Yesterday arvo I felt a little anxious then my blood pressure went sky high . 200/110 . Heart skipping jumping short of breath then bang this horrific headache beyond words . I ended up ringing 000 they arrived and I was screaming with pain . I was taken to ER they suspected bleed on the brain . After 8 hours I got a bed . After a few hours they said I could stay or go home as headache subsided and bp was good . As we got to the car the headache came back with a vengeance so I went back inside . They then did a CT of the brain and that was clear . Came home at 2.30 am slept well but every time I walk my head thumps. They did talk about panic attacks and migrain . Does anyone else get this head pain and I mean horrific pain ??
Massive headache : Yesterday arvo I felt a... - Anxiety Support
Massive headache

I get migraines but they never have me screaming crying..hope all is well
Jodz, I am so sorry you experienced this horrific head pain. I know what you mean. There was a time that I experienced headaches some were tension some were migraines and some were kneeling on the floor screaming type headaches. Horrific pain. I thought they may be Cluster Headaches since those were the worse pain you can get. I would set up an appointment with a Neurologist for a complete workup. The ER determined it is not a catastrophic event but you need help with what you are going through. Saying possible panic attack and migraine still doesn't cut the pain level. I understand Jodz. With the pain came the high b/p as well from the fear of it all. The doctor may give you a medication to prevent these headaches in the first place. Head thumps with every step you take certainly sounds like a migraine type head pain. Good Luck in feeling better soon.
Angora1 worst thing I experienced . Yes I will see my dr next week and see what other tests I can have and also a bp monitor . Thanx for your support x
Jodz, I wish you well with your appointment next week. As for myself, I believe hormones played a part in it as well as food products with MSG. It seemed to dilate the blood vessels causing excruciating screaming pain. I totally understand. Let us know the update. Good Luck dear. xx
Sounds like one of many Panic attack symptoms but I should also demand an MRI and FULL blood check. Just to calm down..
Had a CT of head and blood works, they came back clear . But now I'm having shocking head pain at times
CT is not MRI...did they use contrast...I guess not...
No but they where happy with it . Seeing my Dr next week
I had the same thing for 2 years...I passed out for milliseconds in fullblown panic attacks..every day every hour...the headaches were out of this world. I refused to accept doctors diagnose. Thought I had an unlocated tumour. Just to get that thought of my mind they eventually gave me an MRI as well...came out clear of course. All well now thanks to major life style changes. This was the short story..i have been and seen hell..never again.