4th day of citalopram 20 mg and I'm an emotional mess this evening, been having loss of appetite nausea and hard time sleeping so haven't felt good, my fiance wanted to go out to the bar tonight and I said I didn't know how long I would make it and he made the comment I think I liked it better when you weren't on meds broke my heart now I'm balling like a baby
Emotional mess: 4th day of citalopram 20 mg... - Anxiety Support
Emotional mess

Hi please don't get upset my the silly remark from your fiance.you have only been taking medication for 4 x days and they can take up to 4 weeks to start working.and people often feel a lot worse until they start to kick in.so don't beat yourself up because you didn't feel like going out tonight.so what !!! There will be plenty of nights to go out when you are feeling better.just have to wait until meds kick in .hope you are feeling better again soon.
I tried to bit literally was there for 5 min and felt panicky and sick so he brought me home and went back.... Just feel overwhelmed I guess I know it's going to take time bit it's hard going from severe anxiety trying to get better and feeling sick... can't help but feel like I'm a disappointment..
I know bean there got the tea-shirt ! Severe anxiety is horrible but you will get over it.I was bad for 9 months and very happy now I'm going on 10 day holiday to Spain next Saturday .I still get days when I have some anxiety but I'm not overwhelmed by it ! I just let it wash over me.I've lost my fear of fear as you will do in time.
I just made 3 weeks on 20mg yesterday. A month all together cause I started a week on 10mg. I lost 15lbs since being on it. But my appetite finally came back last week. Sleep got better after the 1st week and I actually went out tonight to the casino which I haven't been in months. Hang in there it does take little time and gets better.