So the last 2 times I had a bowl movement my heart rate sky rocketed!!! First time was to 90 then this time was to 125! I'm so freaked out !! My heart rate is normal 60s-80. Im scared and. Now my chest hurts. Is it anxiety? Or should I be worried.
Tmi post.: So the last 2 times I had a bowl... - Anxiety Support
Tmi post.

Why are you checking your heart rate while pooping?
Good thing you did. burmag
The same thing happens to me. I forgot to ask to doctor when I was there to see him though. Do you know why this happens?
Ive never checked my heart rate but it races like mad when i have BM!! I thought it was just ME!!
Hi Hails314, I know pooping is not everyone's favorite subject but as a surgeon I worked with once said,"if you're plumbing isn't working not much else matters!" So here is what I hope will be some helpful information. It would be interesting to know if you were constipated and straining. This situation can often increase heart rate-which normally should not increase when going to the bathroom. I would mention this to my doctor and figure out why you might be constipated:(if you are); are you on meds that may have this side effect? (Opiods often have severe constipation as a side effect.)or is your diet off? If your heart rate goes this high my suggestion would be to let your doctor know. Maybe you just need a laxative. (Because your heart rate shot up, don't just buy an over-the-counter laxative and take it)The important thing to know is if your heart rate jumps too high it can cause cardiac problems. Straining while trying to have a bowel movement can cause serious cardiac probs. Don't mean to alarm but you should find out why this is happening. (Interesting fact/checkable online! Elvis Presley died this way!'' he was taking drugs which caused constipation as a side effect, and had a cardiac arrest while going to the bathroom. Not that common but something to consider.Let your doctor know all the facts and see what he/she recommends. I'm sure all this makes you feel anxious. Anybody would. But your dr.needs to know this is happening. Especially since you mentioned you're now having some chest pain. Please don't put off informing your doctor. Better safe that sorry. Take care, burmag (Burma)