I haven't been on here for a while now I have been feeling fairly level for a while now. I kept going back and forth to different doctors telling them something really isn't right with me and getting the same response a blank look on there face and being told I have anxiety and I should take more medication and getting absaloutly no where so I stopped taking it and just gave up thought I'm just gonna have to learn to live with what ever is wrong with me but yesterday I thought 1 more try I went and met with a new doctor explained my symptoms constant dizziness nose bleeds hear palpertations blurry vision ears ringing feeling exhausted all the time etc and at first he had the same attitude then he looked up my nose and said he could see where I had been bleeding recently I told him yes I get nose bleeds 3/4 times a week and he said ok checked my blood pressure and it was 140/103 and looked all most shocked and said ok something isn't right here I agreed and told him I have been saying that for nearly 2 years now but rather than putting me straight threw for more tests he has said I have to come back in 4 weeks to have my blood pressure tested again I feel really let down by British medical care I feel like 2 years is long enough
Anxiety is back : I haven't been on here for... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety is back

Hi Connortyu7, it has been a while. Oh I know what you mean by that "blank stare" from doctors. It's so frustrating, like they haven't a clue in what's going on. I wish you luck with this new doctor. A new pair of eyes, a new input as to your symptoms may be just what you need at this time. I wouldn't be concerned about the blood pressure at this time especially if he checked it right after telling you he found where the bleeding is coming from in your nose. That news as well as just being at a new doctor could have caused your pressure to rise some.
Unfortunately, it doesn't make any difference where medical care is being sought. Examinations are not what they use to be. 10 min per patient isn't enough especially when most of that time the doctor is spent typing. Let us know the outcome of your next 4 week appointment. Meanwhile tell yourself that you have lived with this condition for 2 years and another 4 weeks won't matter so that you don't make yourself overly anxious with the wait.
Take care Connor...always nice hearing from a long time member.
What a strange thing to say , come back in four weeks to have your blood pressure taken. Nothing can be assessed by one or two blood pressure readings, they have to be morning and night over a 7 day period generally with BP monitor at home.
To me you have symptoms of anxiety
I know I have anxiety and I am trying to deal with that but I feel the is definetly something more going on here and I know I thought if he has a suspicion there may be something else going on what harm would it of done to send me for a blood test or anything just so something is being checked between now and my next appointment