Ive read a lot of posts about people with like a weird type of dizziness like an inner head dizziness. I got my dizzy attack like that in 2014. It caused me to have my first panic attack. It felt like I was dizzy inside my head. I felt a little off balanced. I ended up going to the doctors the next day to get checked. I got blood work, did simple tests like following the doctor's finger, standing on one leg, etc. My blood work came back fine, those tests were fine too. So what the heck is going on in my head?! I thought it was a brain tumor, the doctors said it wasnt. I ended up going to a an ENT specialist that found a little fluid in my ear which couldve been causing that feeling and my anxiety was making the feeling worst. So I got ear drops and went to my psychiatrist the next day and got prescribed zoloft and xanax. The ear drops and medication did make the feeling go away in about a month but part of me thinks it was really in my head. Now I'm getting that feeling again and even tho im familiar with it.. my health anxiety is acting up again. I think I have a brain tumor again bc im always on my phone and computer and I also have a fear of doctors and hospitals and needles (my anxiety has me messed up lol) so im more scared to get checked. I want to get a physical atleast but I know they're gonna wanna draw blood. Has anyone had this type of feeling? It's a dizziness in your head, outside isnt spinning, but it's like the inside of your head is unbalanced or like if your brained moved a cm sometimes. I also get minor headaches once awhile but im pretty sure those are tension headaches. Ive even gotten pressure. My mobile skills are good, my balance is good, i can exercise, i hardly have brain farts so im pretty sure it's my anxiety but I just wanna know if anyone has had all these symptoms. Ive read someone people have one or the other. Thanks for reading. Anxiety is an actual modern day curse!
Weird dizziness: Ive read a lot of posts... - Anxiety Support
Weird dizziness
I also get this full feeling in my ears. Maybe i have that liquid again and my anxiety is making the symptoms worse 🤔
alexisl99, I have gotten this feeling over the years and even now from time to time. I don't go into anxiety because I realize for myself that it is sign that I either have to hydrate, do some meditation and relaxation to bring that inner pressure down in both the head and ears or check my blood pressure to see if the diastolic number is high. (again that's from anxiety)
The ear canal is made up of muscles and when we get tense and stressed, those muscles react by constricting causing that full or pressure feeling. The reasons for you may be different. x
Yeah! All these can be factors. I most likely think I may have the fluid again and my anxiety just wants to overreact
Some people can have fluid. I understand how that will activate your anxiety. More than that though, is the thought you have of a possible brain tumor..I've never thought that possibility, not even once. Try to eliminate going too far down the road with these thoughts. It only increases the anxiety you already have.
Feel better soon. xx