Severe Phobia of Mice: Hello Everyone, I... - Anxiety Support

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Severe Phobia of Mice

Downandout123 profile image
17 Replies

Hello Everyone,

I just found this website today and joined up. I'm finding it a little difficult to maneuver. I was trying to find a specific area to post this, such as "Phobias" but could not. Anyway, I am at my wit's end. I feel like I am losing my mind. I have a SEVERE phobia of mice, and right now I have them in my home. ( I also work from here so I am here all day). This phobia has gone on for many years now. I had an exterminator come and patch up any holes he saw inside and outside the house. I have had mice in here since August!!! I have changed traps a few different times, caught 3, but they are still in here!! There is NO FOOD left out-EVER!! I had to put everything in seal tight bins to keep the mice out of the closets and cabinets. There is nothing for them to eat, but they are STILL here!! Two nights ago I found a chewed up roll of paper towels in my cabinet. I'm a COMPLETE MESS. I am afraid to go or do anything in the house for fear one will jump out. I cannot live like this anymore. I've tried self-help books, CDS on being hypnotized, and just recently spent money on another CD and workbook program that did not work at all. So even if I get rid of all the mice, I NEED to get rid of the terrible phobia because they can always pop up again. Is there ANYONE out there who is going through this or knows how to help me? I'm a MESS!! Sorry this is so long but I had to give the background history. Thank you

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Downandout123 profile image
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17 Replies
Jeff1943 profile image

Buy a cat. Maybe two. You'll never see another mouse again.

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to Jeff1943

Haha I know, but I already have 4 dogs!

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Downandout123

Dogs are good for chasing away burglers but not too good with mice. They're too big and they don't have the patience and fine agility of cats. No, it's got to be cats, buy kittens and train your dogs to be friends with them. I mean you've tried everything, all that's left is moving or buying a cat or two. Cat's are much less expensive.

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to Jeff1943

I've got enough of a zoo with 4 dogs already! Besides, cats are known to bring the mice to you.😨😨😲 lol The point is, I NEED TO get over the phobia, no matter what. No matter where I move to in the future, I could be faced with the same problem anyway.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Downandout123

Then you must Accept the mice. Once you learn to accept them for the time being they no longer cause the fear and stress hormones to keep your nervous system in a state of over sensitisation that causes you phobia. So Accept the mice, do not fight them as this only causes more stress and tension that maintains your nerves in their anxious state. So surrender to the mice, accept them completely, they mean you no harm, they did not ask to be born in your house. So frame your mind to Accept them for the time being. Accept them completely. If you do that it won't matter whether there are mice in your house or not and your fear of them will resolve. Trust me. Accept the mice without fear or resentment. Who knows, one day you may even put food out to feed the mice. Maybe.

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to Jeff1943

ACCEPT THEM???!!! I can't even THINK about one without getting a feeling of fear!!. There is no accepting about to happen-believe me. Don't I wish it was that easy. I feel like a prisoner in my own house. Afraid to walk near the kitchen, afraid to open cabinets, closets, etc. I am getting NOTHING done here. I wish nothing more than to go on about my life normally, but it's not happening.

Maddy_faye01 profile image
Maddy_faye01 in reply to Downandout123

I understand how you feel completely. And as impossible as it may seem what you need to do is face them. Just a little at a time, it will not happen overnight. What I do is first ring out what kind of mice you’re dealing with, (maybe get the exterminator out one more time to verify, or look at your bill from the last time) then do some research. Find the reason you’re scared of them. WHAT about the nice are you scared of. The potential for them carrying diseases, their poop, the way the look, the Size, maybe you feel they can easily slip in and out of where you are. Whatever it may be figure out what it is. Then research that.. research is good to understand what you’re dealing with. And find the root cause of your fear. With that being said... be careful where you research.. google has everything from best case to worse case scenario. But if that’s too much.. like i said take it very slow.. and I’m not sure what kind of dogs you have BUT, they will not catch them.. however, they will let you know that one is near. So if anything use your dogs to stay away from them at least. And confront your fear slowly and while trusting that they can’t sneak up on you.

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to Maddy_faye01

Thank you Maddy. I have done all the research, I know why I can't stomach them, I believe I know when it first started. I know it's an irrational phobia, but I can't get over it. My 4 dogs-HA!! -None of them tell me one is around. Not one of them! I have a Purebred Chihuahua, a purebred Yorkie, one dog who is 4 breeds, including Rat Terrier, and the other one is supposed to be a Shih-Tzu/ Pitbull mix They will sniff around, but they do that anyway!!

DeeM3 profile image
DeeM3 in reply to Jeff1943

Amen! One indoor cat and 5 barn cats. We live out in the country and have never had a mouse!

tiggernpooh profile image

I'd love to help you get over your fear. I need to practice a new therapy (BWRT - Brainworking Recursive Therapy) I've had full training in it but got my assessment on Friday, so you'd be helping me out too (no charge). Should take about 30-40 minutes max on Skype. I'm the UK. PM me if interested or just want to know more. It's helped me enormously with my anxiety!

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to tiggernpooh

Tiggernpooh-Thank you. I'd be willing to do that, but I don't have Skype. I am not very knowledgeable with the computer anyway. BWRT is one therapy I have not heard of. I am going to Google it now.. I live in the United States.

tiggernpooh profile image
tiggernpooh in reply to Downandout123

Do you use any video conferencing software? There is also Zoom which is web-based so I just send you a link ( I think - not used it much!). There are BWRT practitioners in the US too - but probably not free! Happy to help you find one if you prefer that. It's amazing, just kicks phobias and anxiety out of the park :-)

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to tiggernpooh

I don't have any of that software, or even know what Zoom is! Lol The only phobia specialists I have found would cost between 2,000-2,500 and there's no way I can afford that right now.

tiggernpooh profile image
tiggernpooh in reply to Downandout123

Facebook has video facilities too. If you like we could try zoom or FB just for a chat and see if we can get one of those to work. Then you can decide if you want to give it a go. No pressure. :-)

BrightandBreezy profile image
BrightandBreezy in reply to tiggernpooh

Hi, just a quick note, as i have just had 2 sessions of BWRT for specific traumatic experiences, with a lovely therapist. I could not honestly believe how much better i feel after both sessions, no matter how much i try to get anxious or upset about them things, i cannot, so i'm proof that this therapy really does work. It's very new and i was a bit apprehensive about trying it, as i'd just finished quite a few sessions of hypnotherapy with the same therapist. I'm having a few more sessions of BWRT and definately looking forward to a less anxiety/depressive provoking future.

Downandout123 profile image

No FB account either.

tiggernpooh profile image
tiggernpooh in reply to Downandout123

I've sent you a private message

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