Is anyone's anxiety so bad they can't be alone? Like can't drive alone or be home alone with my babies. I freak out. Its terrible.
Can't be alone..: Is anyone's anxiety so bad... - Anxiety Support
Can't be alone..

i have health aniexty i was like that when i first started having symptom i always thought something would happen to me i felt like a little kid & my kids was the adults i just invaded there lives i"m grateful that i wasnt a bother to them but i felt like i was i was scared to sleeo by myself afraid to go places even Dr"s appointment i wouldnt go by myself then i realized that my kids was becoming my crutch & i didnt want to do that to them so i started little @ a time doing things alone again once i got it through my head that this was aniexty & it wouldn't kill me
Is it hard ? In scared too even try. Is it like baby steps?
Yeap just like baby step i"m a strong woman i always has been for me to depend on somebody else 24/7 it was like being in jail in a sense i started one day at a time doing something different i slept alone 1 day then i went to the dr the grocery store then the ultimate thing it took so much strenght for me was my trip last week to memphis alone! Bus ride i was afraid but i made it! I"m not saying its going to be easy but u will need support to help cheer u on thats how i did it
I've had it, got diagnosed at 17. I was better for a few years. Then it all got bad last year again. Its like overwhelming.
Last year when my anxiety developed I experienced can't be alone feeling , it was horrid and so out of character for me .
I have a male friend that knew what au was going through and was able to confide all my fears and feelings to him . I went on small dose of amitriptyline which helped this situation straight away ,I slowly got back to some form of normality but it took a few months and wasn't easy but here I am almost back to my normal self . It was like being a frightened child needing to hang on to some one all the time