For anxiety sufferers who struggle with constant and persistent lightheadedness/spacey feelings, do you find that the mornings are worse for you and that it gradually lifts throughout the day? It never fully goes away but it does ease up a bit as the day goes on.
Are mornings worse for you?: For anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Are mornings worse for you?
Yes that's how it is for me. Afternoons and evening are little better for me but it is always still there.
It's so frustrating.. what kinds of tactics do you use to help get you through mornings?
I take deep breaths, sometimes I just relax and maybe distract myself by watching a show that I like. Other times although very hard I try to ignore it. This forum also helps me alot. I work from home so I'm lucky I dont have to go out because I don't know what I would do.
Deep breaths and really taking things slow mentally helps me. I also use a lot of essential oils, peppermint especially helps increase blood flow to the brain which decreases the lightheadedness. You're so lucky about working from home.. I start a brand new full time job on Monday after a year of being at home dealing with my anxiety. I'm scared this will get in the way and I will let everyone around me down, including myself.
I am thinking of getting some essential oils with the oil diffuser myself, I heard good things about them. Congratulations on your new job. It isn't easy getting out there with this anxiety lurking around, but you will be ok you are strong and you will do great, stay positive and take deep relaxing breaths to help calm down. I just finished drinking some green decaf tea and that helped with the flutter feeling a little.
Essential oils are great, I highly recommend them! And thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me xx. Green tea, or tea of any kinds, are so helpful. I'm currently drinking black tea I should probably switch to decaf though.. you're smart to choose decaf.
Yes I totally relate. Mornings are shocking with sleepiness and exhaustion. By afternoon, I am a new woman. Weird.
mornings are worse. Maybe the coffee I drink, but a lot has to do with getting my 8 year old daughter ready for school. Getting her out the door with a full belly and dressed along with grooming stuff is horrible. I have to prod her every step. I have to drive her 15 miles to school and when it's over I'm exhausted. You would think it's not much to contend with, but when you are anxious and you don't want her to be late and you have to fight the traffic and get out the door before you get stuck behind the bus runs, it stressful. I never did this with my other kids, my wife handled all that, but since I lost my job and became a stay at home dad, it's been a shock to my system. I see my wife just ready herself and out the door without having to deal with this stuff is a little annoying, but she did it with the others.