Hi, new poster here. I landed on this site a couple of weeks ago while googling my symptoms😐. I'm overwhelmed with anxiety tonight. I've had major anxiety for more than 10 years now, usually controlled with xanax. First let me say that I do not go to the Dr. unless I'm sure they won't be doing a cheat X-ray. Of course its because I'm sure I must have lung cancer because I've been a smoker for too many years to count. Well, 2 months ago I broke my ankle. Was in a hard cast for a month and then a walking boot for a month. Shortly before I got the hard cast off I began having severe calf pain. I told the ortho dr. About it and he blew it off. It continued and I called back a week or so later, only to be told it was all part of the healing process. Well, I went to start my physical therapy last week and my calf is still painful. The therapist concerned about the calf pain, contacted my doc and got an ultrasound. Sure enough I have a blood clot in my leg. I have an appt. with my go tomorrow, but am terrified he will want a chest X-ray because blood clots in the legs can move to the lungs. Now I'm in a complete state of panic and thinking of cancelling my appointment. Ive taken 1.5 mg of xanax so far tonight and still beside myself. Please help
Terrified of lung cancer: Hi, new poster... - Anxiety Support
Terrified of lung cancer

Do you have history of Deep Vain Thrombosis ?

No, just this one. And it's in a superficial vein
Imlate, everything gets exaggerated in our thinking when we have anxiety disorder, the clot in your leg is clearly due to the foot injury you had recently and it will be resolved quickly now it's been discovered. If you don't want a chest x ray you don't have to have one but I doubt if your doctor would want to give you one anyway, in fact I'm certain your doctor won't.
Anxiety can't drive you crazy but you'd have to be crazy not to go to that doctors appointment tomorrow.
Now about your lungs, there's absolutely no reason to believe you have lung cancer, that fear is due to your anxiety and nothing else. In fact do have a chest x ray as it will give you some reassurance. Smoking does increase your chances of getting lung cancer but it doesn't mean you will get it. I smoked for over 50 years and got a cough that wouldn't go away, I had an x ray and felt just like you do now, but the result was clear and so will yours be, mind you I haven't smoked a cigarette since (though I do vape).
So what I'm saying is there's nothing to worry about, it's all bloody anxiety disorder, they will sort out the clot in your calf and you'll be good as new, so chill out, calm down, You're doing fine, as someone else said: you can call off the plans for You're funeral😀
Google is the enemy... never Google your symptoms

The 11th Commandment for people with anxiety is "Thou shalt not Google. Call MD."
Save your heart. Save your lungs and save your leg.
Now chill. Please.
Go to your doctor and have the exrays or what other tests need to be done. That clot can move and possible lung cancer will no longer be a concern, because you won't be here.
The absolute limit my MD rx for my xanax is 3mg in 24 hours. 1mg in a.m.,1mg in evening, and 1 or 2 of the .5mg to be used ONLY if I have a severe break through and can't function. I weigh about 120 lb.
It took a long while for us to determine the most effective way to use xanax with my body chemistry. So not recommending anything....except for you to call the rx Doctor and ask what to do about your anxiety and meds.
My PTSD anxiety could probably carry you and yours to your doctor and back. I would gladly trade it for your fear of lung cancer, because something can be done about lung cancer.
Hey, I know you're freaking out. But really, the worst fear is not knowing. Tomorrow you'll get some answers. Let the people in this venue know how its goes tomorrow, Ok?
Thank you all for your encouragement. I did go to my dr. Appt. and learned that the blood clot in my leg is not life threatening. I am beginning aspirin therapy. My blood pressure was predictably high, (159/98)and was prescribed metoprolol. I know the blood pressure issue was due to anxiety, so I'm going to monitor it for a few days before I start taking drugs for it. You were correct when you said they probably wouldn't even ask for a chest X-ray. My Dr. told me I needed to relax because my anxiety is unwarranted and it was causing him anxiey! Lol. So, for the moment I feel much more in control. Thanks again for your help, it's comforting to know I'm not alone