Benefits of Meditation: Almost two months... - Anxiety Support

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Benefits of Meditation

Labanino profile image
9 Replies

Almost two months since I started practicing meditation and it's been awesome. Previously I had the perception that the whole meditation thing was pure BS but I was totally wrong.

In almost two months my anxiety/panic attacks have been reduced to almost none, zero. Also, one thing I noticed yesterday, the thoughts that often troubled my mind are not hurting me anymore. It felt like we found each other, they(thoughts) looked at me and walked away even when I was expecting a fight.

Every feeling and symptom you have are being caused by the mind, so meditation can help you to do just the opposite using the same mind.

I have been doing an hour a day meditation but I'm planning to do two hours. So, I'm expecting to get even better results.

Today is a cloudy and rainy day and still, I feel awesome! I'm enjoying my coffee and listening some music.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. - Eleanor Roosevelt

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Labanino profile image
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9 Replies
Fidget123 profile image

Hi. Do you use guided meditation I.e YouTube, and do you do the whole 1 hour in a single go. I am trying meditation but it's not coming easily to me at the moment. Do you have an tips

Labanino profile image
Labanino in reply to Fidget123

Yep, in a single go! It's all about controlling your thoughts. You have to control your mind because it is restless. Maybe you got up in the morning and even though you slept 8hrs. you feel tired. This is because your body was resting but your mind doesn't. You are too worried about many things. Is not coming easily? Good! You need to keep trying!

I am no guru but meditation is working for me. Good luck!

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to Labanino

Labanino, not sure that I would agree that meditation is about controlling your thoughts - for me it is more about being able to make the distinction between yourself and your thoughts and being in control of how you respond to thoughts as they arise

this post summarises how I used meditative techniques to deal with intrusive thoughts

Labanino profile image
Labanino in reply to Gambit62

Ok, most of the time doing something simple like focusing on your breath is complicated because your mind start wondering and you have go back to focus on your breathing. So, you have to force yourself to focus and not paying attention to whatever you mind want to think about. Sound like controlling your thoughts to me but hey, I am no guru!

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to Labanino

I would agree that meditation involves not letting your thoughts control you and being able to recognise when that is happening - eg because your mind is wandering but thoughts are generally considered to be things that come and go - what you are doing is chosing how you react to them - either letting them go on down tram tracks - or switching to doing something else.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Fidget123

Hi Figet123, I agree with Labanino in that meditation is the way to go in reducing and ridding yourself of anxious thoughts. It is very healing for the mind. I also practice deep breathing with it. Both of those methods have turned my life around where medication and therapy didn't.

Rather than 1 hour, I use medication before bed at night, first thing upon awakening and mid afternoon. While in bed, I use my headphones. In the afternoon, I type into YouTube "Audio...Meditation/Deep Breathing" 5-10 minute videos. Should I need more than that, there are a number of short videos you can watch.

I hope you give it a try. It is like a cleansing breath and re-energizer. When anxious, we need that respite/escape from the daily stress. This provides it and it's free. :)

Super- profile image

I'm with Fidget223 in my curiosity about how you're doing it. I can't seem to really grasp it, let alone for a whole hour. Always looking for tip to succeed.

Labanino profile image

Youtube is your answer. Just type "Meditation for Anxiety", that's the way I did it. I have spent many, many hours looking and so far in my research meditation is the way to go. You either spend a bunch of money on doctors or just an hour or less meditating. It won't kill you. Good luck!

Do or do not. There is no try! - Master Yoda.

Jmerrick22 profile image

I really think I should try meditation I hear it really works well

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