After a pretty good two days today has been yuck. I feel like I’m having a little asthma and very tired plus my heart is flipping a bit. I took my Xanax and hope it calms me down. Don’t you just hate this 😠
Bad day : After a pretty good two days today... - Anxiety Support
Bad day

Yep. What part bummed you out the most....feeling that way or knowing you would need to take the xanax?
I would like to be able to just have a simple cold or a hang nail🙂without blowing it all out of proportion. I’m not taking Xanax regularly. Maybe 1-2 times a month so I am doing better. The worst time is when I don’t feel good and my husband is not home. I fear being sick when I’m alone. It’s a fear of not having anyone there to rescue me. Pretty lame but it’s hard to Get over it.
No, understand. Honestly. My Scooter is dead and I have not taken a walk since he was gone in June. Simply am concerned I may fall or have some dude in a car harass me if I walk alone in this area without my service dog. Take the darn xanax if it helps you. You take it so infrequently it will stir in with your chemistry quickly and leave your chemistry quickly too. I'm on a plan of taking a xanax when rising and when I go to bed. Someday hope not to need it. Some day. xx
Thanks. Why is it that we always have a plan to be safe. I sit on the isle and search out medical staff in audiences. Check for exits. Carry my phone from room to room. It’s exhausting trying to “be safe”
You’ll appreciate this as a speech path...I have a home visit where the Dad is a paramedic and mom is a charge nurse. I feel pretty darn safe there! Then I go into houses where I’m like “Please Lord, don’t let my heart do something wonky here, these people will just stare at me!” 😂
And I’m glad I’m not the only one carrying my phone everywhere just Incase 😏
We have a cordless land line in the four most used rooms in the house for alarm purposes and my use. Husband uses it also for business when waiting for a corporate contact to answer, and continues to talk on the cell phone he has glued to his hip.
I have a cellphone but do not give out the number and very rarely use it. I keep it in a drawer with my walking clothes and bag. So I remember to take it if I go out in the yard or manage to drive somewhere.
Are we related 😊. I get envious of people who go about life and never give safety a second thought. I once had a home visit with a family who got a pit bull the night before. He growled and sat next to me on the couch. Needless to say I interviewed looking straight ahead so as not to give the dog eye contact. It was a short visit!!! Lol The worst visits for me were the ones who lived out in the country.
I once was attacked by a pack of chihuahuas! 😂😂😂
I hope you had a wonderful day. Every time I think of you being attacked by chihuahuas I have to giggle. I have had some hilarious moments at work. Plus 3 of my 5 kids have learning disabilities which gave us many great laughs. Anxiety may rear its ugly head but I’m not going to let it win
My youngest has Sensory Integration Disorder...makes for some fun times! Like no sleep and putting socks on her hands and dipping them in chocolate milk. No wonder I’m a ball of nerves 😂
My kids were so literal. David wanted brownies one day and I told him to make them himself. “Just read the directions “. So he is busy doing that and turns around and he’s got his hands in the batter. I asked him why. He said it says stir by hand 😁.