Has anyone take Mirtazapine alongside Setraline. I have been prescribed both, but on searching Google its not a good combination. Any feedback appreciated
Mixing antidepressants: Has anyone take... - Anxiety Support
Mixing antidepressants

I was told I had to do 2 weeks cold turkey from mirtazapine before I could start sertraline.
Hi Arlene99 after reading kenster's response, please stay safe and question
taking both of them together. xx
I asked the question & was told it would b fine to combine the 2, but after doing a bit of searching online (which maybe I shouldnt) I don't like what I'm reading & a bit afraid to mix the 2 drugs of the same nature. So I'm thinking I will just stick with the increased dose of Mirt for a while longer & give it a chance to improve my mood. Thanks for getting back to me x
Hi I've been on 15 mg of mitazpine iam sleeping and eating ok but not helping with anxiety. Dunno sud I go up to 30 mg any advice be great thank you x
I started off on 15mg then up to 30 now on 45 mg, but still not doing great hence the reason my GP wanted me to start on Setraline alongside the Mirt, but was concerned about taking 2 antidepressants together……hence the reason for my initial post.
Going up to 30mg might just do the trick for u tho……it’s worth a try.
The good thing about Mirt that I found was that it didn’t give u many bad side effect. Hope this helps 😊😊
Hi some phyciatrists don't seem to look at the effects which I found out many years ago. I suffer low salt he put me on Lexapro and it says can lower sodium levels so I didn't know I ended up in hospital dangerous levels low salt iv never had another antidepresent again u should be able to trust your health provider he knew I had low salt . Also on o setraline do not drink on them it says that so please be careful as alcohol increases it affect
Thanks for ur reply, I’m just unsure about what to do……I know they r the medical experts……but sometimes u still have to question what they r prescribing x
Go on what the internet says the phychiatrists arent the best with drugs pharmasists know about drugs ask them they will know but what the other lady said she would have to come off mirtazepine first that's a clue ask a pharmasist