Whenever I look around at my surroundings they scare me. It’s like I can see them but they look “off” I question if I’m seeing them like everyone else does and what the purpose of them is. I feel pretty lost is this Derealization? Anyone every experienced this? It’s terrifying happens to me daily....I’m always worried something is wrong with my brain but I know it’s probably anxiety
DP/DR?: Whenever I look around at my... - Anxiety Support
I get this exact symptom, it's like being completely spaced out from reality, it's really scary anxiety can do this but you're not alone !
Thank you for your reply. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one experiencing this. It feels so bad sometimes I worry that my brain isn’t processing stuff I can see around me and I worry jay my brain will fail me and just “turn off” do you ever experience this?

Yes unfortunately I do, there's been many times I've convinced myself I've got a brain tumour or having a hemorage , i sometimes feel like my brain isn't even in my head! It's awful and I'm sorry you experience this symptom too. Are you on any medication for your anxiety?
I totally understand. I get any ache or pain and I feel like I’m having a stroke/heart attack or that my brain will shut off etc. Terrifying 😣 Thank you and I’m so sorry that you go through this too. It is so so terrible. No not on any medication, I was put on Zoloft back in early September but my body had the worst reaction to it and I was taken off it within 4 days. Still feel like I’m experiencing the lingering after effects 2 months later. I haven’t been myself since. What do you do to help yourself when you feel like disconnected? Found anything that works?

Honestly... no. I'm the same, not on any medication as I fear the side effects ! I find that actually speaking to people or forcing yourself to have some kind of human contact helps ! Really you just need to do something to take your mind off the symptom, distract yourself ! It's easier said than done, I've still not mastered it but hopefully one day I will ! Anxiety is well and truly a shitty ting but as I said, you're not alone, and talking about it really helps 😊
I know how you feel . I feel the same way .
Terrifying isn’t it? I’m sorry you have to go through it. I sometimes can’t believe that it’s just anxiety that causes these crazy symptoms...I always am convinced it’s some bigger health issue. Is there anything you do when you feel disconnected that helps you cope?

Honestly I'm still trying to figure it all out I've been this way for about a year. Mine came on after a really bad panic attack . I'm gonna go to an outpatient center and see how to help it. I'm on Prozac now upped to 30 mg from 20 . I've been crying a lot lately and mood swings. I just think I need a mental vacation lol away from stress and people