I had a severe anxiety attack for the first time a week and a half ago and have had them almost every night since. The day after my chest started to hurt really bad but only at rest and it doesn’t seem to be getting that much better. The headaches just started like 2-3 days ago. I haven’t felt like myself and can’t really sleep at night because I can’t stop freaking out thinking I have cancer, heart issues or something along those lines. The fact that this covid19 is happening aswel isn’t helping because I can’t go to the doctors for the risk I get my grandparents sick (I live with them). I’m a 19 year old male so my family heavily believes I’m completely fine it’s just anxiety, but I’ve never felt this awful for this many days in a row. Any support or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’m brand new to this app and community so honestly I don’t know what to expect I just want to stop feeling this way.
Is chest pain and headaches normal with an... - Anxiety Support
Is chest pain and headaches normal with anxiety?
Hey copeslayer,this sounds like me when I had my first panic attack 2 years ago it was awful,I’d say your suffering from health anxiety which I am 2 for the past 2 years I’ve had headaches which I fault was cancer , chest pain and palpitations Ik it all seems like it’s deffo something bad but I have realised it is anxiety , best thing to do is get some tests run once covid 19 has calmed down I’d say ecg for you heart would be good just to show you there’s nothing wrong and it’s all down to anxiety I feel for you we can all get through this dreadful battle with anxiety just we can’t let it take are life’s other hope this helps ❤️
Thanks a lot for the response it really helps to know someone had felt the same thing. I’ve always been anxious but I think it’s just built up to a Point with everything happening in the world and in my life that I couldn’t take it. It’s every night I constantly worry and panic and can’t sleep
Do you have any recommendations on how to help me go to sleep or just temporarily stop this feeling?
What plays on your mind mainly before you sleep ?,yeh sleeping to this day is still hard for me I get roughly 5 hours sleep daily not great , but box breathing is really good to help reduce panic attacks if you look up and learn how to do that helped me , and meditation is really good to help you practice breathing techniques for panic attacks
Also I’ve been thinking I’ve had a heart problem since the day I had my first anxiety attacks it’s beeen almost 2 years and a half and I’m still here think I would of died of a heart attack if there was something seriously wrong with my heart , and the headaches is due to stress deffo tension headaches I get them still there nasty
I normally just can’t stop researching symptoms and once I do that I start feeling them and it’s a viscous cycle of feeding into my thoughts that’s somethings wrong... it’s not nearly as bad during the day but at night I just freak out... definitely will look up box breathing and give it a shot at this point I’d try anything to stop this feeling...
Yeh mine spikes mainly at night aswell I get scared I’m gonna die in my sleep most nights cause of my heart,but I’ve learnt how to do box breathing and has really helped me out in the long run,just message me if you ever need help with your fears also nether look up symptoms they just tell you the worst possible stuff I hate google 😂
Hey I’m 23 and I get chest pains and weird head sensations a lot! I think what the anxiety wants is you to get a check up to make sure everything is fine and trust me you will be told you are fine but guaranteed even though you are fine your anxiety will pop back up telling you something else is wrong. What I suggest is distracting yourself by watching something or listening to some music or taking a hot bath or a shower whilst it feels bad and it will probably more than likely take your mind of it! I also suggest looking online for a therapist because it will be good to speak to a professional !!
Hey I’m 25 and I suffering palpitations for a year now I have really bad health aniexty! Exercise helps me it’s finding the motivation to do it.. also sleep I hardly sleep to usually laid wide awake! Maybe suggesting exercising to tire you out and a hot bath and hot drink before bed maybe
Hi guys, hope your simptoms are improving. Have you tried playing some hypnosis tracks? Even short ones. I would also say to pay attention if there are any foods or drinks that can trigger more anxious feelings than others. I've been recommended meditation by my GP because of chest pains complaints, so I guess I got some sort of anxiety as well. Wishing you to get better 🌄
once you have one, unless you fight the fear of having another, it will repeat. The more you think about it the worse it will get and it will affect your whole nervous system.
Headaches are probably just part of the fear but get your blood pressure checked if you're getting them when laying down, if you get them when up & about, nothing to worry about.
Even if you've got crazy BP readings like me, don't worry, it won't harm you but seek medical advice anyway.
In mean time, relax. I posted somewhere here what I do to relax, well to help me sleep coz I can't relax, listen to certain music, check my profile