Just a quick question I have tried a lot of different antidepressants which none really work for me...I have been doing some research on a certain antidepressant so if I ask the doctor if I could try it do you think he will let me?
Can you choose your antidepressants? - Anxiety Support
Can you choose your antidepressants?

That depends on your doctor and what he thinks i asked my doctor if i could go on xanax and he said no lmao so i said alright bye felicia all seriousness it truly depends the doctors normally have your best interest in mind when deciding what medication to put you on such as if you have a drug addiction he isnt gonna give you opioids for pain relief as youll just get hooked on them so again ask your docotor if he says no ask him why and if you dont think that reason is good enough explain why you think it will work and hell reply with an answer in what he thinks of the drug
Yeah I want to try lamotrigine because I've had depersonalisation and derealization for 12 years and I heard this can do wonders for it...I'm really excited to try it and hope he will give it to me 😊
Wow you have Depersonalization/derealization for 12 years non stop without a break? Did it come out of nowhere? I had it for 7 months and it feels like a damn eternity of pure hell
Yes I've had it non stop no break! I started to have panic attacks and bad anxiety when I was 24 and then it came on 😯
Oh man and never left? Not even when you were not having the anxiety and panic? This sucks. This is the worse thing that could happen to anyone. I started on Effexor 6 weeks ago which is helping with anxiety but not doing anything to the Depersonalization/derealization. I also take Xanax and that seems to help some of the Dp/dr symptoms but not enough. It really sucks
I chose the one I wanted to start (celexa little over a month now) and my sis chose hers cause a few hadnt worked for her (prozac) and shes been doing great on it for years.
In my experience my psychiatrist wants my input regarding meds. But the decision essentially lies with them for reasons of safety more than anything. Best of luck. 💜