Hey guys I been suffering from blood pressure being high I been taking for 2 years 10mg bysoltic it’s a beta blocker and blood pressure pill. I been walking and jogging for three days now and eating healthy. Like today I had a banana for breakfast water and for lunch grill chicken salad with no salt at all I got home to measure my blood pressure it was 143/92. Even this morning waking up it was 141/91. I don’t get it. Please someone with good advice could help me I’m doing my best to eat healthy and make right choices for myself. My friends and family say it’s not that high to be worried so I don’t know I’m confused need you guys help thanks!!
Does anyone have high pressure here? - Anxiety Support
Does anyone have high pressure here?

I think it may take more than three days to make a real difference. Maybe ask your doctor for a plan and ask how long it will take to see changes in your bp.
Hi Vitonyc, I also have/had high blood pressure. I've been on a beta blocker for several years now. As long as you are anxious it will show higher numbers at times. With taking medication, it doesn't stay at that level. Blood Pressure fluctuates throughout the day. Before taking your pressure, it is best to take it after you have been at rest from walking or doing anything strenuous for at least 10 minutes. Both feet planted on the floor, do not cross your legs. Rest your arm on a table that is approximately the height of your heart when sitting. outstretch both arms. NOW you are ready to take your pressure. I would bet it will be a lower reading. The reading you got was only showing you that you were still a little anxious... Let me know another reading after you have been relaxed one day...Working on your meditation or relaxation along with deep breathing will significantly lower the pressure as well. Salt as you know is the #1 enemy of high blood pressure. Let me know if you have any other concerns. Take care my friend.
Agora you’re the best!!! Thank you for always looking out! I will let you know how it goes but I’m definitely making a life changing for me to be more healthy. My eating habits were getting out of hand. But again it’s still fresh for it to start coming down. But I will definitely let you know how it goes. Thank you again my friend 😁
Hi Vitonyc
Congratulations on your lifestyle changes to help manage high blood pressure (BP) and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. There are no quick fixes - just as your BP crept up it will take a while for it to go down. You will certainly be feeling better.
The medical name for persistently high BP is hypertension
There is no ‘normal’ or ‘ideal’ BP reading. The following figures should only be used as a guide: •
•optimal <120/<80
•normal 120-129/80-84
•high-normal 130-139/85-89
•mild hypertension 140-159/90-99
•moderate hypertension 160-179/100-109
•severe hypertension ≥180/≥110
Your BP changes to meet your body’s needs so when exercising your blood pressure increases to meet the demand for more oxygen in your muscles. Over time your BP should return to your normal resting rate which can It is affected by various factors, including body position, breathing, emotional state, other medications and sleep.
If your BP remains high for you, definitely return for a visit to your doctor.
Thank you so much blackcat this really helped me also. But yes your right it’s going to take time. But I will bring it down and choose this healthy life style. I’m going tomorrow to figure out what he wants me to do next because I been on these medications for also two years and i feel like now they aren’t working. But we shall see but I will still do my morning walks/ jogs. I will keep everyone updated. Hopefully I can get it back down fingers crossed 🤞 thank you again this helped a lot to know it’s not high enough to end up in the hospital.
I have spikes which make me feel very ill. They rushed me to er one day as it was so high. Of course it was high normal by the time they took it in hospital and i was sent home with bp monitor. ....its scary and of course adds to anxiety