes. I take Alive Men's multivitamin every day. I also take Vitamin D3 as I was deficient, but am now in a good range.
I don't know where to turn. I have had several tests performed and nothing terrible has shown, yet I literally feel like I'm dying. I shake every day. I get clammy sweats. My head never feels right. Digestive issues, etc. Just very discouraged.
i totally feel for you its so depressing when u just cant find answers im here if u ever need to talk.
Thank you! My doctor feels that all of my issues/symptoms are due to severe anxiety. I am not saying that I don't believe him, but can anxiety really cause us to feel so ill physically and have the types of symptoms that I described in my last message?
Guys.. I have found my BEST HELPFUL remedy for anxiety.. CBD has saved me SO MUCH this past couple weeks!! Vaping CBD e juice allows me to be out of my head oncthe highway very relaxed and calm!!! Best part is it hits you INSTANTLY!!!
If you want more info let me know
yesss honestly it can it plays with the mind did u see the list of symptoms it causes its crippling but we have to fight against it to win whenever u feel symptoms jus tell yourself you have been checked out your fine this is jus anxiety i knw i knw its easier said than done but pratice makes perfect
I can have a bit of releif here and there. We have just moved to the besch been here 3 weeks very relaxing but still struggle everyday. Every day is different sometimes nlurred vision one eye tingling sensations legs and hands. Bad night last night brain wouldnt turn off not very pleasant symptoms. I find water helps a lot. So.etiimes im6 in shops and strange feelings come over me and i just want to go home. Spoils my quality of lifed.
Hi.AllianceMike. just like you im still struggling. Lie awake for hours wondering what the hell is wrong with me. Get pains everywhere. Tightness round my chest tha t comes out of the blue indigestion. Terrible feelings through legs. Think i have health anxiety as well as every symptom i get i google and i know thats not healthy. Its good that you mri came back normal that should give you a little piece of mind. Take care.
unfortunately many meds we take cause similar side effects as well
Guys.. I have found my BEST HELPFUL remedy for anxiety.. CBD has saved me SO MUCH this past couple weeks!! Vaping CBD e juice allows me to be out of my head oncthe highway very relaxed and calm!!! Best part is it hits you INSTANTLY!!!
If you want more info let me know
what is that may i ask?
I will provide links that go in FULL depth of what it is..
It has helped me TREMEDOUSLY im able to live NORMAL like i was before highschool ended(when it all began)
I understand perfectly why you are taking CBD and you can buy it over the counter now in places like Holland & Barrett.
I read a very interesting article in one of my magazines recently and it was a true life story about a woman that was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and it was terminal, she was told she would live 2 weeks without treatment but could prolong it with Chemo, probably about 2 months. She started with the Chemo and of course suffered the side affects but then read something about Cannabis and its curing properties. She found somewhere on the internet (I think I'm right in saying this and that she didn't buy it off someone) and purchased some but this wasn't the same as the oil you buy in places like Holland & Barrett. She started to take the Cannabis and didn't mind the side affects at all and didn't tell the health professionals initially that she was taking it. She went back to the hospital to see if the Chemo was working and they couldn't believe that the tumours had shrunk and said the Chemo must be working. She went back again for another check up and they couldn't believe that the tumours had shrunk again, then she came clean and told them about the Cannabis and she has continued taking it since. The moral of this story is the woman has now survived 2 years past her original diagnoses! There is food for thought here.

Cbd has healing properties and helps chemo patients with the chemo side effects while also helping cure most ailments including cancer
That is why marijuana is illegal because it Has healing properties ESPECIALLY if you get CBD with no THC which is the high you feel and a high concentration or ratio of 25:1(cbd:thc)
The reason I take CBD is to help ease my anxiety and give me that confidence boost while also recieving that oush i never wanted to recieve from the love of my life my wife ❤️👌🏽 Im glad she supports me in allowing me to smoke it/vape it/tinctures(this is edible liquid)
If anyone wants links to where you can ourchase FLOWER form which is “bud” but no THC or little to NO thc
Tweedlefarms is the place to go
If you want the tincture the best sites are OR
Blue birds is more expensive and cbdistillery is on the cheaper side
Both are very effective and tweedlefarms is very cheap and high quality CBD flowers

ALSO ny governemtn patented the cure to cancer and aids cancer was canabis and aids i think was a vaccine or somethig not too sure its been a long time since I read the article but you can find both on gogole its public records
Well done for finding something that works and for sharing on here. I live in England and it's about time Cannabis was prescribed to patients who have cancer and orher illnesses. So so pleased you feel so much better, this is very positive and thank you for sharing the links. 😀

Anytime you can grt the stuff i get most likely anywhere because its LEGAL and not actually marijuana i deff would look into it mayeb it could help you too
Thank you and I'm totally with you, Cannabis has many uses and so pleased that it's made such a different you. I will certainly keep this in mind.😀