Does anyone get skipped heart beats with a feeling of dizziness for a split second ?
Skipped heart beats: Does anyone get skipped... - Anxiety Support
Skipped heart beats

yes. I was told it has to do with the electrical system of the heart and that its not really skipping it just feels off beat because it's trying to refill with blood and it will make u dizzy and lightheaded. mine is worse when I'm overly anxious, hyper or angry lol.

I'm so nervous about it. So the dizziness is normal ?
yes I get the dizziness and then like a cold sweat because it is scary. I'd say its normal because of what is happening and the anxiety that is triggered. it happens to a lot of people. You'll be fine!

That is horrifying.
I have never had dizziness, but I was diagnosed with an electrical heart block called mobitz 1. It was found on a “fluke” 24 hr holter cause I was feeling my heart flutter (due to anxiety) and they found this heart block thing when I sleep!!! You better believe that made me even more anxious! But to be honest, it’s basically benign and they just monitor it. If you’re nervous, ask the dr to check it out with a holter or something. Usually if you can exercise without symptoms, it’s all good. Lots of us with anxiety have a “heart thang”....just part of the territory😉
Yes when I get it , it takes my breath away and feel weird for a few seconds . Then my throat feels weird for ages after . Hate it , scares the crap out of me
I think i skip beats but not the dizzyness. I usually get this sometimes when i go to bed and get restless and can't fall asleep right away. It sucks. I do have a family history of heart disease and heart attacks so i am thinking about someday getting some tests done just to make me feel better. Hope you feel at peace and better soon. 💜
I do get it as well not dizzy at the same time tho. However ive been feeling a bit dizzy lately.
Hi, I experience this all the time maybe once a day.
It is literally all anxiety. I feel dizzy all the time and got diagnosed with vertigo so now I do exercises every morning and I don't feel dizzy anymore