Existential thoughts & detatchment - Anxiety Support

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Existential thoughts & detatchment

shrs3 profile image
14 Replies

Existential thoughts, spaciness, detachment. Who else suffers from these 24/7?

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shrs3 profile image
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14 Replies
Icanbeathis2016 profile image

Yep as we speak. I feel spaced out. It seems like im not all there and my head feels wierd with symptoms. I just feel most of the time like something is wrong inside like im not normal mentally anymore.

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Yea. For me it leads to panic attacks. Its worse when im in the car or not home. Its like ive developed some kind of agoraphobia. I think about how i feel all the time and i feel like it make me worse. Im so detatched emotionally from everyone even my family. Its stopped me from going out because of how spacey and weird i fee

Icanbeathis2016 profile image
Icanbeathis2016 in reply to shrs3

You know what. Its like i think ive developed agoraphobia too. Where i dont want to leave the house but i do get out for the simple fact i have two daughters and im active with them the best i can. But when im home i feel scared too. But when i feel like this when im not home its makes me scared more because i feel like i have to pretend im feeling normal when really i dont feel normal. Mentally i dont feel all there. And i try to act normal in front of my kids and family.

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

EXACTLY. I try to act normal so bad. Ill be in the middle of a panic attack or just discomfort and ill literally just pretend everything's ok. I feel very scared and everything feels so unreal. but i just sit there. I dont have any kids yet but im so afraidnto just because of how bad my detachment and anxiety is.

Icanbeathis2016 profile image
Icanbeathis2016 in reply to shrs3

I understand completely. For me its like my kids help a lot with keeping me distracted but sometimes it doesnt help i feel detached and not all there and like im mentally losing it. And mostly im pretending. Like today i was laying around with my 6 year old and couldn't get over my symptoms mentally and of course i think about death constantly and i just felt detached and when we finally left out the house i felt spaced out while i was driving. I hate it.

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Yea i feel like i shouldnt drive sometimes because of how panicked i am and spaced out. But theres no other way to get around obviously. Like ill feel disconnected and then go into a panic attack where i feel totally unreal and i feel so confused like i just need to escape and get out of my car. Like its so dangerous

Icanbeathis2016 profile image
Icanbeathis2016 in reply to shrs3

Yes i think the same thing like i dont need to be driving being so disconnected. Sometimes i wonder how i even make it to my destination being so detached.

jessicao profile image

I've been feeling this way. I'm always questioning/analysizing how disconnected or connected I am which leads to panic because of course I realize that I feel disconnected. Viscious cycle

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to jessicao

Exactly for me its been a vicious cycle for the past 3 years. It got worse a couple years ago after a bad weed trip😕

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to shrs3

That's when my anxiety first started!! I had a bad high and then anytime I feel out of control of my mind like I did that day, I panic. Totally understand

shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to jessicao

Yea i feel disconnected like that all the time now. I keep thinking like did i mess my brain up

TruthSi72 profile image


I totally understand where you’re all coming from. I used to smoke weed every day of my life for nearly 20 years. I realised after a while that it was numbing me to what was going on in my life. I felt completely detached from everyone, no emotions, nothing. I had panic attacks for many years and made them worse after bonging heavily and taking Acid. I finally gave up when my mother died, I felt weirdly unfazed by the event but I new logically that it was going to affect me so I decided to give up. I did not want to go back insane which I always felt on the edge of doing. I realised that I had to make some changes about the how I lived and thought about my life.

What you’re feeling is common with anxiety and depression.

Firstly, giving up weed is a good start.

Also any coffee, tea and high sugar containing foods as these will only heighten your anxiety levels more. Obviously don’t go overboard as you will find it difficult to give all these up at the same time. If you’re serious about taking control back then just cut down on these things slowly. But the weed and any drugs has to go. No alcoahol too.

You don’t have to do these things but if you want to re-attach yourself to your being and in the world then all these things will keep that feeling of detachment there to a certain degree.

The key here is not to let this mental fitness issue to go any further than it has.

You see, the illusion that anxiety and depression can give is that you feel spaced out and detached, but you feel panicked and anxious so you can’t be detached?

Firstly, make a promise to yourself.

Perhaps write this down somewhere and put it where you can look at it everyday.

Write down a statement of commitment to exactly what you want for yourself and how you want to feel.

Next, I know this may sound a little annoying if you’re not into it but prescribing to a practical five minute morning, mind body connection practice like a body scan, will begin the process of reconnection.

This merely taking some deep breaths to begin and then a period of scanning the body from feet to head, noticing the feelings, blood flow, muscles, twitching that goes on with your body.

With anxiety, if you have an attack. Count your breaths in and out to 10 telling yourself all the time how silly it is to feel this way as it really isn’t anything but your mind playing tricks on you. Keep repeating this to yourself while counting your breaths.

Discover what you triggers are, where do you feel most anxious or panic. What is good no on around you that triggers these states?

Anxiety and panic comes from a learned behaviour, a time when an emotional anchor was created and after that a build up of anxiety that created panic. Our subconscious stores these moments believing they’re something useful to use when you feel fear and puts you in fight or flight but you don’t need that because your not needing to do either of those so you have to change the story that’s being played out in your mind.

This takes effort and a little time but I promise you that these things will halo if you commit yourself to doing them.

I won’t wish you good luck because I know you got this.

Feel free to reach out.


shrs3 profile image
shrs3 in reply to TruthSi72

I dont smoke anymore. I was never a smoker, i was on my way to a concert and i was like ehh why not. I have probably only done it a handful of times before that. So yea i definitly stopped that and i stopped consuming caffeine. I just need go work on my doet and exercise. Its hard to go to a big gym when u have anxiety and worry about other people staring at you and judging you😂 But thanks i will have to try some of these exercises!

TruthSi72 profile image
TruthSi72 in reply to shrs3


Well that's good. As far as exercise goes, you can exercise at home if you feel funny about gyms and people judging you. I exercise at home for the same reasons and it saves money! If you need any exercises let me know and I'll point you to some great ones!

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